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who is captain needa, admiral daala and tc-14

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09-22-2001, 7:27 AM
who are these people, i am pretty sure they are heros. In the pc gamer on the scrren shots there names at at the bottom right on corner along with han solo
09-22-2001, 11:26 AM
i think the tc-14 is a rebel fighter it looks kinda like a X-wing but with the wings closed
 xwing guy
09-22-2001, 12:32 PM
No TC-14 is the sliver driod that meet Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon on the TF battleship.
09-22-2001, 12:34 PM
o yeah i remember the droid that looks like C3-PO but silver
 Young David
09-22-2001, 1:36 PM
Needa is one of the captains killed by Darth Vader in ESB.
Daala is the female admiral who protected the Maul installation with the DS Prototype and Sun Chrusher (read the Jedi Academy Trilogy for this)
 xwing guy
09-22-2001, 1:42 PM
You mean the maw installation. Its named that b/c Grand Moff Tarkin set it up in the maw, which is a cluster of black holes in the Kessel system.
 Young David
09-22-2001, 2:34 PM
Maw installiation yeah ... 's been a long time.

A Maul installation is for producing Sith Lords
09-22-2001, 8:49 PM
why would they put in TC-14
 Captain Fett
09-22-2001, 11:32 PM
09-23-2001, 10:36 AM
What do u mean:confused:
09-23-2001, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by dr_death
who is captain needa, admiral daala and tc-14
who are these people, i am pretty sure they are heros. In the pc gamer on the scrren shots there names at at the bottom right on corner along with han solo

What?!??!!?!? are you saying they are in the game?!?!?!?!?:eek:
PC Gamer you say...I have the newest on back to 2 years ago so what issue did you see that in?????:confused:
09-24-2001, 12:19 PM
look closely at the names. check out's screenshots, u can see different ones, they're on the battle screens in the bottom left or right. They got quite a few, palleon, bane nothos, daltay dofine, etc.
 xwing guy
09-24-2001, 3:50 PM
Those are the names of the the players.
09-24-2001, 4:48 PM
it says heros names at the bottom right on corner, i guess tc-14 can collect recorces fast of something???
09-25-2001, 7:32 PM
Maybe TC14 converts units really fast
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