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Posted in: Skills screwed up???
09-13-2011, 3:34 AM
So I built my own Feat mod. There's a mod that removes all pre-set feats at character creation and gives them as free feat slots for the player to choose, i think that's a better way as i find your feat allocation arbitrary. About skills, i don't p...  [Read More]
Posted in: KotOR1 Restoration Mod
09-03-2011, 2:57 AM
Wow, quite a few things in that list. About the level cap thing; i worry that with all that content restored the characters will start hitting the level cap even before the Leviathan (not to mention if installed alongside BOS:SR)... if you can't ch...  [Read More]
Posted in: KotOR1 Restoration Mod
08-29-2011, 3:26 AM
Is there a list somewhere of the cut content you're restoring? Also, what about the level cap?...  [Read More]
Posted in: NPC's/TPc's loot drop question
08-27-2011, 1:37 AM
I have a question about a specific utc file in K1 (although i'm not sure if his happens for other creatures in the game as well): ok, so i'm trying to edit the utc file of the sith governor on Taris, you know, that guy you fight at the end of the sit...  [Read More]
Posted in: NPC's/TPc's loot drop question
08-16-2011, 5:17 AM
All right i'll check that, thanks again Kael'thas Solo. As a side note... no wonder the game's so easy (not the whole reason, but it must surely be a factor); almost all the enemies have nothing else but their weapon equiped. No more. Armors, belts,...  [Read More]
Posted in: NPC's/TPc's loot drop question
08-15-2011, 4:57 AM
Probably a super noob question but, why some npc's drop armor/body items (which they had equipped) after death, (like Davik) and others don't? I've been messing around with the tpc files with kotor tool and found that, while most creatures don't actu...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL/WIP]
09-08-2011, 5:43 AM
First version of Exile's robe look promising, but some of the companion textures need a little 'pimping', namely Dukaan's robe and Sila's clothing (around the giganormous cleavage). :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL/WIP]
09-05-2011, 2:48 AM
There was one thread where the guys were talking about remaking the game engine, which Jae Onasi swiftly responded and locked the thread. ( Hmmm... a shame. Although, it didn't look so promising; th...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL/WIP]
09-03-2011, 11:47 PM
Porting is illegal and will keep sites from allowing you to upload the mod to their site and could even lock you from discussing a porting mod in certain forums,... This would include lucasforums, deadlystreams, kotorfiles, moddb, - Ok, but why is...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL/WIP]
09-03-2011, 2:23 AM
^Lol, why the butthurt? Of course, no one's going to sue you/him/us. :rolleyes:...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL/WIP]
09-03-2011, 1:48 AM
Story looks good so far. :) (...) at the cost of Revan's life. Sounds interesting. :thmbup1: You do realize that's porting then, and you can't use it, right? Why, who's gonna care? and how is it different than any other form of modding?...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL/WIP]
08-26-2011, 2:37 AM
^Not a last name but a middle name uh? that's very bubble burstingly indeed :P...  [Read More]
Posted in: Capibara's wip's
09-13-2011, 3:57 AM
I've been making some variations of alien npc's (nothing too fancy, of course), and would like your opinions on the matter, since i don't really have a use for these in my mod, i'm thinking they could be useful to some of you guys out there making ne...  [Read More]
Posted in: Capibara's wip's
09-09-2011, 6:53 AM
Thanks. :) (Btw, jonathan7, love your 'character start up changes' mod! :thmbup1:)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Capibara's wip's
09-08-2011, 7:19 AM
Finished the Dark Masters (now they'll have new, custom appearance along with new stats and names, instead of the happy color generic fillers they were before): Darth Carious: Pimped the robe texture a bit more:  [Read More]
Posted in: Capibara's wip's
08-27-2011, 1:51 AM
Well the texture size has to be increased/decreased in powers of 2. For example, most of the smallest kotor textures are 64x64, which can be increased to 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, and so on (though 1024 should really be the biggest - anything else I...  [Read More]
Posted in: Capibara's wip's
08-27-2011, 1:06 AM
Thanks for the comments. Sort of. When you add texture, it's best to size the .tga image up. Do this before you add the texture and when you finish do not scale it back. This way your texture will show up much nicer in-game. Note that this doesn't a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Capibara's wip's
08-26-2011, 4:53 AM
Please elaborate (if you don't mind), i'm no artist, i just learned a bunch from tutorials here + what little PS-using i knew before. :P EDIT: ok, so i thought about it and i think i see what you meant; use a resized base, apply the new texture work...  [Read More]
Posted in: Capibara's wip's
08-26-2011, 4:42 AM
I'm not sure what you mean... you mean if i have reworked the textures to be of higher-res than default?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Capibara's wip's
08-26-2011, 4:31 AM
Some more screenies; Robes: After much editing the white robe ended up like this (not so white anymore): ( Exar Kun's light battle robe a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Newbiemodder's Mods - TSL
09-08-2011, 5:26 AM
Looks good, but it kinda looks too clean as well; ruin walls should be darker and dustier (just my 2 cents)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Dantooine Tension
09-08-2011, 5:36 AM
Impressive! really nice....  [Read More]
Posted in: Dantooine Tension
09-06-2011, 1:33 AM
All right, here's what i got; you can report the guy's luggage as a security threat, it gets destroyed, and then you can... bully him some more? or is there some other purpose/point to the situation?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dantooine Tension
09-06-2011, 1:18 AM
Looks good, but it's hard to tell without knowing what the sub-quest is about :confused:...  [Read More]
Posted in: [tsl] KOTOR: Revenge of Revan
09-08-2011, 6:55 AM
Every single time I attempt to put a mod in my override folder a message pops up that says 'Unauthorised Access can not be changed" or something along these lines. This is with a fairly average computer that runs Windows 7, any advise is much a...  [Read More]
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