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Page: 78 of 102
Posted in: who is captain needa, admiral daala and tc-14
09-24-2001, 12:19 PM
look closely at the names. check out's screenshots, u can see different ones, they're on the battle screens in the bottom left or right. They got quite a few, palleon, bane nothos, daltay dofine, etc....  [Read More]
Posted in: WHY ME!!!
10-01-2001, 1:59 AM
darnit why'd u resurrect this piece of trash? got my hopes up for .0000000065 seconds! DARNIT!!!!! ------------------ I came. I saw.  [Read More]
Posted in: What's your favorite scene in empire strikes back?
09-23-2001, 1:05 AM
Mine is the hoth fight scene, especially when darth vader comes in echo base with snowtroopers at his sides. ------------------ I came. I saw.  [Read More]
Posted in: AGH!! DARNIT!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!
10-06-2001, 12:13 AM
this is getting annoying. I want to play mp so bad, i have a cable modem, running off a router, joining a hosted ip game, and like every minute i get 'disconnecting from game' it's so DARNIT annoying!!!! AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! btw, i can run xwa in...  [Read More]
Posted in: Passcode progress?
10-02-2001, 7:53 PM
good, good! Gold Leader EAAAAAA-EZZZZZZ Rogue9 DAAAAAA-DZZZZZZ Redwing AAAAAAA-AZZZZZZ Dark Sad Shadow BAAAAAA-BZZZZZZ RogueEagle OAAAAAA-OZZZZZZ Rogue15 JAAAAAA-JZZZZZZ Blue Leader MAAAAAA-MZZZZZZ Rogue3 OAAAAAA-OZZZZZZ (oops!!!!, sorry, Rogue3! n...  [Read More]
Posted in: Passcode progress?
09-24-2001, 11:54 AM
No!! don't fill it up!!!! it'll take forever if u do that! u search from OAAAAAA (1 O and 7 A's) cause we're searching the 7 lettered codes first! sorry about any confusion. ------------------ I came.  [Read More]
Posted in: PASSCODES
10-02-2001, 8:40 PM
ok, which passcodes have you all found? I've got (i think these are all the ones i found): AAAAFNPDJY AAAABDBOHP CRBSIFAELT CNDDOBY CREDITS Chippie EAAAABUMFU EAAAABYCBA JKQCNMHRCE ------------------ I came.  [Read More]
Posted in: Passcode Searches
10-02-2001, 8:18 PM
Everybody report what scanning areas they've completed, and which ones you're on. Please don't put your passcodes that you've found in this section, they go under the 'Passcodes' topic. this is what i've got so far.. Redwing: AAAAAAA-AZZZZZZ Dark...  [Read More]
Posted in: Reporting for duty sir!!!!!
09-24-2001, 7:13 PM
ok, here's everyone's assignments so far: Gold Leader EAAAAAA-EZZZZZZ Rogue9 DAAAAAA-DZZZZZZ Redwing AAAAAAA-AZZZZZZ Dark Sad Shadow BAAAAAA-BZZZZZZ RogueEagle OAAAAAA-OZZZZZZ Rogue15 JAAAAAA-JZZZZZZ Blue Leader MAAAAAA-MZZZZZZ Rogue3 OAAAAAA-OZZZZZ...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rogue15's Passcode scan progress
09-22-2001, 8:15 PM
JKOJAAA-JPEXAAA 1 passcode found: JKQCNMHRCE don't know what it does, haven't checked it... would be further if it wasn't for the FREAKING STORM!!!!!!!! IT SHUT OFF MY 4 HOUR LONG SEARCH!!!!!!! AAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!! ------------------ I came. http://w...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rogue15's Passcode scan progress
09-21-2001, 1:06 AM
JHRDAAA-JKOJAAA 0 passcodes found... ------------------ I came. I saw. I Invaded.  [Read More]
Posted in: I FOUND A PASSCODE!!!!!!
09-22-2001, 8:13 PM
I found one too!!!!! JKQCNMHRCE of course, it only works with JKQCNMH haven't tested it to make sure tho. ------------------ I came. I saw. http...  [Read More]
Posted in: === REPORT IN ===
09-21-2001, 1:08 AM
Good, Good! Finally there's alot of people scanning for them! ------------------ I came. I saw.  [Read More]
Posted in: What other games do you guys like?
10-02-2001, 9:43 PM
My favorites: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force The rest are irrelevant. oh fine, 1 console game then. Hybrid Heaven....  [Read More]
Posted in: Time to plan the next RP...
10-02-2001, 8:56 PM
ah, good! I'll be Rioet Csuhen. (you killed Kioet, Rioet's a diff person, as he's Falleen and not human). Side: neither level: uninitiated Force Powers: 0 Race: Falleen Weapon(s): Imperial Repeater Rifle, stormtrooper blaster rifle Extra: not real...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is that all?
09-25-2001, 7:33 PM
note how my last post was EXACTLY twenty words long. It is not that hard to do, just be creative. ------------------ I came. I saw.  [Read More]
Posted in: Is that all?
09-24-2001, 8:41 PM
ya, it would be fun to watch, as in watching the thread going waaaaaay off topic and causing alota confusion. ------------------ I came. I saw.  [Read More]
Posted in: Rogue Leader Pics
09-24-2001, 3:57 PM
It's for gamecube, and comes out when gamecube comes out. ------------------ I came. I saw. I Invaded.  [Read More]
Posted in: NEW pics & important info, 2 NEW LEVELS!
10-02-2001, 11:47 AM
hey, if you wanna leach off a site for images, go to ( ! must be jpg format tho. it's easy to use too. ------------------ I came. I saw. http://www.a...  [Read More]
Posted in: tons of new RSII spoiler info
10-02-2001, 11:44 AM
snooz, why don't you bring some of those members over here? I think if we get enough members, i can get on aristotle's (the guy who is in charge of all sites) case and upgrade this forum. It'll have avatars, ranks, etc. an...  [Read More]
Posted in: tons of new RSII spoiler info
10-02-2001, 11:40 AM
ok, the tie advanced is in there, now i'm excited. still unsure of when i'll buy this game. might wait until my bday, as i'll be fully loaded with $$$$$$$. ------------------ I came. I saw. http...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where do i find the new levels
09-21-2001, 2:02 AM
*cracks up laughing* ------------------ I came. I saw. I Invaded.  [Read More]
Posted in: Too fast, unplayable
09-25-2001, 7:25 PM
btw, do you have the rogue squadron upgrade? it MIGHT fix your problem. ------------------ I came. I saw. I Invaded. htt...  [Read More]
Posted in: Too fast, unplayable
09-24-2001, 12:14 PM
well, there's your problem right there, the laptop. i don't know what else could be wrong. sorry i'm not much of a help. ------------------ I came. I saw.  [Read More]
Posted in: Has anybody beaten a level with the atst?
09-24-2001, 8:38 PM
how can u beat HOTH with an atst?! i can't see a single atst being able to take out THREE imperial walkers... hehehe. ------------------ I came. I saw.  [Read More]
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