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Page: 86 of 102
Posted in: I present... the quote-game !!
07-30-2001, 6:23 PM
"You're a wonderful human being" -han solo to jabba swse...  [Read More]
Posted in: Doa2
07-30-2001, 2:01 PM
it would help if you would spell it out completely....  [Read More]
Posted in: My website
07-30-2001, 12:38 PM
*snip* I updated it yesterday. sorta. i just added more pictures. There's some stuff to dload there, like uh, super star wars roms (the whole trilogy), and like uh, a cool at-at gif that angelfire is reluctant to give me back (the ignorant butthea...  [Read More]
Posted in: Galactic Battlegrounds Expansion Summary
07-30-2001, 1:59 PM
btw, i'm an insane falleen, so do have emotions (all emotions except sad ones)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Galactic Battlegrounds Expansion Summary
07-30-2001, 1:58 PM
yeah, Falleen are awesome!!! I am a Falleen, that's why. I was so smart, that i decieved everybody at jedi knight to picture me as a Kubaz everytime they see me! ahahahahahah!!!!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: What was your favourite Star Wars game?
07-30-2001, 3:52 PM
Originally posted by Starnick10287 Anyways what's SOTE? *collapses and dies* *gets revived* ok. SOTE=Shadows of the Empire. That game is awesome (on your first few times completing it)...  [Read More]
Posted in: My website
08-02-2001, 1:39 PM
thank you whoever unbanned me for that false accusation. and to this: thats why you nominated Rhett as an Moderator. Its cos he is doing the site with you! That's not true at all. He hasn't updated the news section on that site in like MONTHS. I'...  [Read More]
Posted in: My website
07-30-2001, 6:39 PM
well, i left some people hanging in suspense. He is the newscaster guy at my website though. (or did i just make it look that way???)...  [Read More]
Posted in: My website
07-30-2001, 5:11 PM
Rhett's my little 15 year old brother, didn't he tell you?...  [Read More]
Posted in: My website
07-30-2001, 3:36 PM
#1 ( it's an awesome site. RHETT GET YOUR BUTT OVER THERE AND UPDATE THE NEWS!!!!!!!!!...  [Read More]
I think obiwan will be funner than The Phantom Menace (a game i'm going off to play right now)...  [Read More]
well, just because everybody hates it, i'm buying an x-box. I think i got enough money saved up for one. I'll be getting Obiwan too, a game that pc gamers will wish came to pc instead of jk2. besides, isn't an xbox the same thing as a computer, it...  [Read More]
Posted in: props to rhett
07-30-2001, 2:00 PM
well, alright. i'm not kubaz. That was only the deception. I am a Falleen. and am cool, btw....  [Read More]
Posted in: Passcode progress?
07-30-2001, 4:12 PM
CMAAAAA-CMIIAAA 12:45-1:08 nothing new found....  [Read More]
Posted in: Passcode progress?
07-30-2001, 3:47 PM
Search started around 12:45+...  [Read More]
I haven't heard or read of the radar equivelent. ATST code of course was in their, but i'm sure they wouldn't have taken the precious time to remove the atst minigame!!!...  [Read More]
Chicken was used in n64 to activate a level where you play as an at-st, and the level is a huge green field with villages on 2 corners, a base (protected by a force field generator), and other small stuff. It's color matches the color in Chandrila. I...  [Read More]
Posted in: Taking over Gerrard V
07-30-2001, 5:32 PM
now use the invasion of gerrard v board as this one ended up being used to explain the meaning of RPG....  [Read More]
Posted in: Taking over Gerrard V
07-30-2001, 5:23 PM
Rogue Leader, you apparently don't know how rpg forums work. We each make up our own character and have the character do stuff, you cannot control someone elses character/s. ok? i'm starting a new topic....  [Read More]
Posted in: Taking over Gerrard V
07-30-2001, 5:15 PM
*out of story* The Tank Droid's name is Impulse, not dirt. */out of story*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Taking over Gerrard V
07-30-2001, 12:17 PM
well, are you going to join in the fight? which side will you take? Empire or Rebels. I'm with the rebels in helping take back gerrard v from the imperials. (note this is after liberation of gerrard v) *A sentinel landing craft appears out of hypers...  [Read More]
Posted in: Invasion of Gerrard V
07-30-2001, 5:24 PM
Character: Character: Rogue15 (aka Kioet Csuhen) Droid: Tank Droid, it's name is Impulse Ship: Sentinel Class Landing Craft Credits: 5000 well, are you going to join in the fight? which side will you take? Empire or Rebels. I'm with the rebels in...  [Read More]
Posted in: WANTED
08-03-2001, 2:55 PM
This is what you'd call a spam thread. This thread doesn't belong in the TECH forum. ok?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Can anybody beat my score?
07-30-2001, 7:27 PM
well...not entirely true. they all can kill the atpts depending on if they go back around for another pass or not. this is how i attack: I destroy the first tank droi in site, then i destroy 2 of the turbolasers on my way to the atat by the atpts....  [Read More]
Posted in: Can anybody beat my score?
07-30-2001, 2:26 PM
yeah that's cause you have to plan it out perfectly in a sequence and go as fast as possible while hitting your target. Then you gotta worry about's hard to believe there's about 100 enemies in the level....  [Read More]
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