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Page: 14 of 26
 Purple Squid
09-16-2005, 10:18 PM
Super Best Friends > Justice League.
Pie < Pi.

The world is simple now.
Gloria is one of my favorite characters.
09-16-2005, 10:23 PM
Super Best Friends > Justice League.
Pie < Pi.

The world is simple now.
Gloria is one of my favorite characters.

This is going to sound weird. But I would like to know why. I can see why some people's favorite character might be Boyd or Raz but I never heard of Gloria being a favorite character.
 Purple Squid
09-16-2005, 10:32 PM
Well, I'm not sure. Something about it just kind of...clicked. She obviously wasn't a super-pretty child, but she still grew up to be beautiful and elegant. She's had her selfish moments, as we can tell from her mom, and that just makes her all the more human to me. She's made mistakes, she was sad. Now she's optimistic about everything. Really, that may have come off as stupid, but...

I dunno'. I come off as a retard so much of the time that when I say something deep people look at me funny.
09-17-2005, 2:10 AM
Super Best Friends > Justice League.
Pie < Pi.

The world is simple now.
Gloria is one of my favorite characters.


Jesus:With the power of super-carpentry
Buddha:With inner peace
Vishnu:With the power of transformation
Muhammed:With power over fire
Joseph Smith:The mormon prophet
Moses:The SBF super-computer
and Sea-Man:With the power to breathe underwater and talk to fish
09-17-2005, 7:35 AM
Wow Smon. How did you memorize that?

A-hem. I owe an apology for leaving 20 minutes before 12 PM. I went up to my room to get dressed for bed and for three seconds I sat on my bed.

Then I woke up, ate breakfeast, played with my dogs, watched t.v, then came down here.

So I apologize for promising to be here at 12 then leaving. But I need my sleep damnit!
09-17-2005, 7:44 AM
Well, I'm not sure. Something about it just kind of...clicked. She obviously wasn't a super-pretty child, but she still grew up to be beautiful and elegant. She's had her selfish moments, as we can tell from her mom, and that just makes her all the more human to me. She's made mistakes, she was sad. Now she's optimistic about everything. Really, that may have come off as stupid, but...

I dunno'. I come off as a retard so much of the time that when I say something deep people look at me funny.

No I really got that. When I saved her from her past and she began walking around I turned around and said to my friend. "You know, shes kind of cool. Look at her she's still pretty even though she doesn't look like she did in the pictures." Also she reminded me of someone that was very special to me. They both had that air of being disconnected from the Earth and yet knowing more about it.

Fred is my favorite. When you first meet him he's talking like Napolean and speaking about cannons. Not to mention he is the complete opposite of his great great great great...grandfather. However he still thinks of his relative as the sterotypical Napolean which I found funny. It was completely mindbending when you find the glass window inside the gameboard and Fred and Napolean are playing in it, yet Napolean is on the gameboard and Napolean and Fred are watching you.

His whole story with losing his insanity is funny and something to think about. They really went for the funny side of it with him pointing to himself and a huge-ass Fred sign signifies it's him. Also the whole Crispin playing against him was played for laughs. However, as I have mentioned in another thread, he presents the idea that these people had lives outside of the asylum. Notice his #1 Dad mug. I don't think he is a father but it really did make me think for a while. He was the most normal and sane yet he was easily tipped over by losing a game. This could have been from him feeling that he wasn't strong enough to fight back or it could have been the cause of hanging around insane people all day, like Boyd, Gloria, and Edgar.

Wait a second...damnit! I already changed my icon. Tommorow Fred, tommorow.
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 8:17 AM
Heh. This happens every time I love something. I start considering a character's feelings and then, all of a sudden, I can't do anything with them anymore. Crazy world out here, much better to be with crazy people in there.
09-17-2005, 8:20 AM
Heh. This happens every time I love something. I start considering a character's feelings and then, all of a sudden, I can't do anything with them anymore. Crazy world out here, much better to be with crazy people in there.

Yeah, and this is part of the reason why it is so hard for me to write fanfiction. I don't feel like I can capture their true self.

It's like I'm still a young child who hasn't really grown out of the pretending stage. I believe that's what we call nerds today. People who haven't grown out of wonder of things around them and wonder of other things then what we see everyday.

Being deep isn't all too bad. Sometime's we need to balance the stupid with the deep.
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 8:27 AM
I'll tell you now I'm still pretty much a young child sill in the pretending stage. In my mind.
And if that's nerdy, then I'm dang proud.

But I have problems being me in public. You know, because the people here are kind of...

 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 8:30 AM
I figure I may have a problem with thinking in general. One second, I'll be making jokes about how the meaning of life is to entertain some greater force, like in the Olympics. Or war is chess.

And the next second I'll be wondering about what I honestly believe in. Darwin/God. The people in Georgia would MUG me if I said I was considering. They already got angry because I hadn't been baptized.

Oh well. Not like they can get into my mind, right?
09-17-2005, 8:51 AM
I figure I may have a problem with thinking in general. One second, I'll be making jokes about how the meaning of life is to entertain some greater force, like in the Olympics. Or war is chess.

And the next second I'll be wondering about what I honestly believe in. Darwin/God. The people in Georgia would MUG me if I said I was considering. They already got angry because I hadn't been baptized.

