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Latest Threads

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Posted in: MotF Servers
05-15-2003, 4:44 AM
Known Dedicated MotF Servers as of 5/14/03: MotF Server Challenge Servers: Name: Geb's Pad IP: Host: Gebohq Description: Uses standard maps except for Saberdome Barathum, which can be found at  [Read More]
Posted in: The MotF Server Challenge
05-06-2003, 8:59 PM
Ok, we gotta do something about the lack of MotF servers. As such, we are introducing the MotF Server Challenge. Basically, this is a simple concept. In exchange for hosting a dedicated 24/7 MotF server for a given amount of time, we'll put your r...  [Read More]
Posted in: Important Notice about True View and MotF
04-17-2003, 5:12 AM
To clear up what seems to be a common misconception, True View IS OPTIONAL. You can switch to the standard third person with the standard camera switch button (by default P). The MotF manual has information on how to turn down the whirl-n-puke elem...  [Read More]
Posted in: Read Before Posting!!!
04-13-2003, 6:35 PM
Things to keep in mind before posting: 1. MotF is NOT, repeat NOT JediMod, OmniMod, YourMamaMod, etc. While we appreaicate the feedback, we've grown tired of people asking for model scaling, more taunts, etc when they have NO real impact on the game...  [Read More]
Posted in: MotF Website!
04-13-2003, 3:05 AM
Great news! We finally got a website for Masters of the Force. We are proudly hosted by the network. Set your browser to and check it out. Thanks, Razor Ace MotF Team Leader...  [Read More]
Posted in: MotF Website!
04-13-2003, 1:37 AM
Great news! We finally got a website for Masters of the Force (The Jedi Knight 2 Mod)! Set your browser to and check it out!...  [Read More]
Posted in: MotF R3 Beta 3 Released
04-02-2003, 10:51 PM
Ok, the MotF Team has decided to go with semi-open betas. The plan was to have BOFH host a server but I think he's backed out with his lack of communication. Anyway, if anyone is interested in hosting a dedicated server. Please let us know. The...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Beta Server(s) Thread
03-31-2003, 5:49 PM
BOFH has offered to host a beta server of the mod so I'm starting this thread to keep everyone informed about what the heck is going on with the server. The team has talked it over and we've accepted. I'll let people know when it's up and where you c...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Bugs/Problems/Limitations Thread
03-29-2003, 2:19 PM
This is a thread for reporting/discussing known bugs/problems/limitations for MotF. Known Bugs: Dedicated Server Crashing (MotF R3 B3) - Dedicated Servers seem to crash whenever a player is hit by a missile/bolt shot. Until we figure out the proble...  [Read More]
Posted in: Da Ghoul2 Blade Collision Thread
03-19-2003, 9:49 AM
I'm going to be working on the blade collisions for a while so I'll try to keep all the data in one place. Spent day testing the ideal settings for the best blade impacts. I've been playing with the server frame rate (sv_fps) and the attack saber t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where Can I Find MotF?
03-19-2003, 12:32 AM
Please check out the MotF Website ( for the lastest MotF download locations....  [Read More]
Posted in: MotF: Vastly Improved Saber Collision Demo!
03-18-2003, 3:34 AM
Ok, I've got some fresh-from-the-camera demos of the new saber collision system I'm working on. It's in the very early stages but you'll be able to see the improved collisions if you watch carefully. The new saber system is something that you gotta...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ghoul2 Blade Collision Demos
03-18-2003, 3:18 AM
Ok, I've got some fresh-from-the-camera demos of the new saber collision system I'm working on. It's in the very early stages but you'll be able to see the improved collisions if you watch carefully. The new saber system is something that you gotta...  [Read More]
Posted in: Release 2 Comments
03-16-2003, 4:43 AM
Ok, this is the official Release 2 comments thread. Fire away! Release 2 can be found at your local JK2 file site or at  [Read More]
Posted in: Important: Modeller Needed
03-14-2003, 7:46 PM
Ok, as discussed in theCritical Basic Issue with the Saber Collision System ( thread, MotF needs modellers BAD. There is a list of what we need. Important: 1. Saber blade model - for u...  [Read More]
Posted in: Attention Modellers: Important True View Notice
02-23-2003, 3:55 AM
Ok everyone, since True View ( is almost ready, I'm releasing this information so modellers can insure compatibility with True View. Basically, you need two things for True View to work...  [Read More]
Posted in: MotF: True View Screenies
02-04-2003, 5:07 AM
There's some screenshots of the new "True View" first person view for Masters of the Force. It's still in the prototype stage so it still hasn't been implimented for Non-Kyle models yet. Eventually it should work with all models (with a sim...  [Read More]
Posted in: Space Shuttle Explosion
02-01-2003, 1:50 PM
What do you guys think of the space shuttle explosion? While it might seem like terrorism, the chances of terrorists planting a bomb or hitting the shuttle with a missile are basically nil. The shuttle is very carefully weighed since every pound of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Release 1's Easter Egg
01-19-2003, 3:42 PM
For those that are interested, here's how to access Release 1's Easter Egg: 1. Fire up a MP server. 2. Turn on cheat mode (devmap MAPNAME) 3. Toggle on motf_justicezone (motf_justicezone 1) Thus enter The Justice Zone! While in the Zone, no crimes...  [Read More]
Posted in: A Standard Vehicle Pack for JKA?
10-17-2003, 4:17 AM
Me and the rest of the moderators for OJP (Open Jedi Project) ( are considering if we should include vehicles in the project. The pros are that mappers would have a easier time using...  [Read More]
Posted in: The JKA elevators and Bot Routing
10-16-2003, 2:24 AM
Anyone know the best way on how to handle the bot routing for the default elevators? Getting the bots to go up the elevators pretty easy, but it's very hard to get them (the bots) to go down. You can try to have the bots attempt to go down by drop...  [Read More]
I'm starting this thread to have the MotF crew answer direct questions from the public. Please try to keep your questions as specific as possible. In addition, please read the whole freakin' thread before asking a question....  [Read More]
Posted in: Head Smashed in Bot Jump
10-12-2003, 7:37 AM
Is there any way to prevent the bots from attempting to jump in their target's direction whenever they're trying to jump to a jump flaged waypoint? In my tests, they seem to do ok on the jumps if they don't see you. If they see you, they try to move...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP (Open Jedi Project)
09-17-2003, 2:47 AM
I'm bumping the OJP decision over here since OJP is a JKA project. The original thread can be found here ( To continue the discussion, I'm going to suggest that we use SourceForge fo...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Future of MotF
09-06-2003, 9:56 AM
Well, JKA is just around the corner and it's probably time to start talking the possibility of doing a "port" or redo of MotF in JKA. I'm up for it. But that's assuming that the promised engine fixes have in fact been fixed. However, I t...  [Read More]
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