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09-18-2005, 9:34 AM
O.O added the category guys...if your still interested in it.

score! they listened to me! mahahahahaha! i feel so acomplished!... now if only i wasnt having an alergic reaction to my shampoo...
09-18-2005, 9:38 AM
I feel rude. Sorry for being nitpicky Smon. All the same I really think that the clay would work and it would be interesting. Sort of like the Futurama doll comic that was very amusing.

I uploaded Boyd. It doesn't make much of a difference since some of you have read it.

I would buy one! I have 10 bucks. Maybe?

To get past the astral projections you could make them out of felt.

Yeah... looks good but a little too... non-psychic-y, I think I'll use cellophane and do a sort of marrionette thing with it...
09-18-2005, 9:51 AM
Yeah... looks good but a little too... non-psychic-y, I think I'll use cellophane and do a sort of marrionette thing with it...

Cellophane works a lot better. I hadn't even thought of that.
09-18-2005, 9:55 AM
Yeah... looks good but a little too... non-psychic-y, I think I'll use cellophane and do a sort of marrionette thing with it...

wow, how long will filming take for something like that?
 Purple Squid
09-18-2005, 9:57 AM
Alright, alright. *writes down Milla-Purple Squid* Oh by the way do you want Normal Milla or Goth Poetry Milla? (an art change within Andrea Heighton's mind)
Oh, sweetness. Hm... How much would both cost?
09-18-2005, 10:02 AM
Both would be the same price, but I'd have to do some estimates, it would cost a little over how much it would cost to make (gotta make some money offa dis!) However I suck at math so I'll leave it to the residents of the internets!
Math Quiz

1:How much would it cost to buy enough modeling clay to make a statue the height of a rockstar energy drink can plus the height of a mountain dew can?

2:How much would it cost to buy a small supply of animating clay to fit into the joints?

3:Add in pipe cleaner armatures and additional extras such as interchangable parts.

4:Add paint of various colors and what do you get?
 Purple Squid
09-18-2005, 10:07 AM

1 statue/clay= eh... about 10/15 dollars.
Animating clay= Hm. For joints it would be about 8/10 bucks.
Pipe cleaners are pretty cheap. Interchangable parts would be about... 5 bucks, if you used anything you could find.
Paints are cheap, unless you want higher quality crap that looks the same as Crayola.

Dang. I guess I'll take one. Just one. I want to see what they look like first.
 Purple Squid
09-18-2005, 10:10 AM
Just remember I suck at math.
09-18-2005, 10:11 AM
Understood, first I gotta round up supplies, and at moust I'm looking at.. oh about $35 luckily my mommas a waitress and gives me the change from her tips, so I get a dollar or two daily. ASAP I'll make a Goth Style Milla put up a pic and put on eBay. (with misleading directions that no intelligent person would bid on without knowing this prearranged thing)

Basically when ya got the money tell me, I'll put it up for $0.01 and put the reserve at $40 or so.
 Purple Squid
09-18-2005, 10:18 AM
Great. So... I can guess that the price would be around $40? I can do that. That's an excellent price, right thur. And I'll donate, too, once I get some money.
09-18-2005, 10:22 AM
I just have to say Smon you are really creative with your works.

First the game
Now claymation

Very good. Very good.

Goth Style Milla put up a pic and put on eBay. (with misleading directions that no intelligent person would bid on without knowing this prearranged thing)

No punk rock Milla? If I wanted a claymation I would ask for Boyd, Fred, or Oleander. In fact, I think I'll save up enough money to bid on one of those. I already have about 15 dollars to waste on whatever I want. Everything else goes to saving up for the bank.

The only thing I am concerned about is if this would go against some rules that state you cannot make money off of Psychonauts. However I don't think they would bust you.

Maybe they would steal your idea and make little statues of them that go for $30 more.

Zetz Darke
I left a review on yours.Wait until people outside of this forum learn about it. Fans of Psychonauts rejoice!
 Purple Squid
09-18-2005, 10:24 AM
What if you donated some of the profit to Double Fine?
 Purple Squid
09-18-2005, 10:27 AM
We can rejoice until we get the first smut fuc. Then I wont be as happy. I'm imagining it now...

Raz- OMG. Sasha. I luff u.
Sasha- ...the hell?
Raz- I alwas half.
Sasha- Uh... right?
Raz- Let's smex! 8D
Sasha- Whatev.

(but I can tell the first smut fic will be Raz/Lili or Sasha/Milla)
 Zetz Darke
09-18-2005, 10:37 AM
I left a review on yours.Wait until people outside of this forum learn about it. Fans of Psychonauts rejoice!

