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Page: 75 of 102
Posted in: Name Change
11-06-2001, 3:41 PM
I'll stick with it until the forums are upgraded....  [Read More]
Posted in: Name Change
11-06-2001, 10:30 AM
sorry, can't give that info away, however, i can say my first name. It's Louis and this is how i made the first name in that: Louis K before L I before O (as in a, e, i, o, and u) O before U (same as above) E before I (same as above) T after S (K...  [Read More]
Posted in: Name Change
11-05-2001, 10:22 PM
i made it up. switched all the letters in my real first and last names, and that is what i got. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Name Change
11-05-2001, 10:08 PM
good for u. :p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Name Change
11-05-2001, 9:02 PM
ya, like that....  [Read More]
Posted in: Name Change
11-05-2001, 7:53 PM
Don't worry, i'll have Rogue15 as my rank when I reach 1,000, and you can all call me that. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Name Change
11-05-2001, 7:20 PM
Since nobody's checking their private messeges i'll post it here. I would like my name to be changed to Kioet Csuhen. Thank you....  [Read More]
Posted in:
11-06-2001, 12:47 PM
i'll only be back if the forums are upgraded......  [Read More]
Posted in:
11-04-2001, 10:40 PM
ok. Now what about the forum upgrade? once the sites are back up, there'll be alot of angry people complaining... (not that i'll be one of them, i just wanna get back to my forums, which is located by clicking the 'home' button in the menubar)...  [Read More]
Posted in:
11-04-2001, 6:07 PM
why is it.....still down?! I'm getting sick of being here and might now be able to control myself any longer due to the all-too-long list of rules. my insanity cannot be contained here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET ME BACK IN MY ROOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Community Policies
11-04-2001, 6:26 PM
well, just incase everyone was wondering...  [Read More]
Posted in: Community Policies
11-04-2001, 6:04 PM
would u consider THIS ( porn?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Whats a Good Jawa name?
11-03-2001, 12:02 AM
Droid Works isn't too bad. I got it for $20. Wimateeka is the only jawa that talks basic, btw. it sounds dumb though....  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle Reports
11-13-2001, 3:22 PM
Against Boba Rhett ------------------- Wins: 0 Losses: 1 ------------------ |Rank: Trainee| Wins:0 Losses: 1...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle Reports
11-13-2001, 2:35 PM
Post your 'wins/losses to' here. example: Against Boba Rhett -------------------- Wins: 0 Losses: 1 if u play the same person again (say a different level/game) then u post the wins losses such as: Against Boba Rhett ------------------- Wins: 1...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Warrior's Table
11-12-2001, 9:23 PM
<u>Kioet Csuhen</u> Rank: Trainee Wins: 0 Losses: 0...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Warrior's Table
11-12-2001, 9:21 PM
Ok, this is how this works: We each post our 'name' we'll use in the competition, we use this thread to sign up, and post our results. ------------------ |Rank: Trainee| Wins:0 Losses: 0...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight Game
11-13-2001, 4:16 PM
the passcodes are: 87 77 ------------------ Feel insane. Go all out. Do the impossible. |Rank: Trainee| Wins:0 Losses: 1...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight Game
11-12-2001, 10:23 PM
#1 It's theed go get the level from the link above please. ------------------ |Rank: Trainee| Wins:0 Losses: 0 [This message has been edited by Rogue15 (edited November 12, 2001).]...  [Read More]
Posted in: RSN
11-13-2001, 4:37 PM
Ok, needs more members/people to play online star wars games. I've set up a few stuff, check it out: Info ( Register (  [Read More]
Posted in: some one help me
11-05-2001, 10:13 PM
where can I obtain wizard of the coast rules?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite crafts?
11-10-2001, 5:31 PM
Speeder: Air: Water: Speeder: Gian Speeder and Heavy Stap (4got about that, it's awesome!!!) Air: Naboo Bomber (it's so awesome!!!!!!) Water: Trade Federation Gunboat (haven't seen swamp speeder yet...) [This message has been edited by Rogue15 (e...  [Read More]
Posted in: Upgrade Status
11-12-2001, 11:36 AM
I've already stopped. The reason for my complaining is cause somewhat spoiled me. didn't realize this 'til yesterday. hehe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Upgrade Status
11-11-2001, 7:47 PM
Kioet Csuhen is me of course. I hope this clears the mist on all your minds. Kioet Csuhen: When is forums being updated? We've been waiting 1 month, 2 weeks, and 1 day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: ***Spoiler***
11-12-2001, 1:11 PM
Slave I is a confirmed flyable ship in Rogue Leader. Thank you, Snooozer for this information. ------------------ There's one of ours, out of the main hangar!...  [Read More]
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