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Posted in: Getting to know each other
11-04-2007, 11:36 AM
Welcome, and have a great time, Deke Shosy, Uilleand....  [Read More]
Posted in: Getting to know each other
10-11-2007, 10:37 PM
Alright then. I'll be sure to mind my manners...and not to spam. Just kidding! I'm not a spammer! :xp: And thanks lukeiamyourdad....  [Read More]
Posted in: Getting to know each other
10-11-2007, 10:16 PM
*Rubs shoulder* Ouch. Thanks Boba Rhett! :) Well, whats not to like? I dunno...just my first experience on forums. People who like Star Wars, KotOR, modifications, fan fiction, roleplaying, and wonderful people. Heh. Guess your right....  [Read More]
Posted in: Getting to know each other
10-11-2007, 9:44 PM
Welcome Meowster!! Thanks! I think I'm gonna like it here....  [Read More]
Posted in: Strongest Enemy
11-04-2007, 10:58 AM
Darth Malak-- Or at least he used to be. When I first played I was a non-offencive Smuggler, turned Sentinal. I had to struggle, GREATLY to get him down to 1 health. Then he had to suck up the life of the Jedi,and then got myself creamed. I have nev...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's the most obscure game you've ever played?
11-02-2007, 7:40 AM
What is the most obscuregame I've played? Easy. Bluebird's Illusion. [[Unless your a die-hard Fullmetal Alchemist fan, you won't know what it is ]]...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Jolee Turns Into a Yoda Species
10-20-2007, 4:17 PM
Hey Shem! I think its a great mod...and I agree with what Qliveur said, that Kristy Kistic might know how to fix it. Either way, its very interisting to watch Jolee as a yoda-person now. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Neverwinter Nights
10-13-2007, 10:41 PM
Meowster, if the game doesn't involve complex political intrigue and lots of psychological angst and moral ambiguity, Devon doesn't like it, so that his opinion for what it's worth. :xp: I'll be sure to remember that, Jae. :p Depends on the camp...  [Read More]
Posted in: Neverwinter Nights
10-13-2007, 12:51 PM
Wow! So, what exactly is a campaign? Just, whenever I hear campaign, I think of Age of Empires/ Mythology. So I'm supposing campaigns are just differant storylines, which you get through the expansion? Thankfully the NWN1 campaign is just a very sm...  [Read More]
Posted in: Neverwinter Nights
10-13-2007, 12:31 AM
Heh-heh. Yes, that sounds like a relatively simple plot. It actually sounds vaguely similar to Fable...both with simple plots, the incompatent good-guys and stuff... And well, I think Bioware is a great company but...I happen to love with what Obsid...  [Read More]
Posted in: Neverwinter Nights
10-12-2007, 11:54 PM
Really? Well the bid is set for now, my large bid for Oblivion was out-bidded yet again...from all of the Wal-marts I've been at there was only the second one. Or maybe it was just sold out whenever I visited? Well, without giving away spoilers, is...  [Read More]
Posted in: Neverwinter Nights
10-12-2007, 11:18 PM
Aah. Thanks for the advice. I think though I would try it first without the expansion....just for a feel of it. It uses the d20 system correct? NWN is a great game. The original campaign by BioWare, however, is very poorly written and populated wit...  [Read More]
Posted in: Neverwinter Nights
10-12-2007, 8:21 PM
Greetings everyone. Well, from what I've seen using the 'search' that Neverwinter Nights is a well known game around here. So I looked up some info on it and found that it looked pretty good, and wondered about what other people recommended/thought...  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP] K1 - Darth Malak Skin Pack
11-02-2007, 6:38 AM
Yeah, I'd like to know about the progress as well......  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP] K1 - Darth Malak Skin Pack
10-12-2007, 11:27 PM
I agree with everyone else as well. Great reskin so far!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow - Expansion Pack
10-15-2007, 12:35 AM
I've had some issue's with mod... The Rodian whom you meet on Korriban looks like a red-haired woman in her underwear, and the Tech Duro looks like a Caucasian Twi'lek... I'm pretty sure its a mod conflict wiith appearence.2da with the Holowan plugi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow - Expansion Pack
10-11-2007, 8:16 PM
First off, Wow! One of the best mods I've ever played! I really like Matilda, and like listening to her conversations. The whole Orion ship was exhilerating, that Mandolorian merchant supposed to sell you anything? Either way, the only...  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP] TSL New Weapons
10-28-2007, 7:01 PM
O_O Wonderful model's Master Zionosis! Those are really good... -waits silently as I wait for MZ's computer to work-...  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP] TSL New Weapons
10-17-2007, 2:31 PM
WoW Master Zionosis! These new weapon models look great! They almost make me want to get WoW myself...of course, I'm way to cheap to pay the monthly fee. :p...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Coruscant - Jedi Temple
10-13-2007, 1:12 PM
I really liked the mod as well. It was well implimated to the story, and so much fun! Thank you for this wonderful mod...  [Read More]
^^^^^ I'd like all of the mods that Kristy was asking for too....  [Read More]
Both of those can be found on our very own KotORFiles on Filefront.;41139;73066...  [Read More]
I was wondering if anyone had the Scoundrel outfit from the Holowon Plugin v.2 for K1. Also, does anyone have MECKs Insidious Plot? edit: I would like: Manaan Fish Fest Slaughter The Council Shores of Death as well....  [Read More]
Posted in: What you'd like in KOTOR III..
10-27-2007, 4:12 PM
I agree as well! what would I want in K3? Definately more character customization...why can't I be Twi'lek, Zabrak, or Rodian? And handedness...while it may seem extreme to some...I would want at least some of my characters to be identical....  [Read More]
Posted in: Where can I find mods?
10-21-2007, 10:26 PM
Ahem, sorry if this is bumping, but... Mjpb3's ( ) website isn't working. As this is the last post in this thread I wish to repeat. Just an FYI to everyone, this thread isn't the place to ask for links to mods. This thread...  [Read More]
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