Yea, I saw it ^^ Unfotunately I have a terrible comp, so the only fic showing is Turmoils...and apparently not all of my chapters are showing. >_< Which is odd because I uploaded all three.

As soon as yours and the other (Two is it?) show up I'm going to review all of them ^^ (Although I assume I have also read all of them already...) Yay for Psychoanuts!!!
09-18-2005, 10:46 AM
lol! a raz/sasha smut fic. gawd that'll kill. my mom still thinks sasha is a girls name...
09-18-2005, 10:53 AM
and YES, my fic IS a Psychonauts fic, its just a little slow in getting there.... [its under the name Goth Child of Zyon]
 Purple Squid
09-18-2005, 10:57 AM
Sasha IS a girl's name. If you're American. Which Sasha is not.

Poor guy must've been teased once he got where he was going. D:
09-18-2005, 11:09 AM
poor sasha... some one hug him!
 Purple Squid
09-18-2005, 12:10 PM
Holy crap. We should ALL hug him.

09-18-2005, 4:21 PM
and YES, my fic IS a Psychonauts fic, its just a little slow in getting there.... [its under the name Goth Child of Zyon]

Sorry. I was confused as I kept on searching for Raz or other such names.

I do like it though and I think it is very well-written. I did not mean to offend. You took a different approach and it flew over my head.
 Purple Squid
09-18-2005, 4:22 PM
Sorry. I was confused as I kept on searching for Raz or other such names.

I do like it though and I think it is very well-written. I did not mean to offend. You took a different approach and it flew over my head.

You did too mean to offend. Meanie.
09-18-2005, 4:28 PM
I just have to say Smon you are really creative with your works.

First the game
Now claymation

Very good. Very good.

No punk rock Milla? If I wanted a claymation I would ask for Boyd, Fred, or Oleander. In fact, I think I'll save up enough money to bid on one of those. I already have about 15 dollars to waste on whatever I want. Everything else goes to saving up for the bank.

The only thing I am concerned about is if this would go against some rules that state you cannot make money off of Psychonauts. However I don't think they would bust you.

Maybe they would steal your idea and make little statues of them that go for $30 more.

I left a review on yours.Wait until people outside of this forum learn about it. Fans of Psychonauts rejoice!

Hey if I can't make money off these then people can't sell Windows products on eBay, basically as long as I don't claim them as original characters. Andyes I am donating the profits to DF in a sense, since they go towards DF swag.

And the reason for no Punk Milla is Punk Rock never comes into play in the film. However I may do some shorts starring the inmates. Just to test BG and animation and stuff.

Also the game is a sort of a make it as it comes. People post what they want, I add it then get to back to work on the Claymation. (one I get some clay)
09-18-2005, 4:40 PM
We can rejoice until we get the first smut fuc. Then I wont be as happy. I'm imagining it now...

Raz- OMG. Sasha. I luff u.
Sasha- ...the hell?
Raz- I alwas half.
Sasha- Uh... right?
Raz- Let's smex! 8D
Sasha- Whatev.

(but I can tell the first smut fic will be Raz/Lili or Sasha/Milla)

I will laugh when that happens. I will laugh so hard and leave a review that tells them that the characters are OC and if you wanted to do a Psychonauts smut fic it better be damn well-written!

Soon there will be a section on where Sasha, Milla, and Raz smut fics will be rampant. I will visit it everyday and leave reviews how to fix them up and hopefully it will go through their brains that Psychonauts is not a porn flick. If you want to do romance it has to incorprate a part of the game quirk in it.

I'd probably do a parody of a pairing.

He gave him back his job. Could he give him more?
09-18-2005, 4:44 PM
You did too mean to offend. Meanie.

[Little Oly voice]Shh! Your're not supposed to give away the secret.[/end voice]

You know the only reason I come here is to bitch and complain to make my ego feel better.
09-18-2005, 4:51 PM
Hey if I can't make money off these then people can't sell Windows products on eBay, basically as long as I don't claim them as original characters. Andyes I am donating the profits to DF in a sense, since they go towards DF swag.

And the reason for no Punk Milla is Punk Rock never comes into play in the film. However I may do some shorts starring the inmates. Just to test BG and animation and stuff.

Also the game is a sort of a make it as it comes. People post what they want, I add it then get to back to work on the Claymation. (one I get some clay)
This website proves helpful for people working with Claymation. Ugly color scheming but the tips are nice.

