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Star Wars: Shadow Wars

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 The Doctor
09-16-2006, 10:22 PM
"Yeah," said a voice from the bottom of the ramp. "Where's the refresher?"

((Sorry for the short post, but I've lost the use of my left hand, so typing is... rather difficult.))
09-16-2006, 11:33 PM
"That voice..." Sara muttered. She frowned, and her eyes flashed. She spun and headed back to the top of the ramp, glaring down at the man who stood there.

"I know that voice."
 The Doctor
09-16-2006, 11:40 PM
Amol leaned against the wall, his hands folded across his chest.

"You suprise me, Ms. Klint," he said. "I expected you to be somewhat... older."
09-16-2006, 11:47 PM
"And you surprise me." Sara retorted sharply, "I wasn't expecting a Hutt."

Her eyes glanced him over as she spoke, and saw that he was, indeed, taller than she was. He had dark hair that was swept back, his bangs hanging over his forehead. Okay, so she had lied. He looked relatively human. Except for...those eyes. Pure black. She stopped a moment when she had seen them, but didn't allow him to see a lull in her annoyance. Contacts, she decided.
 The Doctor
09-16-2006, 11:57 PM
He saw her look him over, and was pleased to see her do the smallest of touble takes when she looked at his face - she must have noticed his eyes. Everyone did.

"I'm guessing that 'Master' Skywalker failed to inform you of the most recent change in plans?"

She gave him a blank look.

He sighed. "Jedi..." he muttered. He straightened, uncrossing his arms and moving up the ramp. "I've been asked to accompany you on your little mission - and since your vessel..." he took in the battered bulkheads of her ship, a look of indifference on his face. "... isn't large enough to accomodate mine, I was hoping you would be so kind as to allow me a bunk, and perhaps the odd scrap of food."
09-17-2006, 12:01 AM
"Excuse me?" Sara asked, a hand shooting out to block his path. "'Asked to join'? Now why in the hell would Skywalker request something like that? We've got a simple mission, I don't need a human-looking slug clogging up the hallways of my ship."
 The Doctor
09-17-2006, 12:16 AM
Amol brisstled. "Don't ask me to fathom the inner workings of a Jedi's mind, lady," he said, glaring at her. He hated women. "If this is going to be a problem, then I suggest you take it up with Skywalker yourself - or send one of your errand boys to deal with it."

He moved closer to her, so his face was inches from his. "Now," he said, a dark smile on his face, his eyes full of contempt. "Whadd'ya say we go pay Luke a little visit, huh?" he asked, gauging her response to his use of the Jedi Master's first name. "Might give us a chance to get to know each other better on the way."
09-17-2006, 12:38 AM
Sara stood tall, starinig hard at him. She held his gaze for several minutes before responding.

"We don't have time to pay our Jedi friend a 'little visit.'" she growled, "Unlike you, I have an actual reason for being sent on this mission, and that's to transport these two to Naboo. We're supposed to be leaving now!"
 The Doctor
09-17-2006, 12:40 AM
Amol's smile stretched. "Then I suggest we leave, before you strain something."

He backed away slightly, extending his arm towards the ship. "After you. Captain," he added, mock gentlemenly.
09-17-2006, 12:48 AM
Sara glared at him, gritting her teeth and barely able to stop herself from slapping him. She spun on her heel and stormed back up the ramp, closing it only seconds after she stepped off. Brushing past Jethro and Kyla, she went to the cockpit.

"We're leaving!" she shouted, and activated the engines. The ship shifted as the thrusters activated and the landing gears pulled back up into the hull.
 Jason Skywalker
09-17-2006, 5:10 AM
Luke didn't turn to face the new arrivals for a few moments, continuing to study the night sky as if the stars would suddenly shift and spell out an answer to all the things he now had on his plate.

"Kyle, Zhane," Luke said, beginning to turn towards them. "Any reason the two of you are still up, especially you, Zhane? No, nevermind. Don't answer that question."

The aging Master let slip a small sigh, gazing at the flagstones of the room. "I don't know what to do, Kyle." he said quietly, though his tone showed that he wasn't expecting an answer. "And here I thought..."

Luke's blue eyes cleared and hardened. He was back on track. "Sorry, the thoughts of an old mind. Yes, I as a matter of fact do have something for the two of you to do."

Reaching to his belt, he took a small, black disk-shaped item from his belt, and activated it. A section slid back to reveal a lense, and a holo-picture of the galaxy map formed in the palm of his gloved hand.

