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Daft Adidas

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Page: 20 of 25
Posted in: Beta Anartes: R&P
 Daft Adidas
01-20-2007, 8:54 AM
Dart Heros was sitting in a cave which was "his" secret base. Two droids came in. "Clones have been spotted from the mountains shall we take fire?" "Yes any Jedi?" asked Heros curiously. "Not yet sir but we're...  [Read More]
((One of you will have to pick me to be your assisant. Thanks)) A few hours later he set of for Coruscant and went to the guards. "I'm the new assistant for the Jedi Jacen Yelos" he lied. "I'll let you in go to the third top floor t...  [Read More]
He parked outside the Sith's house and said to him. "I forgot something." "What?" asked the impatient sith. "Killing you...." He stabbed the sith and shot him in the head and the sith crumpled. (Don't worry again...  [Read More]
"Neva i'm home!" "I've decided I don't like you going around killing people!" "It's great money Neva i got a thousand today from a sith!" "A sith?" "There enemies to the Rebublic!" "We were...  [Read More]
"I got one" said Joe proudly to the sith. "Proove it" he said. He showed the sith a lightsaber and some spits of blood on it. "They're dead and in a few days i'm going back for more." "Good" replied the...  [Read More]
((ok i'll edit..)) He did not know the name of the Sith yet as he only me thim last week and this guy had alot of money....  [Read More]
The bounty hunter flew as far as he could and he looked back and could see the Jedi behind him staring out the window and one threw a saber and he blasted at it but it carried on towards him and he dogded it. It flew back and fell into that same Je...  [Read More]
"I'm just a bounty hunter and I need credits you spiteful Jedi now move!" Joe fired some shots but the Jedi called Hethra blocked it back almost hitting him. He planted a charge on the floor and it exploded causing smoke and he jumped i...  [Read More]
((JM12 No problem i'll move. :))) He just managed to grab the lightsabe rand hit the floor hard he got up and rnan the Jedi wallking? after him. The Jedi's seemed calm....  [Read More]
He took a plunge taking of the pads and dared to grab the dead Jedi's lightsaber....  [Read More]
well yes Jason, because I said i was spying on you in the meditation room and then another Jedi tried to kill my char and I said you came out but you've carried on talking! Joe fired a few more shots down killing the first Jedi who attacked him. (...  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm sure C3PO knows Obi Wan!
 Daft Adidas
01-17-2007, 12:10 PM
I think he's was hiding it but he knew and oh try not revive therads, I should know....  [Read More]
lol, hmm well i hate weapons heating up! Reloading is ok every weapon should have to reload apart from sabres ect but heating up just gets on my nerves....  [Read More]
i don't use mods i just like the game but it could di with a few better thigns done to it that's why we're here....  [Read More]
?? Ok wingmen would be ok but land to space battles? What the?...  [Read More]
Yeh and even if they wanted to die they could by deathsticks....  [Read More]
lol yeh i guess so, well that's down the drain gee it's hard to think of good SWBF2 ideas without changing to another game. You have to keep it SWBF2ish....  [Read More]
Oh my god Newfie good idea. I just killed a few Droids on the streets of Coruscant and there are normal people, walking/running about and also low/high flying aircraft of normal people and you can hijack them. :D Well done Newfie!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront III - Supah Thread! [Retired]
 Daft Adidas
01-19-2007, 12:55 PM
lol ok no more bad spelling i promise. :D back to topic more ideas?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront III - Supah Thread! [Retired]
 Daft Adidas
01-19-2007, 12:12 PM
ibut i;ve been eating cake. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront III - Supah Thread! [Retired]
 Daft Adidas
01-19-2007, 10:52 AM
yes if your in ab ig frenzy and some guys being splattered. "Hey mate i'll help you!" There gonna shoto at you if it takes thiry seconds so maybe five to ten."...  [Read More]
yes, like other people in BF2 give some to you but you never give some to them, unless you die, lol!...  [Read More]
yes the only decent teamwork stuff is where they give you ammo or health that's it! More teamwork!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront III - Supah Thread! [Retired]
 Daft Adidas
01-18-2007, 12:07 PM
a commander of some sort leading other grunts and telling them go here and there....  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront III - Supah Thread! [Retired]
 Daft Adidas
01-18-2007, 11:23 AM
yes i sort of mentioned that Relenzo but yeh it would be totally cool!...  [Read More]
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