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I don't think this is allowed on this RPG forum, but, okay. Name: Reyvan Skyrider Race: Imperial Gender: Male Class: Knight Birthsign: The Warrior Factions: The Blades, Order of the Dragon's Champion of Cyrodiil (if possible, if not, just Blade). Ap... [Read More]
Ewan was eating his sandwhich while Amber drank her ale, both looking for suspicious looks. She noticed a man behind Ewan nodding to a woman behind Amber which Ewan noticed, both with a grin. Ewan got his ale and started drinking. Some seconds later,... [Read More]
"Hey, Mr. Wasulr," The young waitress told her boss. "What is it Nora?" He asked her. "Those two customers," She said, pointing at Ewan and Amber, lowering the tone of her voice, "One of them has a lightsaber, so... [Read More]
Ewan and Amber entered in a Cantina, it was a Tarisian Style one. "What do you say about this one?" He asked her. "Can be," She told him, kissing in the cheek. They made their way inside. It was blue-coloroued, to their amazeme... [Read More]
The Sky Eagle landed on Tatooine, a little before the usual tourist shuttle came in. The loading ramp opened and outside of it came a man and a woman. The woman came in a tan sleeveless shirt and pants with brown shoes. Her torso was covered by a tan... [Read More]
Luke didn't turn to face the new arrivals for a few moments, continuing to study the night sky as if the stars would suddenly shift and spell out an answer to all the things he now had on his plate. "Kyle, Zhane," Luke said, beginning to... [Read More]
Kyle and Zhane had noticed Jethro and Kyla leaving. "Well, i guess this is our cue," Kyle told Zhane, "Come on, let's get going." They entered the elevator, stopping at many points in the Praxeum before reaching Luke's chambers.... [Read More]
"Very well," said Jakyl, deactivating her lightsaber and bowing slightly. "It's been a pleasure meeting you, Zhane." "The pleasure's all mine," Zhane told her, deactivating his lightsaber in a twirl and made his way bac... [Read More]
"I don't know," Zhane told her, spinning around, his saber still in the same place, now the tip of his blade facing down, "But it is getting awfully dark. Perhaps we should go." He suggested.... [Read More]
"Thank you. You're not bad yourself as well," Zhane said, swinging from the left to the right, followed by a backflip, and then running at har, spinning and swinging once again, ending in a horizontal lightsaber strike.... [Read More]
"Yes, i like acrobatics, it's a nice skill combined with my lightsaber form," Zhane smiled, crouching, followed by a Matrix-like move. "But i prefer lightsaber combat although," Zhane told her, igniting his saber, but then Force... [Read More]
Jakyl raised her lightsaber swiftly to block Zhane's attack, setting her feet firmly as their blades connected. Zhane grinned and jumped, followed by a amazing cartwheel, Zhane looking down and swinging at Jakyl, landing behind her, back to back.... [Read More]
Zhane stepped back and twirled his saber twice and then entered a Djem So stance. He quickly ran at her and swung from above, then flipping to his side.... [Read More]
Yes, i'll take one as well. Candy Man for me! :xp: Name: Canderous Ordo Gender: Male Species: Human Eye Colour: Steel Gray Age: Unknown, around 30's Master(s): Mandalore The Ultimate Personal Allies: The Mandalorians Political Affiliation: Mandalori... [Read More]
Well, everything's fine Dark_Lady, although HK has masculine programming, but it doesn't matter. Just thought i should point that out. ;) 1000 Posts!!! Title coming up!... [Read More]
I dunno. If you want so, i guess. Maybe you could turn Shey-Gon to the Dark Side and then have a final confrontation with his former Master.... [Read More]
1 - You can only have two characters, sorry. 2 - Yes, you need the bio for the Droid you also want. 3 - Just make up a Master or not. 4 - You would be better off showing up at Nar Shadda, which is the next planet. And thanks for joining. :)... [Read More]
*claps hands like heck and whistles* Great chapter, i actually visioned the fight between Luyoni and Revan as the Battle of Heroes! :xp: And the ending makes it possible for a sequel. Anyways, great chapters, and continue writing.... [Read More]
Nice, my first review. :lol: Mach says to be less descriptive and Jae to be a little more descriptive. Anyways, thanks for the advice Mach. I'll see if my upcoming fic is better. I was talking about the overall battle scenes, rather than the specif... [Read More]