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Eh if you guys dont want it that's fine by me since I dont duel anyways. I was just trying to help you guys avoid this Scroll down for pics posted by UJ. They're on page...  [Read More]
well the nature of a duel SHOULD be different than the nature of a FFA. that's the entire point. so naturally different tactics would be needed. for example a samurai doesnt walk into a room full of armed people and expect the strategies he just used...  [Read More]
A few of us are discussing issues about gameplay right now and I brought up the suggestion of creating separate force powers for the Duel gametype only. This would serve multiple reasons. 1) Keep duelists in Duel servers and off of FFA servers 2) M...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gameplay Suggestions
04-05-2003, 11:01 PM
Nice post Shaft and i agree wholeheartedly. I would LOVE to use my saber as more than a shield. Mindtricking a flag carrier then sneaking up on him and sabering him would be complete and utter ownage, but in order to do this the saber needs to be wha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gameplay Suggestions
04-05-2003, 6:46 PM
Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed For guns that would be cool, just shoot the guy in the back as he's making for his base to cap. But in FF/SO CTF (a widely popular game type since day one) that seems like a very frustrating scenario to me. Gra...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gameplay Suggestions
04-05-2003, 3:20 PM
WOO thanks legion it's great to see that we can get all aspects of varied communities to work together for the betterment of a game. If you need some help or someone to proofread or something just IM me it's in my profile. I'm a college student so i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gameplay Suggestions
04-05-2003, 10:18 AM
God what a retard... you really can tell that pG is all made up of 15 year olds. Can someone delete that post and ban him plz? thanks p.s. just so alot of you guys know we TWLers flame each other ALOT... it's just a joke to us and we never take each...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gameplay Suggestions
04-05-2003, 9:22 AM
Legion my team and I (BF) will help you however we can. I wanna see this game be the best ever and draw on all sorts of crowds. If we talk enough Raven will have no choice but to hear us, and hey, they changed the game once for the worse by listening...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gameplay Suggestions
04-04-2003, 8:13 PM
Yea... it'd probably be better that on the off chance Raven actually checks this thread they'll find constructive ideas instead of pointless flames....  [Read More]
Posted in: Gameplay Suggestions
04-04-2003, 5:03 PM
Yea, I'll have to agree with the rest of the TWL guys here. 1)Pull is really overused and it's effects negate the point of absorb. Pulling can be done continuously and when two defenders couple it with team energize, a flag carrier can be pulled in...  [Read More]
lol the other day i was playing on jedibattlefield jk2++ server and i was just messing around sniping people. then one guy goes "i really hate it when people script their snipes i mean god cant they just get some skill?" so naturally i just...  [Read More]
Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed Very effective? Crap man, imagine as a gunner facing 4 guys who were all using OGC. It was funny before the first round went live one of my guys goes "They are using energize this time". I look over an...  [Read More]
lol it's not even so much the bowing that gets me (normally). i mean when i go to duel servers (which is kinda rare), i still bow if they do. if they dont then i just start attacking. what really pushed me away from dueling was the people that when w...  [Read More]
well rpging and whatever is completely fine as you paid money for the game and you can play it however the hell you want to. the only thing i have with it is when rpgers come to the gametype i play (full force CTF). and call me dishonorable cause i d...  [Read More]
Posted in: What I fear most about JK3
04-03-2003, 12:07 PM
WIEGRAF!!!... i'm addicted to FFT again for like the 7th time... =(...  [Read More]
Posted in: What I fear most about JK3
04-02-2003, 4:53 AM
yea hopefully raven wont make the same mistake twice. we should convince twl, esl, and other sensible communities to voice their opinions and oppose the rpgers that are inevitably gonna whine and try to destroy another great game. i swear the next pe...  [Read More]
Posted in: JK: Jedi Academy Info, Pics and Discussion! (ancient)
03-29-2003, 8:57 PM
well it's been rumored that this game will be on the D3 engine not Q3. also each map is supposed to be able to support 128 (64 vs 64) players.... hope these maps dont become more windy than chicago. also this is an entirely new game not an expansion...  [Read More]
Since I began playing Jedi KnightII: Jedi Outcast, I have been searching for a team that is, of course, skilled but that also strives to create an atmosphere of maturity. I went from team to team looking for a group of people where respect and honor...  [Read More]
Posted in: SCRIPTS here (post & request thread)
10-15-2002, 4:45 AM
skygod snipes? lol i didnt know that......  [Read More]
Posted in: Avatar problem
05-16-2002, 4:36 PM
i noticed that the avatar page has been changed and at the bottom it says "users with more than 0 posts may use their own custom avatar" but it doesnt have a link or anything to do this... how do i use a custom avatar now?...  [Read More]
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