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Taking over Gerrard V

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07-30-2001, 2:21 AM
Character: Rogue15 (aka Kioet Csuhen)
Droid: Impulse (my tank droid)
Ship: Sentinel Class Landing Craft
Credits: 5000
07-30-2001, 3:40 AM
One ship, and one droid. Against an entire planet. Gee, I wonder who'd win.

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
07-30-2001, 12:17 PM
well, are you going to join in the fight? which side will you take? Empire or Rebels. I'm with the rebels in helping take back gerrard v from the imperials. (note this is after liberation of gerrard v)

*A sentinel landing craft appears out of hyperspace above the planet, Gerrard V.*

Hey Impulse, we're almost there. Two minutes until we enter the upper atmosphere. hmm... doesn't look like the rogues left us any turrets to worry about...uh oh, we've just been scanned by a star destroyer! I have to find a place to land and quickly.

Over comm channel: By order of the Empire stop your vehicle and await boarding.

Me: DARN! What are we going to do Impulse?

Impulse: ...

Me: Oh, there's a nice spot, right by the ocean in between two canyons. Hopefully we can get to it before that destroyer launches its TIE Interceptors. Ok, we've just entered the lower atmosphere, i've released the landing gear. Well at least we're not being chased by TIEs yet. I guess they've decided to send the stormies down instead. Well, at least they don't know about you. They'll be in for a surpise!

*Sentinel Landing Craft Lands on the surface of Gerrard V*

OK, now that we're on the surface, we'll have to wait around for the others...
07-30-2001, 5:15 PM
*out of story*

The Tank Droid's name is Impulse, not dirt.

*/out of story*
07-30-2001, 5:23 PM
Rogue Leader, you apparently don't know how rpg forums work. We each make up our own character and have the character do stuff, you cannot control someone elses character/s. ok? i'm starting a new topic.
07-30-2001, 5:26 PM
Oy. Some people... PS RL, Rogue9's character is taken

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
07-30-2001, 5:32 PM
now use the invasion of gerrard v board as this one ended up being used to explain the meaning of RPG.
08-04-2001, 6:35 PM
hahahah, fuh-nee. Welcome to conglomerative writing, 15. No one ever goes along your lines... although the battle of the titans is pretty good on so far...

08-04-2001, 9:42 PM
That's because you have to plan it out with other people. Read all three of the finished Messeges episodes for proof that that works.

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
 Red Leader Ace
08-05-2001, 8:59 AM
Can anyone join in with role-playing? Or do have to create a set character first? Just a question from a confused newbie, that's all!
08-05-2001, 9:35 AM
Sure you can join! Anyone can. Just read the first page of a topic to see if it has rules, and follow them if neccessary. If you need help understanding what's going on, just ask.

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
 Red Leader Ace
08-05-2001, 1:37 PM
Thanks Redwing! Is this RPG still running? It looks a good one, but I'll have to think of a character first, they have to be original, right?
08-05-2001, 6:00 PM
Name:Goku Lehisah(first name that popped into my head)
Droid:Modified bounty hunting and Assasin droid.
Ship:Tie Phantom fighter with cloaking device.(2 ion cannon 3 laser cannon)

08-06-2001, 6:41 AM
Originally posted by Red Leader Ace:
Thanks Redwing! Is this RPG still running? It looks a good one, but I'll have to think of a character first, they have to be original, right?

Mostly original. You can use "name" characters as well though, but I'd advise against it. As for this RP, I don't know what's up with it.

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.

[This message has been edited by Redwing (edited August 06, 2001).]
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