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Well, many blogsites aren't much better. It's no doubt partly due to the freedom anonymity brings to people who'd otherwise probably just keep their mouths shut.... [Read More]
Joy. I'll still be doing my best to reduce Labour's majority. Of course, for those who are tired of the Election already, there's always the brilliant Slapometer ( :p Wish we had one of those for US pols. Then everytime... [Read More]
Maybe at one point they gave you all dossiers right away allowing you to pick freely in what order you wanted to recruit anyone. Just speculation... but everyone does seem to have dialog interjection for all parts of the game. :) Guess I took you to... [Read More]
Originally Posted by Astrotoy7 what is this? 'lost dialogue?' Not so much "lost", just legacy interjections for party members like Legion and Tali in early parts of the game where you don't normally have them available. As stoffe said ea... [Read More]
Has anyone else tried using the ME2 SaveEditor to alter your party choices? Saw a vid or two on YT and tried it w/Tali and Legion on Omega on the recruit mission for Mordin. If you do it, though, you may want to edit out the party member when it come... [Read More]
Are there differences in Cluster/System/Planet names in the different versions of the game? Such as between the PC version and the 360 version? So far on the list i can't seem to find one system and 2-3 planets. I haven't done Horizon yet though.... [Read More]
lolz.. must be a Tali fan to disrespect our beloved Kasumi in such a manner. :D mtfbwya Nah, I'm non-denominational in that regard. :xp:... [Read More]
lolz... alot of people begrudging the cost of the DLC seem to live in a fantasy world, of which the DLC Unicorn is Lord. It's one thing to be a conscientious objector, but another to live in delusion. EA in NEVER going to give us 2 characters for $... [Read More]
As regards Kasumi and pricing, if they included several extra crew members (maybe her+ 2 more, not trying to be really greedy), then perhaps $7 wouldn't seem like such a gouge. Afterall, the game cost $40 to $70 +/- and already includes up to 9 or 10... [Read More]
Was a bit disappointed w/Zaeed, too. His appearance was a little garish for my taste and there wasn't any real conversation option beyond him basically saying..."check this out....." whenever you highlighted something in the closet where he... [Read More]
That's pretty much the only voluntary mini-game anyway isn't it, aside from the Varren pit fights (and there's not much "game" to that)? The only other thing that would come under the heading of "mini-game" is the decoding stuff,... [Read More]
I think he means Tuchanka, killing the monkeys. OK, the Omega part threw me. I initially wondered just how far that varren was going to follow you, but figured probably just w/in the camp or maybe as far as the shuttle. As for the pyjaks, the first... [Read More]
Only mini-games I recall are the ones you need to either open doors/safes and hack terminals or datapads. I'm going to guess that's what he's referring to.... [Read More]
That was sorta funny. As to the whole completionist thing......guess it depends on how loosely you define the term or how aggressive your playing style is. Took me about 51 hours. Part b/c mining the planets w/probes often seemed to take forever, I s... [Read More]
Well, I'm going to have to ruin that wish by saying no. However, b/c I know that's almost too cruel to bear, he instead spontaneously combusts on air after ranting about Bush yet again. Bad for the chimp, but msnbc gets it's best rating spike in hist... [Read More]
Buckle up, for tomato devil and his mini-me promise to conquer the entire eastern African nation with giant spandex wearing barest giraffes. That's what happened when Hitler's ghost arose from his deep grave and screamed, "Salt Jedi shall not be... [Read More]