This is an extremely helpful claymation site as it is more advanced and in depth on how to make one.
09-18-2005, 5:23 PM
Koo, good resources.
09-18-2005, 5:30 PM
too much common sence? thats alway the problem we have at school [we arent common, so we dont have it] and my beta is always telling me how good it is... ::sniff:: thank you!
09-18-2005, 5:36 PM
damn, i'm really late in posting...
 Purple Squid
09-18-2005, 6:17 PM
[Little Oly voice]Shh! Your're not supposed to give away the secret.[/end voice]

You know the only reason I come here is to bitch and complain to make my ego feel better.
Oh, good. Me too. We're just whiny people.
09-19-2005, 6:08 AM
Just uploaded my fic on Hope You guys get to see it soon and am deleting my fic from other websites and Zets-Darke, can I submit my fanfic or the link at least to your website. It's the place to go for Psychonauts fanstuff!
09-19-2005, 6:25 AM
Just uploaded my fic on Hope You guys get to see it soon and am deleting my fic from other websites and Zets-Darke, can I submit my fanfic or the link at least to your website. It's the place to go for Psychonauts fanstuff!

Why are you deleting your fic from other websites? Why not share the love?

But it is true about the Darke thing.

My grammer suddenly became bad.
09-19-2005, 7:20 AM
A couple of reasons...1)I'm too lazy to update them all 2)I'm starting to hate media miner. 3)I'm too LAZY!!!
 Zetz Darke
09-19-2005, 8:42 AM
Just uploaded my fic on Hope You guys get to see it soon and am deleting my fic from other websites and Zets-Darke, can I submit my fanfic or the link at least to your website. It's the place to go for Psychonauts fanstuff!

Yes, please do. I MUST HAVE MORE FICTION!!!
09-19-2005, 5:09 PM
>.< fAnfIctIOOOOOOn! i'll have my second chapter up as soon as i get it back from my beta [she's being so slow right now... i hope her snake didnt die again]
09-19-2005, 5:48 PM
>.< fAnfIctIOOOOOOn! i'll have my second chapter up as soon as i get it back from my beta [she's being so slow right now... i hope her snake didnt die again]

Again? How does a snake die again?
09-19-2005, 6:10 PM
Just stopping by to say...hooray for Psychonauts fanfiction! It helps keep me sane. :) I browse the forums whenever I have time and you people here have written some really awesome stuff. Wish I had more time to be online though...then I wouldn't miss out on those converstaions you have that look so dreadfully fun.
 Purple Squid
09-19-2005, 6:42 PM
Again? How does a snake die again?

I've died more than twice.
09-19-2005, 8:05 PM
Sudden, very sudden short story.

The Date

Vernon sat on the rocks in the cave, looking at the sunlight beaming through the rock ceiling, sitting next to Franke, inching his hand ever closer to hers, while she did the same. The sunlight reminded him of a story, about the sun. It was about how big the sun was, and how you couldn't touch the sun. Vernon knew this because the story said the sun was hot.

Franke, meanwhile, looked intently at Vernon, who still ignored her. She didn't care, she liked the lack of attention more and more. It seemed much more dramatic if he liked her back. But they had come to Make Out Cave, it was obvious that he did.

Vernon still wasn't paying attention. He was paying more attention to the rocks. He had heard all sorts of things about rocks, too. Franke only wondered what silly, stupid story he was thinking of. Suddenly, Vernon turned to her. She tried to contain her boundless excitement. He brought his face close to hers. He smiled, and clutched the bottom of her chin. Franke grinned at him.

Vernon said, in his deep, slow voice, "Wanna play some hackey sack?"

Franke got up and walked away. Courting the most dull person alive was a harder task than she expected.
09-19-2005, 8:08 PM
Just stopping by to say...hooray for Psychonauts fanfiction! It helps keep me sane. :) I browse the forums whenever I have time and you people here have written some really awesome stuff. Wish I had more time to be online though...then I wouldn't miss out on those converstaions you have that look so dreadfully fun.

We are in different time zones so I have to get up at 9 to talk to them all the way to 10.

Purple Squid is always on so that doesn't matter.

It's hard work getting on a forum you like
09-19-2005, 8:10 PM
KingCheez, that is the best short story ever.

I love Vernon, and he is my favorite camper. You captured it perfectly. I am so going to save this to my hardrive.

Where all of the strange pornographic fics that made me laugh at their strangeness, are there. You're going in the good list however.

You and 5 other people.
09-19-2005, 8:11 PM
Vernon is my favorite camper ever, too. :D

09-19-2005, 8:32 PM
An awesome story about the awesome Vernon. *spasm*

It's wonderful! ^_^
 Purple Squid
09-20-2005, 5:01 AM
Wow. I see you guys are only totally awesome when I'm not here? Fine.

Great story, ya meanie.
09-20-2005, 5:54 AM
Wow. I see you guys are only totally awesome when I'm not here? Fine.

