oh wait...werent you being a bizattch and saying how we cant do this for everyone??
oh well, i dont even care, i beat you anyway...
good job though :)
Sooo... what purpose does this post serve and why the hell is everyone nominating me for things? :confused:
you are slow, you are a knight...
and id never nominate you for anything id sooner nominate myself for
except an execution by icecubes :p
Right Rhett, you just made 250 posts
i dunno, he's kinda shifty-eyed!!
I nominate Rhett to exicute the Kubaz race!
well, alright. i'm not kubaz. That was only the deception. I am a Falleen. and am cool, btw.
Well, good thing Vader has pretty much destroyed them and saved me the trouble.
he only fried on city, not the whole planet... vader that is...
P.S. anyone else notice that i use this "..." a lot?
so do i...
but no, i didnt notice
they have a word for '...' you know.
pity ive forgotten what it is...
thats the one :) and we were talking about it on friday too. silly me......
friday?!? did some one 'ellipse' you on the head?