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I think it's going to become a matter of these other groups taking the approach that once you've legalized gay marriage, you've opened the floodgates to the others. Besides, depending on how liberally you define "child", the minimum legal a... [Read More]
a few articles: [Read More]
Given who's making the choice here, I'm guessing this will be about as good as it gets. She's not a far left knee-jerk liberal, but she's likely not all that moderate either. Her selling point seems to be that she is at least willing to see the other... [Read More]
Reading Avery's enlightening post on the topic, I have decided that all nations must impose their own uniforms for all citizenry to wear in public, when, in using public services, they are furthering a national duty for the common good of the people.... [Read More]
Flip side of all this is do some of you people that think it's unreasonable to "ban a burqa" in a western country think it's ok for westerners to force their cultural norms on the saudis or other muslim countries? Should those govts be forc... [Read More]
I think that in her home, she can wear whatever she wants (or her husband permits, perhaps). However, where do you stand on things like getting her ID (driver's license, passport, etc...) in that manner of dress?... [Read More]
Not sure how to explain that better than I already have if you had bothered to read my posts. Cute. Could say the same of you since you 2x inferred something that was never said in any of mine. Besides, no need to put 'em on welfare, let them find... [Read More]
Was only answering your questions. You've stated multiple times your own position in the mistaken asumption that I was accusing you of thinking that they didn't need to know/learn it at all. Hence comments like this: So what do we do, put legal immig... [Read More]
Which card? The one where you felt I said you or someone else said they shouldn't? Frankly, you're the one that assumed I was singling people here out as saying that, when I pointed out that I hadn't. I was quite clear that I was spelling out my own... [Read More]
Again, show me where I stated that? If they can read english well enough to drive then they are either "functional illiterates" or illiteracy is a red herring. Not sure what you're driving at otherwise. As to whether non-english speakers sh... [Read More]
Don't know about you, but I don't expect people to immediately become fluent in their new language overnight. Doesn't absolve them of the responsibility to learn it. We're not talking transients (including tourists), either (though they too should le... [Read More]
Well, wonder who talked him into that. IIRC he has a penchant for being quite stubborn. Good riddance to him, but I understand your sentiment, Astor.... [Read More]
So, now that the Tories have the edge in seats over Labour, how long do think it will take either to emerge w/a "victorious" coalition? Also, what effect do you expect to see on US-UK relations?... [Read More]
You do now.......but it's in a location no man wants to go as well......your mind. :xp: I wish Ozzy could take his Crazy Train to outer space (and not just via satellite).... [Read More]
Hey hey hey...keep me out of your sick perverted fantasies, ya freak.:eyes8: I wish this administration would pull a Jonestown or Hale Bop exit and leave us alone. :devsmoke:... [Read More]
Yeah, and it smells like ass......your ass. :devsmoke: I wish someone would substitute the screenplay for Reservoir Dogs for one of Obama's teleprompter speech and he'd read it for at least 2 minutes before realizing he'd been had.... [Read More]
Granted, but now the Count is slapping you for holding out on him too. I wish I got a healthy cut of the residuals from the last Batman movie as well as Iron man and its upcoming sequel.... [Read More]
Granted, but Ed's firend is Eric Holder and he has you put on ice as payback. I wish that garofolo, obermann, michael moore and bill maher were banished into a jail like General Zod and his flunkies. Never to darken the doors of civilization ever ag... [Read More]
Ah, good. A new mod for when I eventually go back and revisit Kotor. YB was Kotor's Boba Fett......a minor charachter that still managed to stand out for a lot of players.... [Read More]