Great story, ya meanie.

We plan it accordingly.

An awesome story about the awesome Vernon. *spasm*

It's wonderful! ^_^

Vernon is my favorite camper ever, too.


Did anyone see the part when they are all in the TV room and he starts talking about

How Dr. Loboto escaped his old asylum to run the broken down one.

Vernon knows a lot about Loboto and Boyd knows a lot about Oleander.
09-20-2005, 7:00 AM
He was actually talking about the Lungfish, I think. No gills, a lung, and hooks? Definitely fishy.
09-20-2005, 7:26 AM

"Grrr," moaned Vernon. "My yo-yo has a knot in it...this is depressing, because none of my yo-yo

books have anything on how to get the knots out."

Franke moved to his lunch table, with some delicious mashed potatoes, a side dish of peas, and a big

soft-baked cookie. Vernon put away his yo-yo trick books, and pulled out instead a huge book. It was printed

in hard, black leather, with many grinning faces on it - the More than Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to the

Galaxy. He flipped to a certain page of a certain book within the large novel.

"What're you reading?" asked Franke, not because she missed the cover, but to try and get

Vernon's brain on anything but books, books, books! She had a plan - she slid Vernon's book towards her

slowly. She leaned her head into it.

"Um, excuse me, I was reading that," said Vernon, moving his face farther forward. Franke smiled.

"I like this book, especially the part, shooting the guy and going to the party."

"Hehuh, hehuh, yeah, how they say they're going to the party. That's funny." chuckled Vernon, and

his hand touched Franke's as he went to turn the page. However, unlike plan, he was not embarassed, shocked,

or interested. He slid the page over, as if to completely ignore Franke. Franke sighed, staring straight at

Vernon, who was totally engrossed in the story, trying to add to his own crazy stories. His stories that Franke

would always listen in to.

"So do you do anything besides tell stories?" asked the less and less interested, but still

lovestruck Franke. Vernon racked his brain on this one.

"Well once I ate dogfood, one time I played guitar, this other time, when I was little I picked my

nose and-"

"You play guitar?" Franke was amazed. And a little disgusted by the dog-food eating quality.

Vernon sighed.

"Yeah, my mom made me do it. It's kind of fun, but lessons aren't." He grumbled. "But one time, I

was playing, and one of the strings broke and rode up and actually pulled off my fingernail. I was in horrible

pain and had to make an artificial fingernail, to stop the pain and bleeding!" Franke sighed. She pulled the

book away, bookmarked it kindly and slowly, so as to perfectly mark the page, then slam the book shut.

"Why do you not want me to read?" said Vernon. Franke grabbed his hand and jerked on it for him

to stop looking through his pockets for any reading materials, even a candy label. "Am I really less

interesting than books, Vernon?"

This got to him. "Um, uh, eh, no, it's just that, um." He droned on and on, not knowing what to say,

red in the face.

"So talk to me!" replied Franke, at advantage here.

"Well, um, do you like yo-yo? Hackey-sack? TV?" Vernon was at a loss for words.

Franke cupped Vernon's chin in her hands, and drew herself forward. "Or how about we skip the

talking, and-"

Kitty sat down next to Franke. "...What are you doing with Vernon?" she asked, as the two

red-faced kids stared straight at her.

"Ummm. Don't ask me." said Vernon.

"Franke, don't tell me you want to be as unpopular as him?"

"No, no, it's just that..."

Kitty smirked, silencing both of them with that evil glare, ruining a moment just as called for. And

shortly after, the lunch bell rang.
09-20-2005, 2:45 PM
He was actually talking about the Lungfish, I think. No gills, a lung, and hooks? Definitely fishy.

What about the part when he talks about how silly it was for him to escape from one asylum to head another?

Let me check that out right now and I'll get back to you.

I thought he meant that Loboto had escaped and taken the fish with him..don't ask why I thought that.

Still that is one of the best dialouge pieces in the whole game.
09-20-2005, 3:00 PM
KingCheez you do Vernon absolutly amazing. I seriously smile every time I read those paragraphs. I liked the Kitty interruption and the book part. Hmm..Franke seems a little weird to me. This is probably since I did not spend so much time with the campers but did they get together at the end of the game?
09-20-2005, 3:11 PM
I dunno, I don't think so, but I read the bulletin board and read the Anonymous message and Vernon's message at the beginning of the game.

Also, Franke doesn't talk much. So really, it's hard to generate a personality off her few lines.
 Purple Squid
09-20-2005, 3:49 PM
Damn. When I'm gone! Always gone!

Anyways, fantastic story, Cheezy. If you need help with Franke's personality, that's why we're here.
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