"It turns out that a bit of a diplomatic crisis has been unfolding on Tatooine." the map zoomed in on the great ball of sand, and the planet rotated in the Master's palm. "Two of the most influencial families -- the Trarace and Rekk families -- have had a bit of a...disagreement. This has been spanned over a few years now, however things have suddenly escalated, and both families are beginning to 'recruit' the locals in their area. If this is allowed to continue, it may be possible that further, greater unrest can be sent rippling through the city and surrounding Moisture Farms. The head of the Trarace family, a man by the name of Erlong, is accused of stealing Derek Rekk's personal journal. Normally it wouldn't cause much more of a problem than the day-to-day affairs of the families, except that Derek is the head of a weapons manufacturing facility near the system. His work is top-secret, and was stored in that encrypted journal. Erlong is a Stormtrooper-turned-spy."

"Well, that doesn't sound good. But we can do it. Feeling confident Zhane," Kyle asked Zhane, "Yes Kyle. Although remember it may be worse than we think."

"Uh, right," Kyle chuckled, "You'll see this is going to be a total blue milk run kid. Trust me."

"Alright, but just don't crash the Raven while heading for Tatooine, because i know Jan was the one that always piloted it," Zhane told Kyle.

"Uh, alright, let's go," Kyle laughed.
09-17-2006, 8:28 AM
''Admiral, this is Hall.''

''Yes, what do you have to report, Captain?''

''The pilot of the shuttlecraft is a rather... interesting alien. He appears human, but his eyes are completely black. Have you heard of such a species, sir?'' Hall asked.

''I must admit that I haven't, Captain. I'll check the database and see if there's anything in there about our mysterious pilot.'' Thrawn II ended the transmission.
 Diego Varen
09-17-2006, 8:40 AM
Hall sat on a bench in the Jedi Academy courtyard. He almost lost track of time, enjoying the small pond and the various smells of the surrounding plantlife and then he saw something he didn't expect in a million years - the T2c shuttlecraft. Flying over the Academy. Hall hurried through the corridors of the Academy, trying to follow the sound of the aircraft's engines. The trail lead Hall to the Academy's landing bay. The shuttlecraft was just landing. Hall took out his comlink device and contacted the Origin.

''Admiral?'' He said.

''Yes, Captain Hall?'' The calm voice of Thrawn Nuruodo II answered.

''You won't believe this Admiral, the shuttlecraft...'' Hall started, but paused.

''Yes, Captain?'' Thrawn II inquired.

''It just landed at the Academy.'' Hall reported.

''Interesting. Keep observing and inform me of anything significant.'' Thrawn II commented.

Vok could hear Hall talking to someone. Or something. Vok noticed Hall talking through a Comlink. He knew that something was going on.

"Hey Hall!" He shouted, making Hall jump, "What are you doing?"
09-17-2006, 9:21 AM
Jethro and Kyla followed the entertaining conversation, and didn't bother to intervene.

"And you surprise me." Sara retorted sharply, "I wasn't expecting a Hutt."

"Score one for captain Klint."Kyla thought.

"I'm guessing that 'Master' Skywalker failed to inform you of the most recent change in plans?"

"Indeed."Jethro thought. He couldn't help but wonder and decided to ask him about it after the conversation ended.

"Your first encounter didn't go all that well huh?" Jethro said amused after Sara went to the cockpit. "I didn't bother asking who you are back in the audience room, but now you're tagging along...."
09-17-2006, 10:04 AM
''I was just reporting to Admiral Nuruodo II, sir.'' Hall replied, ''It was something about that shuttlecraft, we don't know much right now, but I'm sure the Admiral will explain everything when we learn more.''

(Since Vok Onasi is an Admiral and was brought to Yavin by the ship of Thrawn II, I thought he already knew about Thrawn II)
 Diego Varen
09-17-2006, 10:36 AM
''I was just reporting to Admiral Nuruodo II, sir.'' Hall replied, ''It was something about that shuttlecraft, we don't know much right now, but I'm sure the Admiral will explain everything when we learn more.''

(Since Vok Onasi is an Admiral and was brought to Yavin by the ship of Thrawn II, I thought he already knew about Thrawn II)

"Ah, Admiral Nuruodo II," Vok said, "Great man he is. Does he request a meeting from me? Is that why you're here?"
09-17-2006, 11:01 AM
''As I've told you before, sir, the Admiral simply asks that you contact him after your meeting with Master Skywalker.'' Hall explained.
 Diego Varen
09-17-2006, 11:11 AM
''As I've told you before, sir, the Admiral simply asks that you contact him after your meeting with Master Skywalker.'' Hall explained.

