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The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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Posted in: Long time, no post.
02-03-2003, 1:41 PM
Bah, enough about the store already :rolleyes:....  [Read More]
Posted in: Long time, no post.
02-02-2003, 3:40 PM
Ah man, it's great to see you! If you're talking about the "points" thing below your post count, it's a new hack that lets you "buy" little forum doodads (see the link on the mainpage), like a glowing name and whatnot. There's al...  [Read More]
Posted in: Real-life Blue Casket (please read)
01-30-2003, 9:53 AM
Originally posted by amadeus I've actually been working on a blue casket web page for some time now, that would be more...advanced than the forum one. It's still under construction but when I'm finished with it I hoped to apply for hosting from GFN....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hotel Rooms?
02-03-2003, 10:48 AM
Or 910-odd posts until you can edit it for free....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hotel Rooms?
01-25-2003, 3:30 PM
I don't think they expire unless they're removed by an admin....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hotel Rooms?
01-25-2003, 2:36 PM
Actually it costs 20 points to get a room, but, well, I've tried a couple and they're not that great unless you've got a specific use for them planned out. I guess they might be useful for PAs or gaming clans, but they're not that useful for the rest...  [Read More]
Posted in: WHoa....
01-30-2003, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by Darth Eggplant and now I hear you and Thrik are the Brittish tag team champs of the GFN good form on the forum! I hope you will still post Metallus. Thanks, Eggplant :).Yeah, like TG said, I'll still be running the community st...  [Read More]
Posted in: How old are you guys anyway?
01-23-2003, 5:14 PM
Still the same day as Ck's birthday :D....  [Read More]
Posted in: How old are you guys anyway?
01-23-2003, 4:17 PM
I turn 20 in June. Oh my....  [Read More]
Posted in: Please help a Suffocating American..
01-22-2003, 12:14 AM
I am an American, and I can't say that I'm too proud of this fact, especially in recent months. Those elected to represent have instead voted to give the president the power to go to war on Iraq nearly unanimously, merely to save political face. I fe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Which Star Wars guy has the hottest ass?
01-23-2003, 5:46 PM
Originally posted by Darth Groovy How did Worf get into this?:confused: And who is DJG? :confused: I'll vote on this poll, but first I demand answers. I'm quite sure Worf was thrown in to create an air of mock-ignorance, and possibly anger people :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Time To Get My Mojo Working
01-19-2003, 5:13 PM
The pages and pages of blank followed by a "punchline" was fun on Escapemi last year, but it's sooo out of style now. The real hip thing to do is discuss the REAL secret of Monkey Island. Not to be confused with all those fake-out secrets o...  [Read More]
Posted in: f'n newbie
01-14-2003, 11:56 PM
Wow, I thought that puzzle was clever and pretty fun. Better stick to Space Quest, mon frer....  [Read More]
Posted in: Must-have video game characteristics
01-10-2003, 5:20 PM
I really like it when games let you browse the soundtrack, like in Cool Spot for the Genny and SNES. If I remember correctly, you could listen to both sound effects and the soundtrack music....  [Read More]
Posted in: Homestar Runner
01-10-2003, 4:23 AM
I think I infected #jediknight with HSRitis a couple months ago.  [Read More]
Posted in: Homestar Runner
01-09-2003, 5:29 PM
Something dot commmmmm. *click*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Homestar Runner
01-08-2003, 4:07 AM
#1 How many HSR fans do we have in here? I've been visiting this site for about a year now. Hilarious stuff, and some of the highest-quality flash animation that I've ever seen. Good times....  [Read More]
Posted in: Uh oh.
01-11-2003, 2:41 AM
Not until I read your post, man. But riddle me this, have you ever really smelled your hand? And then grabbed someone else's and gave it a smell for comparison? Me Neither....  [Read More]
Posted in: Uh oh.
01-08-2003, 4:05 AM
Yes, we've decided to add an off-topic area, in order to separate LucasArts/Film discussion from other threads, for some reason. Oh yes, to regain sanity. In addition, we've gotten rid of the Feedback forum--however, anything that you want to bring u...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bowling for Columbine
01-08-2003, 3:46 AM
Bowling for Columbine is a terrific film. It really gets people talking. Unfortunately, not enough people have seen it who have posted in this thread. It's still in theatres in some places, but expect to have to take a drive to another town to see it...  [Read More]
Fan art hotline: 1-800-0TALENT ( We're available 24 hours a year....  [Read More]
Posted in: LOL @ GF Diversions!
01-25-2003, 2:32 PM
Yeah, I think Server 1 (which houses a lot of LFN sites) was having trouble at times yesterday. Also, did you hear about that "Code Red"-like worm that did some hefty damage to the internet yesterday?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sorry
01-02-2003, 9:59 PM
Hey Gabez. :rolleyes: Man, I wish I had more to post in the JK forums. Um, I like TIE Fighter....  [Read More]
Posted in: Securing a copy of "Surfin' the Highway" For X-mas
01-12-2003, 6:24 PM
Oh yeah, it's my fault that the images don't work on the old site. It was much faster to just move them to a different directory in ftp than to copy them. I guess I should probably put them back some time. Sorry all....  [Read More]
Posted in: Shenmue 2 & movie
02-01-2003, 11:28 PM
I just beat Shenmue 2 over the weekend (I'd been playing it off and on for the past month). Great stuff! I'm really impressed at what this game was able to pull off. It was able to combine elements of the action, adventure, RPG, and fighting genres,...  [Read More]
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