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Daft Adidas

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Page: 21 of 25
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
 Daft Adidas
01-17-2007, 3:13 AM
Damien wento his marked bed and went to sleep with a disturbance in the force....  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
 Daft Adidas
01-16-2007, 4:32 PM
"Who's he?" "How do you know him?" "Does he run a party!" "Forget don't tell me let's do the scary mission coz i'm ready for any thing!"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
 Daft Adidas
01-16-2007, 12:44 PM
"Maybe we should try and get more than one droid eh?" asked Damien. "Maybe" replied Zakk as that was who he was talking to. "If we can find the parts that is if not then we'll just go." Damien was still thinking of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
 Daft Adidas
01-16-2007, 11:20 AM
Earlier. Damien got up and Zakk aided him. "You alright?" "Yes I sense he's dangerous." "Most likely a mercenary of some sort, maybe a bounty hunter." Zakk replied. They went back to the ship....  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
 Daft Adidas
01-16-2007, 3:26 AM
Damien was climbing a junk heap and saw a funnyy fellow watching us and he could sense evil in him he jumped infront of him with both sabers ignited....  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
 Daft Adidas
01-15-2007, 5:02 PM
"Wow time passed by quick." Damien also came back into his trance....  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
 Daft Adidas
01-15-2007, 4:46 PM
Damien could sense that Zakk was troubled. "Zakk buddy?" "You okay?" "If it's something so so amazingly bad and horrible you can tell me." Suprisingly you could always trust Damien despite that he was a bit mental, he...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
 Daft Adidas
01-15-2007, 4:35 PM
Damien stayed in his seat for a few moments and got up. That Goren was a quiet guy. "Oh well this is a big ship and I should explore." He looked at Zakk and thought. "I might do that later, looks fun." JA-TI made a mechanc...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
 Daft Adidas
01-15-2007, 4:07 PM
"I will not pester him to me he his now a friend even though me may not like me" Damien strangley added. Some of the other must be thing two minutes ago you was bout to kill him and now he's your best friend? Damien sat beside Zaak and he...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
 Daft Adidas
01-15-2007, 3:55 PM
"Oh come on we don't want to fall out whe nwe're about to go on a big mission do we?" "Come on Jarra i sense you are a kind wookie."...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
 Daft Adidas
01-15-2007, 3:50 PM
"I don't like to make enemies" said Damien if "Ask Zakk and I am a jedi have been for five years." "I'm sorry." Now let's be friends Jarra....  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
 Daft Adidas
01-15-2007, 3:41 PM
Damien ignited his lightsabers and put them inches from Jaara's neck. "I wouldn't be cheecky If I was you wookie!"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
 Daft Adidas
01-15-2007, 3:30 PM
"Do we go together are we splitting up?" "I don't wanna spilt up!"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
 Daft Adidas
01-15-2007, 3:19 PM
Damien came along and saw a large gathering of Jedi. "A party!!!" "Am I in??" Am I?" They all looked at him and shook their heads. "It's not a party is it?" "We're going on a mission!" they all said...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Of Darkness: Discussion/Recruitment
 Daft Adidas
01-15-2007, 2:54 PM
ok i'll join! He he! Name: Barko Real Name: Damien Bark (boy) Age: 17 Homeworld: Coruscant Attributes: - STR: 27 - DEX: 19 - CON:22 - INT: 20 - WIS: 28 - CHR:25 Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Dark Brown Description: A funny Jedi with good sense of h...  [Read More]
He flew up higher and as he expected a lightsaber flew up skimming is arm. "Ahh!" He threw some detonators down and it hit one of the Jedi but not killing them. Then he dropped an invisibomb but the force sensitive Jedi could felel it...  [Read More]
Joe arrived at the Temple and peered throug the door of the meditation room. "Sitting Ducks" he whispered to himself. He was just about the trow in a time bomb and lock the door when a ligthsaber ignited behind him. He fired several shots...  [Read More]
Joe and his gang heard about different happenings between Jedi and Sith and thne he met a sith who he didn't know his name or age or anything ujus that he was a sith and he wanted some Jedi dead and he was heading for Coruscant to break in the Jedi t...  [Read More]
i dout you ws being sracastic but no more of that. Yes a ground capital ship good idea as a post. :)...  [Read More]
yes. that's the way you can learn about the game and play with all the weapons and how to use them. Carboard maybe not coz this is Star Wars and it would probably be holoimages or fake droids....  [Read More]
yeh i'm a sniper three second later i'm a heavy machine gunner taking everyone down all you gotta do switch guns it would be dumb....  [Read More]
yes that's more like it....  [Read More]
yes! You spend practically the whole time as a hero if you picj them each time it's comes up! Unless you die as soon a you spwn as a hero!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront III - Supah Thread! [Retired]
 Daft Adidas
01-16-2007, 12:30 PM
Fett you get better and better! Good ideas everyone!...  [Read More]
oh i'm thick lol anyway yeh Ion Cannons would be cool....  [Read More]
Page: 21 of 25