"And as I've told you before, I doubt Master Skywalker has time for me to see him right now, since he has other matters to attend to." Vok told Hall.
09-17-2006, 12:16 PM
''Time is not an issue. Admiral Nuruodo will wait as long as it takes, unless we get other orders from Coruscant.'' Hall said, ''Or have you already got some new orders from the Core, sir?''
 Diego Varen
09-17-2006, 12:21 PM
"I shall contact Mon Mothma as soon as possible," Vok told Hall, "Until I can find the time to, I shall enjoy the peaceful landscape here."
09-17-2006, 12:28 PM
''As will I until I get further orders from Admiral Nuruodo, sir.'' Hall said, ''Well, if you'll excuse me...'' Hall made a respectful nod with his head and left to take a look around the rest of the Academy.
09-17-2006, 2:20 PM
Jakyl walked slowly towards Luke's chambers, and paused outside the door as she realized there were people already inside talking to him. She leaned on the wall and waited.

Several moments later, Kat reached Skywalker's quarters and saw someone else waiting there. She grinned and leaned against the opposite wall.

"I take it there's a line to see him," she said to Jakyl. Then, she crossed the hall and offered her hand. "Kathryn... Gray. People call me Kat."

((Dark_Lady, I want to remind you that Kat is carrying a lightsaber on her belt. It might make you mistake her for a Jedi, which could open up an interesting discussion while we wait for Luke :) ))
 The Doctor
09-17-2006, 3:30 PM
"Your first encounter didn't go all that well huh?" Jethro said amused after Sara went to the cockpit. "I didn't bother asking who you are back in the audience room, but now you're tagging along...."

"No, my first encounter with Ms. Klint did not go well. I hacked into her computer banks, and she didn't take too well to it, for some reason..." he shrugged. "You know women."

He pushed past Jethro, following Klint. He entered the cockpit right behind her, and stood in the doorway as she took her seat.

"Would you be so kind as to allow me access to our communications system, Captain?" he asked, his voice dripping with mock respect. "I'd like to leave my ship instructions."
09-17-2006, 3:36 PM
"Your ship could be turned to scrap metal for all I care..." Sara said, not turning to look at him as her hands moved across the controls. "'Leave your ship instructions'? What, is it alive or something? Besides, I don't need you babbling to some computer while I'm finding a suitable space route."
 The Doctor
09-17-2006, 3:43 PM
"At least my ship isn't scrap metal yet. That's more than I can say for your ship," snapped Amol. "Now, are you going to let me contact the Stephanas, or am I going to have to disembark, have you leave without me, and be forced to hack into your computer again to get you to stop?"
09-17-2006, 3:48 PM
"The Northstream isn't scrap metal!" Sara hissed back, "Even if your ship's in better condition, I at least have the brain capacity to pilot and repair it and not need some AI computer to do it for me!"

She steered the ship out of the hangar, up above the trees, and into orbit before grudingly opening a comm. channel for him. "You have to hold down the comm. button to speak. Oh, it's the one labeled 'comm.', in case you weren't sure."
 The Doctor
09-17-2006, 3:56 PM
Amol glared at the back of her head, longing to reach out and cuff her across the head, but he resisted. He opened the channel, and spoke. "Amol Kotay to Stephanas."

The computer's voice responded immidiately. "Stephanas receiving."

"Computer, I want you to activate stealth mode, and match the Northstream's speed and course. Stay within hailing range at all times."


"Good luck, Computer. Amol Kotay out."

He closed the channel, and nodded. "Your consideration is appreciated, Captain," he said.
09-17-2006, 4:02 PM
"I'm sure it is." Sara muttered, her eyes darting between a console and the veiwscreen. So now she was going to have some crew-less ship following her too. Wonderful. "Anything else you'd like? Or are you finished?"
09-17-2006, 4:04 PM
"These are our trolly's, they're for moving quickly around the ship. These will be for the tour" Ex-Zar said motioning to the two seated craft. Ex-Zar walked a ways forward, and got on a third trolly farther up, Blink and Sarfis mounted theirs likewise. "Well come on, you want the tour so bad, maybe you can give me the co-ordinate to this 'The Wheel' while we're on the tour" he said smiling at Va'ala.Va’ala, along with Krell, gladly took seats aboard their trolley, leaving Bob to stand behind them like a gondola oarsman. “Co-ordinates to The Wheel? Sure,” said Va’ala. “I’ll have Wabacca transfer them to your bridge. When we get there.” She gave Krell a knowing look. “That is where we are going first, right?” she asked Ex-Zar.

