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Page: 73 of 102
Posted in: Battle Reports
12-03-2001, 4:35 PM
so what. if redwing's on tonight, u better be too. get a 3 way battle going. ------------------ |Rank: Trainee| Wins: 3 Losses: 19...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle Reports
12-03-2001, 4:33 PM
Against Rhett ------------------ Wins: 0 Losses: 1 we did imperial throne room, full force, sabers only. he toasted me. i wish i could do that rapid force grip... ------------------ |Rank: Trainee| Wins...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle Reports
12-03-2001, 12:05 PM
i rule with full force, sabers only. gotta love chain lightning, force push, saber throw, force speed, and force jump! next time, i'm going to invest som...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle Reports
12-03-2001, 1:20 AM
Against Redwing ----------------- Wins: 1 Losses: 0 My score: Score: 14, Kills: 14, Deaths: 14, Self-Kills: 0 Redwing's Score: Score: 13, Kills: 14, Deaths: 15, Self-Kills: 1 Level we played was Cloud City He tried using force didn...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle Reports
12-03-2001, 12:04 AM
against redwing --------------- Wins: 1 Losses: 00000000000.0 Scores: Me: score: 17, kills: 22, Deaths: 15, Self-Kills: 5 Redwing: Score: 9, Kills: 11, Deaths: 25, Self-Kills: 2 Reason for the self-kills: Force Pushing off the cliff and into t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle Reports
12-02-2001, 7:24 PM
AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Against Rhett ------------------------------------------- Wins: o Losses: 2 I HATE YOU! j/k first level was tree canopy and the second was imperial fortress. I do better with personalities. Scout rules!! ------------------...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle Reports
12-01-2001, 9:51 PM
Against Rhett -------------- Wins: 0 (too bad i didn't quit when i was ahead!!!) Losses: 1 Score for me: 4 with 4 kills 34 deaths and *gasp* 0 self-kills. ------------------ Empire Reborn! Empire Reborn! Empire Reborn! |Rank: Trainee| Wins: 1...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle Reports
12-01-2001, 8:09 PM
yes, u can count your wins on anything, as long as you're playing AGAINST a HUMAN played and not artificial intelligence of any kind. ------------------ Empire Reborn! Empire Reborn! Empire Reborn! |Ran...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle Reports
11-30-2001, 8:48 PM
Against JED| KNIGHT and Optic Jedi ----------------------------------- Wins: 0 Losses: 1 (stupid concussion rifle!!!!!!!!!!) jed| knight wins, optic jedi is ahead of me, and i lose. agh! o well...i love mots mp better. at least people still play it...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle Reports
11-30-2001, 8:12 PM
oops forgot to add a loss... ------------------ Empire Reborn! Empire Reborn! Empire Reborn! |Rank: Trainee| Wins: 1 Losses: 14...  [Read More]
Posted in: Break out
12-04-2001, 3:49 PM
Kioet Csuhen, Human Former Imperial Commando (shadows of the empire kind), in for hijacking an All Terrain Armored Transport, and assault on its commander and drivers (used stun setting). Skills: stealth and explosives *Kioet quietly studies his...  [Read More]
Posted in: merge error report in behalf of a fellow XWA admin
12-04-2001, 3:54 PM
I checked his last post, (b4 he posted at and it shows that he last posted in july something......  [Read More]
Posted in: difficult problem!
12-04-2001, 11:53 AM
the damage is already done, u should've been on last least i *think* the damage has been done....  [Read More]
Posted in: Operation Save The Smileys
12-04-2001, 12:22 AM
that at-pt one is so cool! :D  [Read More]
Posted in: Operation Save The Smileys
12-04-2001, 12:04 AM
don't destroy the missile boat!!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lost messages and signature
12-04-2001, 12:24 AM
this is what Aristotle said at The final changes have been made to the forum database, and there should be no more deleted threads or downtime. We had to import the rest of the network forums and that resulted in having to use a backup data...  [Read More]
Posted in: question
12-03-2001, 9:51 PM
only thing that's not changing for me is the rank. i'm stuck with Jedi Master....  [Read More]
Posted in: question
12-03-2001, 8:51 PM
thanks for your time. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: question
12-03-2001, 8:40 PM
ok, thank you. wait, i want my rank title changed, not my username....  [Read More]
Posted in: question
12-03-2001, 8:29 PM
how come i can't change my rank? is it cause i'm a mod? (i'm guessing that's it) I moderate the passcode forum at rogue squadron. If it's ok, could my rank be changed to 'Force Commander'? p.s. congratulations on getting so many forums up at once!...  [Read More]
same here. also I'd like to change my rank from jedi master to 'Force Commander', if that's ok....  [Read More]
Posted in: Post counts
12-03-2001, 7:59 PM
my post count b4 the upgrade was: 3473. it won't matter if u change it or not though....  [Read More]
Posted in: Post counts
12-03-2001, 7:40 PM
I noticed that the post count at of boba rhett is only 3, he had alot more posts than that. also, i noticed a number of posts missing from today and yesterday. kinda weird. bermuda triangle weird. :p my post count stayed though.....  [Read More]
Posted in: Gold medals
12-01-2001, 2:44 AM
YES!!! I got a gold medal on escape from theed!! bfn doesn't black out on me anymore! that medal was hard to get, i like had to FLY through the level. it's so awesome! ------------------ Empire Reborn!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Quest for Passcodes
12-01-2001, 2:19 AM
this could go in the passcode forum... i don't know any codes, i've only played the rogue leader demo.....  [Read More]
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