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Page: 85 of 102
Posted in: Tesing...
08-04-2001, 2:06 PM
ya, it's the rogue leader intro trailer. i just copied and pasted the code off of ------------------  [Read More]
Posted in: Tesing...
08-04-2001, 2:23 AM
SWEET!!!! it worked!!!!! ahahahahah!!!! *pees pants*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tesing...
08-04-2001, 2:11 AM
<embed SRC="" WIDTH = 512 HEIGHT = 384> <font size = -1> <a href="">...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey!
08-04-2001, 12:42 PM
?????? it starts automatically 4 me. u might need winamp to get it to work...oh well. heh, be happy i didn't post a rogue leader trailer like i did in mwahahahahahah...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey!
08-04-2001, 12:41 AM
mwahahaha <EMBED SRC=" oAAABUFgAAAEOvO2M7dnGUQJvXpRaxA0xTLJdM7g--/R_James_Illogical_Prog.mp3" AUTOPLAY=TRUE>...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey check it out! (nonspam)
08-03-2001, 8:12 PM
#1 allows leeching! signatures prevent it from backfiring an ad at you....  [Read More]
Posted in: 1 0\/\//\/z y00!!!!
08-04-2001, 11:27 PM
I learned that the hard way. :D the html thing. forums are ALOT better. when they get changed u peoples better not mess with the html stuff. i'll have ur head and well, shave it!...  [Read More]
Posted in: 1 0\/\//\/z y00!!!!
08-04-2001, 10:15 AM
well, use netscape, the animated gifs move ALOT faster with it....  [Read More]
Posted in: 1 0\/\//\/z y00!!!!
08-03-2001, 6:18 PM
:D i found it from somewheres, but i couldn't refind the site, and my friend showed me that angelfire does leech, but only in signatures. sooo....i put it in my signature. I'll only use it once or twice per topic tho. here anyways....  [Read More]
Posted in: 1 0\/\//\/z y00!!!!
08-03-2001, 5:08 PM
CHECK OUT THE SIG!!!!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Welcome new Rogue Spies!
08-04-2001, 8:29 PM
Here is your assignment: You have rogue spy, right? Well, reply to this so I can give you your assignment. The first person to reply must search this: FAAAAAA-FZZZZZZZ So, to do this, simply type this in the passcode box: FAAAAAA and wait a few h...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why am I the only one looking for passcodes?
08-04-2001, 8:04 PM
*gasp!!!* *starts singing, 'Who let the vornskrs out!'* who let the vornskrs out! growl growl Who let the vornskrs out! growl growl Who let the vornskrs out! growl growl. ok i stop. No more posting unrelated passcode stuff in this thread, k? ----...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why am I the only one looking for passcodes?
08-03-2001, 9:38 PM
C'mon peoples! run roguespy at night when you're asleep!!!! ------------------  [Read More]
Posted in: 2 new PASSCODES!!!!! \/\/007!!!!
08-04-2001, 1:03 PM
ok. i was right about one thing, the code is really 7 letters, for some reason it adds an extra 3. so really, you'd type in: CRBSIFA but it shows up in the passcode box as SRBSIFAELT... WEIRD!!!! but I found out what it does. It activates the millen...  [Read More]
Posted in: 2 new PASSCODES!!!!! \/\/007!!!!
08-04-2001, 12:59 PM
CRBSIFAELT gets rejected. No wonder, it came up in 10 letter instead of 7...WEIRD! CNDDOBY doesn't do anything that I know of...hmmm......i'll go see if crbsifa works...and see if cnddoby activates the credits or music... ------------------ http:/...  [Read More]
Posted in: 2 new PASSCODES!!!!! \/\/007!!!!
08-04-2001, 12:25 PM
CMIIAAA-CTPAAAA 3 passcodes found, 1 known, 2 unknown: CRBSIFAELT CNDDOBY CREDITS YAHOO!!!!! ------------------  [Read More]
Posted in: *shrugs*
08-04-2001, 8:43 PM
Welcome to the insane side of the force. It's what comes between Dark Side and Light Side. We're all dark jedi around here, you know. We use our powers for both good AND bad (we can't make up our mind, that's why we're insane). ------------------ h...  [Read More]
Posted in: Out of downtime, into Other Worlds.
08-04-2001, 8:39 PM
haha. Downtime is where all the action takes place. altho these other boards are more interesting (strategy for example). So, S1, ever play battle for naboo? I got a link to the demo if u want it. It's pretty fun, you get to ride one of those battl...  [Read More]
Posted in: I vote LYNK for moderator.
08-04-2001, 7:50 PM
I have voted lynk for moderator at the rogue leader forum. ------------------  [Read More]
Posted in: Rogue Leader Trailers
08-04-2001, 8:44 PM
I've seen them all now. I can't wait until they release one for Hoth. haha. ------------------  [Read More]
Posted in: Rogue Leader Trailers
08-03-2001, 3:19 PM
Can somebody post a link to each of them please? ------------------  [Read More]
btw, at-pts only take 4 shots to destroy them from behind, the front part is pretty well armored, but from behind, it's just 3-4 direct laser blasts until it blows, unless of course, you don't have advanced lasers. ------------------ http://www.pla...  [Read More]
SWEET! does anybody know that neat shortcut by the sensor arrays? I got a screenshot of it, it's pretty neat to do, u go right over the canyon. hehe. ------------------  [Read More]
Posted in: Challenge!!!!!
08-03-2001, 8:15 PM
ah, you've reinstalled rogue squadron 3d! good! I think i'll get really good at the level i usually get annoyed the most at, well, almost always. That level is Prisons of Kessel. next i'll try taloraan as i HATE that level with all my heart (cloud ci...  [Read More]
Posted in: Challenge!!!!!
08-03-2001, 3:58 PM
Here's a challenge: Get Rogue Squadron out, and play your WORST level as much as possible and try to keep beating it. Become so good at it that you can beat it over and over. Then when you can beat it 10 times consecutively, post your strategy to be...  [Read More]
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