“I like bridges, don’t you, Krell?” She put her hands behind her head and leaned back in the seat in a relaxed manner. “They always got such great views.”
 The Doctor
09-17-2006, 4:11 PM
"I think I'm alright for now," he said. He turned to move from the cockpit, but stopped and turned to her on the threshold. "I would, however, like to be present when the Jedi brief you on the mission - I'm sure there's something they know that Skywalker wouldn't tell me. I want to know what it is."
09-17-2006, 4:15 PM
"Oh, don't worry." Sara said, her sweet smile mocking as she looked at him over her shoulder, "I'll definatly go out of my way to find you to breif you on the mission that you seem to have no point in being involved in."
 The Doctor
09-17-2006, 4:21 PM
He narrowed his eyes. "Look lady, I don't want to be here any more than you want me here. But Skywalker said he needed me here. That's good enough for me, and it sure as hell better be good enough for you. So you might as well drop off the high ronto now, princess, because I'm not going to let a rotten little wench talk to me like that. Do I make myself clear?"
09-17-2006, 4:25 PM
Sara set the auto-pilot on, and stood, whirrling on Amol, her eyes flashing dangerously.

"What did you call me?" she hissed, crossing to stand face-to-face with him.
09-17-2006, 4:27 PM
Several moments later, Kat reached Skywalker's quarters and saw someone else waiting there. She grinned and leaned against the opposite wall.

"I take it there's a line to see him," she said to Jakyl. Then, she crossed the hall and offered her hand. "Kathryn... Gray. People call me Kat."

((Dark_Lady, I want to remind you that Kat is carrying a lightsaber on her belt. It might make you mistake her for a Jedi, which could open up an interesting discussion while we wait for Luke :) ))

((Good idea.))

"Nice to meet you," responded Jakyl, shaking her hand. "I'm Jakyl, by the way. I noticed you're carrying a lightsaber, so I suppose you're a Jedi?"

Jaykl hadn't met many, if not most, of the other Jedi at the Academy, so this seemed to be a logical assumption. Though there was definitely something different about this one.
09-17-2006, 4:32 PM
"A princess" Jethro interfered. He was really getting annoyed by the two of them arguing."Now could the two of you finally knock it off?"

"First of all, I have no idea why Master Skywalker sent you with us Amol, but whatever is on this disk.." he held up the casing holding it "must be very important and it is imperative that it reaches the fleet's outpost on Naboo."
 The Doctor
09-17-2006, 4:36 PM
Amol turned to Jethro. "I think she was referring to the part when I called her a 'rotten little wench'." He turned to face her again. "Which of course, I take back. After all..." he added, looking her up and down. "There's nothing 'little' about you."
09-17-2006, 4:39 PM
The captain narrowed her eyes at him, holding back the biting comment that was prepared to spring from her mouth. Instead she turned to Jethro.

"So you know nothing else about it?" she asked.
 Jason Skywalker
09-17-2006, 4:49 PM
Zhane and Kyle got out and noticed Jakyl and another woman waiting.

"Now's your turn," Kyle told them, "Man, there must be a really good line to speak to Luke."

They made their way to the hangar and entered the Raven's Claw.

"Well, today sure is busy. Let's go to Tatooine," Zhane smiled. Kyle got on the pilot's seat and Zhane in the co-pilot's.

"What's the holdup Kyle?" Zhane asked.

"Nothing, just thinking about someting. Let's roll," He smiled, firing up the engines as the Raven's Claw flew to space.
09-17-2006, 4:50 PM
((Good idea.))

"Nice to meet you," responded Jakyl, shaking her hand. "I'm Jakyl, by the way. I noticed you're carrying a lightsaber, so I suppose you're a Jedi?"

Jaykl hadn't met many, if not most, of the other Jedi at the Academy, so this seemed to be a logical assumption. Though there was definitely something different about this one.

Kat seemed a little surprised at being assumed a Jedi, even with a lightsaber clipped to her belt. She unclipped it and stared at it for a moment before shaking her head.

"No," she answered. "No, I'm no Jedi. Neither was the woman who constructed this something like four thousand years ago. Her name was Crystal Gray, a distant ancestor of mine. She had many Jedi-like abilities without being at all Force sensitive. Some of us in her bloodline have some of her... gifts."

Smiling slightly, she telekinetically rose off the ground. "Some have telepathy, others telekinesis, still others teleportation." Returning her feet to the ground, she shrugged. "Still, none of us have ever had all of Crystal's powers. But a few of us have carried on her lightsaber, her ship, and her last name. I am the current."

