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Mr. Shadow

Latest Posts

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Posted in: What's your Wallpaper? (56k ouchies)
 Mr. Shadow
11-02-2009, 3:30 PM
#1243 ( Just a little wallpaper I made in PS....  [Read More]
Posted in: Crixler's Saber Pack 2 Develpment Thread
 Mr. Shadow
02-01-2010, 1:05 AM
Hmm, they look nice, though I was expecting a hilt pack :lol:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rate this image.
 Mr. Shadow
01-11-2010, 1:41 PM
Dead on, Astor. ;) Thanks for all the comments guys! Edit: Hey guys, I made some new ones today, here they are. Hope you like! (  [Read More]
Posted in: Rate this image.
 Mr. Shadow
01-11-2010, 1:30 AM
Heya guys, I just made a wallpaper for myself, and I was wondering what people think about it. Feel free to use it if you want. (  [Read More]
Posted in: Varsity's Trayus Academy Rank Reformation Mod
 Mr. Shadow
10-30-2009, 6:29 PM
Sounds very cool, can't wait for it to be released....  [Read More]
Posted in: High-Resolution Coruscant Textures
 Mr. Shadow
10-25-2009, 8:07 PM
Very cool. Insta-download. It's little tweaks like these that make the game seem so much more complete....  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about new character screen.
 Mr. Shadow
10-25-2009, 3:57 AM
Thanks! I actually knew those were there, I just didn't think they would change the names in the new character screen. :P...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about new character screen.
 Mr. Shadow
10-24-2009, 4:49 PM
Okay, but the only I can find in the dialog.tlk about it is the description....  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about new character screen.
 Mr. Shadow
10-24-2009, 3:38 AM
I've checked in the dialog.tlk. I can't see anything about the names in there....  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about new character screen.
 Mr. Shadow
10-24-2009, 12:20 AM
Does anyone know how to change the name and descriptions in the new character screen for TSL? I need it for a little mod I'm making....  [Read More]
Posted in: K1 Axxila; Coruscant, but inside-out
 Mr. Shadow
10-19-2009, 2:40 PM
A little outcrop thing for a turbolift that allows you to go down either to the building inside or the city floor (Like the one on the Telos polar plateau in K2). I agree that a droid greeter would be a good idea. Also add some containers, lockers, e...  [Read More]
Posted in: Anyone up to making some VOs?
 Mr. Shadow
10-19-2009, 10:14 PM
Okay cool, just send a little sample over to me through PM, and I'll then send you a few lines....  [Read More]
Posted in: Anyone up to making some VOs?
 Mr. Shadow
10-19-2009, 1:31 PM
Galactic Basic IS english pretty much. Yeah, if you could do that, that would be cool....  [Read More]
Posted in: Anyone up to making some VOs?
 Mr. Shadow
10-18-2009, 6:56 PM
I need some for a male Twi'lek speaking "galactic basic". And possibly some for a droid...  [Read More]
Posted in: Anyone up to making some VOs?
 Mr. Shadow
10-18-2009, 5:25 PM
Anyone up to making some VOs for a mod? Just send me a PM with some examples of work you've done. (Please move to the right section in necessary. Thanks!)...  [Read More]
Posted in: KotOR Tool - Slight problem
 Mr. Shadow
10-12-2009, 7:45 PM
Aweeesommeeee. I never knew you could do this. BTW, instead of hitting an "Open" button in File, hit open GFF file. I'm off to go mod custom UTIs :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL_Restored_Content_mod vers1.4
 Mr. Shadow
03-08-2010, 10:35 PM
Hey guys, I like TSLRCM, and want to know if you guys would like some HD, 60 FPS recording :) Just message me if you do. Edit: I mean for, trailers and stuff....  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL_Restored_Content_mod vers1.4
 Mr. Shadow
10-31-2009, 9:24 PM
I have a problem concerning the HK Factory quest. I talked to HK about the sonic imprinter and have encountered 3 HK squads, and have also got the cutscene where he tortures the HK-50. However though i have no idea how to get to the factory. I've tal...  [Read More]
Awesome! This mod has a permanent spot in my override. Great job on the mod....  [Read More]
Posted in: Varsity/Venom Trando PC mod
 Mr. Shadow
06-12-2009, 10:40 PM
I've had this installed for about a week, it's a very nice mod! Though I haven't used for a playthrough yet, I probably will very soon....  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge
 Mr. Shadow
06-20-2009, 8:13 PM
Very cool mod! I haven't gotten past the Korriban Wastes yet, but I'll probably play some tonight....  [Read More]
Posted in: [tsl] KOTOR: Revenge of Revan
 Mr. Shadow
06-03-2009, 2:00 AM
I've read over some of the thread, looks good so far! I will certainly download this when released. Keep up the good work. :thmbup1:...  [Read More]
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