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Page: 26 of 35
Posted in: beautiful female skins?
04-21-2002, 9:49 PM
well, jan is included with the game... as for other non-included skins, there will be an onslaught of them when editing tools are released, so, bide your time i guess.....  [Read More]
it doesnt work now? i just used it a week ago or so......  [Read More]
it was disabled to help reduce the workload that the sever had to take i belive, i dont know the mechanics of it, but im sure it wasnt for no reason at all......  [Read More]
well, normally they browse the forums a lot, i guess you seem to have caught them at a bad time, i hope they get in contact with you......  [Read More]
Posted in: TechTV Rates the game....... 40%????
04-16-2002, 2:48 AM
my opinion of Tech TV went down a notch when i heard of the review... grrr:mad: oh well, i guess i wont kill them :evil3: hehe, anyway, well i guess its not for everyone, but i still love the game, a 110% from me the reviewer :D course im biased......  [Read More]
Posted in: 1st person view with saber in MP
04-16-2002, 2:59 AM
you never know, maybe he could beat the pants off of all of us in first person......  [Read More]
i dont get your point, your mad at the fact that the other person throws at you, when you yourself can throw at him, but, for some unknown reason, you decided that sabre throw was and unneeded power,and alloted no force points to it??? maybe you shou...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jan or Tavion.
04-16-2002, 8:44 PM
well, if we had al macdonalds great amount of skins for JKii we wouldnt be having this discussion though, would we :D anywho, there should be a list of all the models avalible in the pk3 file i belive, i dont remimber how to get them though, maybe s...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Great Midichlorean Debate
04-15-2002, 5:05 PM
more immaculate conception?!?!:rolleyes: anywho, i think not, it will most likey be explained in the end of Eps2, or the beginning of Eps3... i highly doubt we will get a show though ;):D...  [Read More]
:mad: d'oh! . . . . . uhh, spoiler below:D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i hopped on the outgoing door and waited outside til the red was done, then hopped on the cart on the outside... i had to re-load a lot of times... well, i guess this seems easier...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will JK2 run on a Voodoo 5?
03-20-2002, 8:22 PM
most likely not the best, the voodoo5 is getting to be an older card now days...:)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The transistion to irc.
03-20-2002, 8:14 PM
maybe a little civility is the key here... cool off guys, well, at least take the clan wars to the clan boards... anyway, i will be reletivly new to IRC myself, as i havent used it much in the past... but from the sounds of it its better/easier to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Forces and WinXP
01-13-2002, 4:13 AM
did you try setting the programs compatibility to win98, that works wonders on many games for me...  [Read More]
Posted in: A pat on the back for the Admins.
12-12-2001, 3:26 AM
gives a round of applause......  [Read More]
Posted in: I see...a city in the clouds...
12-07-2001, 11:02 PM
well, this is one clan i am defently interested in, i might check it out, but the fact that i am not that i dont play online a whole lot has usually kept me un-associated......  [Read More]
Posted in: Whose gonna see Jay and Silent Bob
08-25-2001, 10:52 PM
so, am i the only one who saw it, and laughed so much that my voice hurt afterwords??? i though it was funny as hell, a lot of refrences to previous movies in it... though i didnt see anything to do with hockey or skiball, thats funny... oh well, i o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Whose gonna see Jay and Silent Bob
08-23-2001, 12:59 AM
bump, i mean, well the preimer is only two days off... i was an idiot and missed the special preview, but i'll catch it fri... so, have i enticed anyone else to see this movie yet?!?!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Aliens vs. Predator 2 Marine Demo
08-26-2001, 8:44 PM
i think if you had fought aliens in doom, i wouldnt have liked it so much... it was a whole new universe and a great story to boot, aliens would have been cool, but i think that this was the way to go......  [Read More]
Posted in: how did everyone come about choosing their names?
01-28-2002, 10:47 AM
ohhhh, i though it was something like brodie from mallrats:D...  [Read More]
gonk, didnt we discuss that earlier, when someone actually though it was 'ate her'??? :rolleyes:...  [Read More]
Posted in: DRAGONBALLZ Thread
05-07-2002, 1:09 AM
hmm, i dont think i can argue there, vegeta is pretty much all in all a fighting badass... 400g training (i think it was 400, or was it 100, rats...)...  [Read More]
Posted in: DRAGONBALLZ Thread
05-06-2002, 1:45 PM
history is important... hmm, too bad i dont even remimber this post......  [Read More]
Posted in: $H!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11-04-2001, 11:02 PM
lol, thats very funny.... but not an uncommon problem!!! you wouldnt know how many time i'd working on a computer with a guy, and they go, "hey, it wont turn on".... that simple switch has caused lots of headaches... :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: JO Radiant confirmed
11-19-2001, 4:22 PM
thats good, just the tinkering with JED i did was really difficult and confusing... never really did get the hang of it... good to hear that Radiant will be easier to use.....  [Read More]
Posted in: JO Radiant confirmed
11-19-2001, 6:18 AM
i havent used any radient editoriors, are they easy to use?...  [Read More]
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