Then, the people who'd been in seeing Luke came out and Kat smiled to Jakyl. "You were here before I was. It's your turn."
09-17-2006, 5:04 PM
Jakyl was very interested and surprised by Katherine's talents. Telekinesis without the Force...

"Well," she said, "I hope we meet again soon."

She walked in by Luke and grinned at him.

"Well," she said. "You must be really tired by now. Nice to see you again, Master. It's been a while."
09-17-2006, 5:29 PM
The Master sighed heavily as Kyle and Zhane left. "May the Force be with you." he muttered quietly. The doors opened a moment later, and a woman stepped into the room.

"Jakyl." Luke said with a wide grin, crossing over to her and extending a hand, "It really has been too long. And as for being really have no idea. I'm too old to be pulling these all-nighters."
09-17-2006, 5:46 PM
"So, what's been going on?" Jakyl asked. "I noticed an unusual amount of activity around this place. Of course, if it's some sort of secret Republic thing, you don't have to tell me."
09-17-2006, 5:50 PM
"It is, actually." Luke said with a sigh, "Quite confidential. Who'd have thought something so small could spark so many more things...anyway. What's been happening with you? Were you here for a reason, or...?"
09-17-2006, 6:35 PM
"Not really," Jakyl responded. "I was just wandering around, and thought I might as well visit an old friend. I just thought I should come here for some reason or another... dang, I'm not making much sense... Anyway, is there something you'd like me to do around here? If not, I'd best be going. There's someone else waiting to speak with you."
09-17-2006, 6:37 PM
''Admiral, the shuttlecraft is leaving the Academy.'' Hall said into the com device with a dose of urgency, ''It has a functioning cloaking generator and its just been activated.''

''Hmmm. Interesting.'' Thrawn II said quietly, ''I want that ship tracked. Bridge, all power to sensors. Track the shuttlecraft's exit vector and launch a probe. We may not be able to pursue it, but we are not going to lose sight of it.'' The blue skinned Admiral ordered.

As the cloaked ship left Yavin's atmosphere a small, barely visible device was launched from the Origin. It intercepted the cloaked ship and attached a tracking beacon, then it returned to the Origin. Thrawn II smiled with satisfaction.
09-17-2006, 6:41 PM
The captain narrowed her eyes at him, holding back the biting comment that was prepared to spring from her mouth. Instead she turned to Jethro.

"So you know nothing else about it?" she asked.

"Apart from where to take it, no.." Jethro answered. "If a Jedi Master won't give certain mission details, it's best not to ask about them either. You know how secretive they can be." he said grinning, but the grin dissapeared when someone poked him in the back. He turned around and noticed it was his sister standing behind him. "Yes sis?"

"That duel you promised?"Kyla asked kindly.

"Alright, just give me a minute." He responded and turned back to Amol and Sara. "So there isnґt much of a mission briefing. All we have to do is get the highly important disk to the fleetґs outpost on Naboo, preferably within 24 hours. Try not to make things more difficult than a simple delivery mission should be and get along with Amol, Sara." he said and looked her in the eyes. He started walking past them, but whispered something to Sara before he left the room. "At least try to."

He turned around and started following his sister to the cargo hold. "The two of us will be in the cargo hold if you need us." Jethro shouted back.
09-17-2006, 6:42 PM
((OOC: Here's a question, Igyman, if the ship has been cloaked since even entering the system, then how could you have kept track of it this entire time?))


"There really isn't much to be done, honestly." Luke lied smoothly, "Although...I do read some remarkable waves beyond the door. Tell me, who's the one waiting after you?"


Yeah, I'll get along with Amol. Sara grumbled to herself, We'll get along just as well as a kath hound and a drexl larva. Though...suppose she could at least try...

The woman sighed, and moved back to the pilot's seat, taking hold of the controls again as she disengaged auto-pilot.

"Hang on guys," she shouted back, "We're jumping!"

She punched in a last few keys, and the stars enlongated, announcing the slip into Hyperspace.
 Jason Skywalker
09-17-2006, 6:42 PM
"Well kid, i've just plotted a course for Tatooine. We'll be entering and arriving in some minutes. Feel free to settle down and relax," Kyle told Zhane. He nodded and leaned back on the chair, hands behind his head, relaxing.
09-17-2006, 6:45 PM
"It's a woman, by the name of Kathryn Gray... at least she said Kathryn Gray - she hesitated before saying Gray, but it might not mean anything. She does have some... interesting abilities."
09-17-2006, 6:50 PM
((Spelled Kathryn, actually... but same general idea, I suppose :D))
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