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Daft Adidas

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Page: 19 of 25
Posted in: Beta Anartes: R&P
 Daft Adidas
01-21-2007, 12:11 PM
"Wait droids follow me i sense they are near the weapons factory they might enter and blow it up!" He turned left and ran up a hill....  [Read More]
Posted in: Beta Anartes: R&P
 Daft Adidas
01-21-2007, 11:35 AM
"Lord Heros here is your elite squad of doroids." "Now get back to battle I heard so far were winning." "Riger, roger." Heros ignited his red lightsaber and ran out of the cave followed by two supers and five elite...  [Read More]
Posted in: Beta Anartes: R&P
 Daft Adidas
01-21-2007, 9:05 AM
"Nice shot T-42 oh well done you got that FI make sure out Aircraft dosn't get blown up" shouted the droid in command. "Hey you report back to Lord Heros and tell him the news!"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Beta Anartes: R&P
 Daft Adidas
01-21-2007, 6:47 AM
A few hours later two super battle dorids came into Heros's cave. "We have spotted two Jedi getting off speeders, what do you want us to do?" "Get me a squad of droids i'll need them i'm attacking them myself. Up in the mountains...  [Read More]
Posted in: Beta Anartes: R&P
 Daft Adidas
01-20-2007, 5:37 PM
((I just made another character)) T-42 ran up the hills with the rest of his squad and he usedd his sniper rifle to look down on the clones and hit one. The clones scrambled and the snipers looked up and found them. The droids could hear shouting...  [Read More]
The jedi he was talking to then said. "The fool jumped out of the window so the Council needs to fix this palce up he blew a hole in the floor as well so people ave to watch it on the fifth floor."...  [Read More]
Joe felt nervous so he asked a questio neh already knew. "What was this "attack like?" "Bounty Hunter probably" said one Jedi. "Still one person was killed and the guy stole his lightsaber!" "Oh dear i'm...  [Read More]
((good we're back on track)) One Jedi said to him. "Not everyone is here, a while ago there was an attack and some of the Jedi are recovering also one is pregant. "I heard don't mind i'll wait." He sat down on a bench and waited fo...  [Read More]
(( thanks good idea Alkonium, sorry everyone i'll go back.))...  [Read More]
((oh sorry won't do that again! er no more mistakes sorry foor messing it all up we'll just pretend that Komad landed a few days later if not well.... you think of something.))...  [Read More]
((sorry don't know what your trying to say just someone pick me and we could have no more mistakes.))...  [Read More]
((I know just hoping that he may be able to be an assiatnt well i'll just stick to normal Jedi for Joe to be their assistant)) Joe spoke first. "Hi i'm Jacen so who's assistant am I going toi be then?"...  [Read More]
Posted in: AVPVT (Discussion & Recruitment)
 Daft Adidas
01-20-2007, 9:42 AM
Well few more charrys you say i hope i can join. Name: Model 560 Nickname: Xeco Gender: Male Programming Species: Android General Appearance: Mainly human form with red eyes and one metal arm. Eye Color: Red Hair Color: Dark, dark black Height: 7 t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Which star wars game you think is the BEST!
 Daft Adidas
01-20-2007, 3:17 PM
hmm to be honest i love SW but havn't bought KOTOR but i might get it for the PC probably ROTS the game is brilliant....  [Read More]
like thisBOOM! Anyway back to ideas....  [Read More]
how did you make BOOM! so big? Yeh cool dea....  [Read More]
maybe not sure on that one....  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront III - Supah Thread! [Retired]
 Daft Adidas
01-21-2007, 11:31 AM
lo yeh nice one Relenzo. :D...  [Read More]
only on Mustafar though and er if it' sunny you are a bit slower coz your hot and sweaty!...  [Read More]
yeah random would be cool though!...  [Read More]
hurricanes would be cool but silly but we kind of already have that, on Kamino it rains, Mygeeto it's snows, Tatooine sunny ect....  [Read More]
hmmm. maybe i dunno i don't think two battles would be going on at the same time and hyperspace in Battlefront is just isn't right....  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront III - Supah Thread! [Retired]
 Daft Adidas
01-20-2007, 12:55 PM
yeh i read that but hadn't signed up yet and someone thought that KOTOR was a card game ^___^ anyway yeah and er the difference between space and land is stupid, land is easy! Space is gard they shoudl be fairly equal or before you play it asks. Ea...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront III - Supah Thread! [Retired]
 Daft Adidas
01-20-2007, 12:05 PM
yeah they do heat up fast! lol" :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront III - Supah Thread! [Retired]
 Daft Adidas
01-20-2007, 10:50 AM
hmm but this is Star Wars super technology? Well maybe not SO MUCH heating up just a bit less....  [Read More]
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