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Page: 84 of 102
Posted in: Do Computer Games Cause Violence?..blamed again!!
08-06-2001, 7:11 PM
Originally posted by Jimi-Wan: <STRONG>couple of idiotic, violent, and murderous psychopaths. It's just like people blaming bands for the same thing. This happened to ACDC, i can not live w/ out my ACDC. These people are just dumb, period. S...  [Read More]
ya, i got it. :D...  [Read More]
the first picture is an imperial landing craft taking off, u can actually take a ride on it, but that's not necessary or recommended. The next picture is of the cavern. I recently matted it. I've been working on this level for..uh, since april. tak...  [Read More]  [Read More]
Posted in: The new site design.
08-06-2001, 1:58 PM
yay i'm allowed back in. next time before anybody bans me TELL ME WHAT I'M DOING WRONG. I hate being banned for what seems like 'no reason at all'. If i had banning capabilities at I'd be nice to the members and just edit their post...  [Read More]
Posted in: Which vehicle would you most like to pilot in JKII?
08-06-2001, 7:53 PM
I'd like to know what the insides of an at-at are REALLY like. to be able to walk around inside it, lok out the view port watching the creators of the massive beast run in terror as their weapon has been used against them...ok everybody get out the b...  [Read More]
Posted in: Which vehicle would you most like to pilot in JKII?
08-06-2001, 1:51 PM
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't know what Slave I is? well, i'm not telling you because you'd kill yourself for sounding so stupid. k? Well, i voted for the AT-AT. The speeder bike was already used in sote, so it'd be NOTHING new. AT-AT...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey!
08-06-2001, 2:08 PM
ya, u wanna here something really cool? ( it brings up at-at walking noise, and it sounds like the at-at walker's making it. hehe....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey!
08-06-2001, 1:54 PM
please give me a WARNING next time before you ban me. i would've kindly deleted this thread if some people would've just asked me to....  [Read More]
Posted in: Well, my new avatar is here!
08-06-2001, 3:00 PM
yeah, that pic is from rebellion, it's Garindan's pic. i used Rebed to get it though and image composer to size it just right. wish i could do the same with my animated gif, but unfortunately that's impossible....  [Read More]
Posted in: Well, my new avatar is here!
08-06-2001, 2:42 PM
Mwahahahaha. I am Kubaz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: What......the.....(the title !!)
08-06-2001, 2:40 PM
EEEEEEWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would've been better if they'd just use: Episode II: Invasion of the Clones or Episode II: Assault of the Clones attack of the clones though...well, i admit i like it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Rush Hour 2
08-06-2001, 11:19 AM
I didn't think Jp3 was that bad, heh, i only saw the first 40 minutes of it. (yes i did dload it, only part 1 though, will dload part 2 if i don't see it in theatres soon). From what I got to see though, it was pretty cool, kinda horrorish feeling...  [Read More]
Posted in: Passcode progress?
08-05-2001, 8:48 PM
You know what I hate? Storms. The lightning shut down the electric, therefore chutting down MY computer, which was running roguespy. DARNIT!!!!!!! oh well. I'll have to start over...AARRRRGGHHHHHH. -----...  [Read More]
Posted in: Passcode progress?
08-05-2001, 12:05 PM
off to start the last search with the CAAAAAA-CZZZZZZ. starting with CXBYAAA. ------------------  [Read More]
Posted in: Passcode progress?
08-05-2001, 1:23 AM
ok, i'm almost done with the CAAAAAA-CZZZZZZ I searched from CTPAAAA-CXBYAAA nothing found. waaaaaahhhhh hey, at least i found 4 passcodes amongst the whole list tho! Chippie Credits CNDDOBY (someone ch...  [Read More]
Posted in: IDEA!!!!
08-05-2001, 1:29 AM
Joe, first tell me your cd rom speed. That's why it didn't work last time. If u still have the disk, try it out on one of your friends' computers. I just need your cd rom speed, i'll try to burn mots for you so u can try out the level i've been worki...  [Read More]
Posted in: Episode II game coming to the GCN!!
08-05-2001, 11:55 AM
So, TK, did u order jedi knight yet? there's a swoop mod coming out for it, when u get jedi knight, perhaps we could test it out! ------------------  [Read More]
Posted in: Lonley here, isn't it?
08-05-2001, 2:47 AM
lol i still play rogue squadron on my nintendo 64-when i want a big screen, force feeback, and booming quality speakers (i got my system RIGGED!!!!) pc version accells tho since u get better graphics, framerate, features, camera that doesn't require...  [Read More]
Posted in: Thyferra Mission
08-05-2001, 8:33 PM
ummm...keep trying and instead of trying to beat the level, try to go against the mission directives. If u really want to beat it tho, get the advanced lasers from Taloraan. ------------------ http://w...  [Read More]
Posted in: Can anybody beat my score?
08-07-2001, 2:02 AM
of course u get rain in force commander! u also get dust, snow, lava rain, and more wacky stuff....  [Read More]
Posted in: Can anybody beat my score?
08-06-2001, 2:38 PM
? I thought barkesh was pretty easy. my first times through I failed to save the stupid convoy from the tie bombers. That level reminds me so much of Yavin IV from Force Commander, without the rain. man...  [Read More]
my other favorite mission is Imperial Construction Yards. I LOVE IT!!!!!! They manufacture those AT-ATs and AT-STs there. also there's tie fighters, and it's so cool. good level to use roguearm1.0 in as u can blow up EVERYTHING in site. hehehe. I'd...  [Read More]
I think you mean the most 'memorable' level. Yes, i can remember when i was really wanting to buy it. I remember playing it the week it came out at my friend's house, kile 2 seemed impossible and so did the prison levels thereafter....ahh the memorie...  [Read More]
Posted in: Challenge!!!!!
08-05-2001, 1:25 AM
Getting gold takes 4ever on it! I like all those turrets tho, i can take them out in one sweep (with advanced lasers) heh, my favorite part is that platform FILLED with those cool turbolasers. man, that's sweet. I'd probably suck if i tried the level...  [Read More]
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