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Siege sounds awsome... you can just see a load of jedi charging a wall, the players on top firing guns, then as the opposing team force jumps onto the wall, they draw their sabers and hack them to pieces... mmm... [Read More]
what would be neat if instead of having 1 "turning point" you could have several chances to change sides. For example if you go to the darkside a boss you fight could be Kyle. He could attempt to tempt you back to the light. If you go light... [Read More]
I have some q.s about the "create a jedi" thing. Not really aimed at anyone just speculation. Some have already been answered (The press release said you could choose your hilt) Can you- 1) Use it in MP AS WELL AS, normal and classic mode... [Read More]
Yes. This mod is just about perfect. Words cannot describe it. Everything seems to be much smoother as well. Some features not really mentioned much I like.. the cvar that allows a cut to the leg to knock you over. increasing the saber split cvar s... [Read More]
Omnimod.. ugh. Highly praised by the fools who live at JK2files... and umm all those "cool" thing are from the original jedimod. Which forcemod is based on.... [Read More]
Awsome mod! Would it work in SP do you think? The weapon effects (especially the lightsabres) are superb. The effects when hitting is very movie like as is the behaviour of the guns. The new camera view is very nice as is the back-flipping and cartwh... [Read More]
Originally posted by Shadriss Essentially, you're correct. My point was that the force user enemies should not abound as they did in the base game. It wouldn't fit with the time period. Using one or two as major opponants (boss characters) would be... [Read More]
Many people will disagree. The only way to completely avoid EU is to watch the films and nothing else- and a lot of EU has crept into the films too. All star wars games are mostly EU. JK2 especially. I have to say I don't like some of the EU authors... [Read More]
If your going to have saber fights- make it one big one. Yes in JK2 there was lots but mainly because it was cool and the plot demanded it. This is set around Ep1/Ep 2 I'm guessing. You could have 1 dark jedi I suppose, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE not h... [Read More]
This is probably wrong. It probably won't get a reply though so who cares eh? :D Anywhere I can find these files now? Quigons links are broken. Thanks!... [Read More]
Raven can't do THIS Make the community like the original JK community. No people going on about RPGers and how much they hate them No people whining about those who like to use the saber off=peace rule No people whining about people who whine No... [Read More]