I updated it yesterday. sorta. i just added more pictures.
There's some stuff to dload there, like uh, super star wars roms (the whole trilogy), and like uh, a cool at-at gif that angelfire is reluctant to give me back (the ignorant buttheads), and like there's a cool atst sound loop (it doesn't go on forever, so don't get annoyed). so click the link and enjoy your stay.
This message was edited by Sherack Nhar.
I don't notice anything new? What did you change?
I'm sorry Rogue 15, but there's one things that prevent you from posting your website here: it contains ROMs. It's considered illegal, so unless you put them off your site I can't let you post the link.
Awwww, but what if people own the games, or at least used to.
...but I think you need a background, and maybe put it in frames?