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jedi jim 1989

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Posted in: Console Version
 jedi jim 1989
10-14-2006, 1:59 PM
they can and do make them work (game developers in general) but i think its a bad idea they made age of empires 2 for ps2 and it was horrible...  [Read More]
Posted in: -Capital Ships-
 jedi jim 1989
10-10-2006, 10:44 AM
id like an imp star to b able to go toe to toe with any enemy cap ship and have no trouble taking it out, but in any game you need balance. personly i feel that if a game doent have balance then its not fun for the simple fact that its to easy or to...  [Read More]
Posted in: FoC: The Small Mod
 jedi jim 1989
10-12-2006, 11:42 AM
i like the mod, its kool, and there will be some bugs, i mean he can only mod whats possible. i just wanna say great mod and thanks for sharing it with us...  [Read More]
Posted in: FoC: The Small Mod
 jedi jim 1989
10-07-2006, 2:09 PM
ok u said dont use tyber in space, but what about when you must corrupt mandalore, you must use him in space, or does it work then?...  [Read More]
Posted in: a question for the devs
 jedi jim 1989
10-07-2006, 3:05 PM
thanks, i best start saving :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: a question for the devs
 jedi jim 1989
10-06-2006, 12:26 PM
sorry to bother you again, but i was just wondering if you could recomen any 3d model design programs, i am currently using wings 3d but i was looking to get a new one, or maybe buy one. could you recomend one? thanks in advance and sorry to keep ask...  [Read More]
Posted in: Demo Thread! (First impressions)
 jedi jim 1989
10-06-2006, 3:31 AM
i think the demo is great, but as mentioned, its a bit short, i love the units and the infantry only terrain was kool. and the venator isnt a new imp ship, and i also dont think that it will be an empire unit, it was a mandalorian ship (not made by t...  [Read More]
Posted in: thank you devs
 jedi jim 1989
10-06-2006, 3:25 AM
thanks torpid, and by the way, ive just played the demo, and i think its GREAT. i cant wait for the full version, keep up the good work...  [Read More]
Posted in: thank you devs
 jedi jim 1989
10-05-2006, 6:12 PM
i cant wait for the demo, but like on the prequals thing, it doesnt have to be exactly like it, and back to topic, its really cool that we can talk to the devs p.s. one more question, im currently in the uk and studying at college, i want to go int...  [Read More]
Posted in: thank you devs
 jedi jim 1989
10-05-2006, 9:24 AM
i second that statement, and also, i just wanted to ask the devs, would you enjoy making a clone wars version? i no its up to lucasartsa and that but what do you think personly?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Noghri
 jedi jim 1989
10-17-2006, 3:58 AM
lol yea they failed but it wouldnt be very good if they did kill her, and it reminds me of austin powers, where they leave him to die with no one there and assume everything goes to plan. but yea point tken they couldnt kill her BUT at kasshyk there...  [Read More]
Posted in: Noghri
 jedi jim 1989
10-16-2006, 4:14 AM
the noghri should be kool. i remember in the books that they are brilliant assasins, they tried to kill leia multiple times. there planet was ruined by a space battle in the clone wars, and only a small patch of land is habitable. when ol darth n pal...  [Read More]
Posted in: Foc demo to be on fileplanet?
 jedi jim 1989
10-05-2006, 7:04 PM
i cant wait to get it, but i live in the uk and i think its not released till miday over here, or somethign around that time, meanin ive gotta wait till i get back from college...  [Read More]
Posted in: New IGN FoC videos
 jedi jim 1989
09-27-2006, 3:52 PM
thanks for the link. the vids were a bit short but they were cool. the only thing i dont like is that the underworld does seem a bit over powered, but i suppose thhats for the vids, and balancing is still going on...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mon Calamari Frigate
 jedi jim 1989
10-04-2006, 2:35 PM
well im reading the eu books, at the moment im readin dark saber which is 8 and a half years after ep 6, and they are still trying to rebuild the new republic, the mon calamarians are still making war ships for them, and the new republic (the rebels...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mon Calamari Frigate
 jedi jim 1989
10-02-2006, 4:33 AM
the arc hammer is in between the size of a vic and imp star 1, its load out of weapons is the same as a victory, but it has an added concusion missile launcher. i wont be using it in battle, but atleast i know if they get through my lines that it can...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mon Calamari Frigate
 jedi jim 1989
09-29-2006, 1:44 PM
thats all well and good, but top me its just not the rebels, i no im prob going to get flammed for this but any way, i just dont think its right for them to have a (in my opinion) super ship...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mon Calamari Frigate
 jedi jim 1989
09-22-2006, 3:25 PM
so if its a mid level ship, that means that its a rival for a victory??? or smaller maybe???...  [Read More]
Posted in: About FOC 'story' campaign
 jedi jim 1989
09-17-2006, 6:20 PM
yea, story is only for the zann consortium (cant remember how it was spelt) and you can only play as rebs or imps in gal conquest, skirmish or multiplayer...  [Read More]
Posted in: UK price at Launch
 jedi jim 1989
09-13-2006, 3:20 AM
Selling an expansion for Ј19.99 is NOT amazing. This is considered to be the 'norm' for expansion packs. i agree. you wont often see one thats more expensive then that because people wouldnt want to buy it. i mean if you go up from 24.99 you start t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Just a few Questions
 jedi jim 1989
09-19-2006, 1:01 PM
i know its a good idea to keep y wings in in case you are staped for cash, but in the gam when playing as rebs, i was hardly ever straped for cash, only at the begining. because of this i hope that they will change it so that the rebels are more like...  [Read More]
Posted in: Q&A answered
 jedi jim 1989
09-03-2006, 4:10 PM
i think its the devs way of making it less of a one ship armarda. i mean if they make it so its 'not finnished' and only its superlazer works then they eliminate the need to balance it against normal ship such as putting in turbo lazers and ion canno...  [Read More]
Posted in: Q&A answered
 jedi jim 1989
09-01-2006, 2:15 PM
lol, no offence but that does sound kinda well..........a waste of money, as said paying $35 for the expansion just for one ship, ypu may aswell download a mod for the standard e@w, there are plenty out there wiv the eclipse:D. saves buying and expan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Thrawn confirmed!!
 jedi jim 1989
08-31-2006, 1:13 PM
umm, im kninda new, but ive been reading the eu books recently, and as far as i could tell thrawn wasnt anything brilliant at all. if you ask me it was mainly experience, i mean he was the one who destroyed the outbound flight project which i do beli...  [Read More]
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