Oh well. Not like they can get into my mind, right?

Yes they can, they got Boyd didn't they?

I hate double posting but I need to get upstairs to bring down something I have been working on.
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 8:57 AM
Dude, I wrote the first Sasha/Milla fic. I'm so proud. I REALLY want to write a Boyd fic, and I've started one... I'm thinking Gloria would be fun too.

Boyd would be totally interesting. U should do that.
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 8:58 AM
Its okay if G-Men get into my mind and I'm hypnotized into burning stuff. I love G-Men. I burned toilet paper once because fire is pretty. I could hold my own.

But if the media got into my mind, I don't know what I'd do.
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 9:00 AM
Boyd would be totally interesting. U should do that.
And, with the blessings of the lovely Zets Darke, the humble Squid strode off on a dark horse and thus, with a mighty pen, wrote a fanfic.
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:04 AM
Wow, Klia. U post like SUPER long posts that make my vision double just looking at them. O_O Hehe u should write a fic

Ne ways,
Someone DEFINATELY needs to write another feels like we have all suddenly gotten unforgivably lazy and aside from Purple Squid who has two finished fics...we should all be ashamed of ourselves >.<
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:04 AM
And, with the blessings of the lovely Zets Darke, the humble Squid strode off on a dark horse and thus, with a mighty pen, wrote a fanfic.

Lol, looking forward to reading it.
09-17-2005, 9:05 AM
Notes from Klia's Fanfiction Notebook


-when he lost his job it was breaking point
-lost many other jobs/don't know if he reacted to those but last one landed him in insane asylum
-hung onto milk as savior/cookie girls worked for milkman's job
-birth of milkman
-believed he was a guard once again
-paranoid about society and government watching him
-his mind had the whole neighborhood situatied around him
-possible pyromaniac
-enjoys his work obsessively and believes his life revolved around it
-older working man
-We do not know of an relations
-knows much of Oleander/psychic?
-Probably knows Gloria and Edgar
-Fred knows him and could have possibly been his counseler.
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 9:06 AM
Wow, Klia. U post like SUPER long posts that make my vision double just looking at them. O_O Hehe u should write a fic

Ne ways,
Someone DEFINATELY needs to write another feels like we have all suddenly gotten unforgivably lazy and aside from Purple Squid who has two finished fics...we should all be ashamed of ourselves >.<

And my fics are so short if you smacked em' together they could make one big page of fic.

But yeah, you all suck.
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 9:08 AM
Notes from Klia's Fanfiction Notebook


-when he lost his job it was breaking point
-lost many other jobs/don't know if he reacted to those but last one landed him in insane asylum
-hung onto milk as savior/cookie girls worked for milkman's job
-birth of milkman
-believed he was a guard once again
-paranoid about society and government watching him
-his mind had the whole neighborhood situatied around him
-possible pyromaniac
-enjoys his work obsessively and believes his life revolved around it
-older working man
-We do not know of an relations
-knows much of Oleander/psychic?
-Probably knows Gloria and Edgar
-Fred knows him and could have possibly been his counseler.

I'm going to snatch these and pretend I wrote them. And obviously he knows about the five richest families in the country getting in bed with foreign toymakers. And a jar of olives.
09-17-2005, 9:08 AM
Wow, Klia. U post like SUPER long posts that make my vision double just looking at them. O_O Hehe u should write a fic

Ne ways,
Someone DEFINATELY needs to write another feels like we have all suddenly gotten unforgivably lazy and aside from Purple Squid who has two finished fics...we should all be ashamed of ourselves >.<

Boyd would be totally interesting. U should do that.

Yay Darke is back!

I like thinking about things. I try to write a fanfiction and I have gotten pretty far but nothing holds my interest for long. The only way I can do it is if I write all day without stopping for food or drink. That was how I destroyed a journal by writing a story.

I have written some stories but they are old and My KH fanfiction really does suck. However I needed to update or I would be kicked off.

We really should be ashamed. I haven't even read them as Purple Squid keeps on stopping me with all the posts that I love to respond to.

I just made a character outline of Boyd. Those seem to help me.
09-17-2005, 9:11 AM
I'm going to snatch these and pretend I wrote them. And obviously he knows about the five richest families in the country getting in bed with foreign toymakers. And a jar of olives.

See he told me that he knew of the five richest families who got in bed with the bermuda sharks.

Why did he have to lie to me?

And my fics are so short if you smacked em' together they could make one big page of fic.

But yeah, you all suck.

Yay I suck!
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 9:13 AM
Well, I'm SORRY for doing what I signed up for. Now I'm going to stop talking to you. Go read the friggin' fics.

(I love you!)
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 9:13 AM
Sharks are sexy beasts. Rowr.

He probably lied because he doesn't like you.
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:22 AM
Yay Darke is back!

I like thinking about things. I try to write a fanfiction and I have gotten pretty far but nothing holds my interest for long. The only way I can do it is if I write all day without stopping for food or drink. That was how I destroyed a journal by writing a story.

I have written some stories but they are old and My KH fanfiction really does suck. However I needed to update or I would be kicked off.

We really should be ashamed. I haven't even read them as Purple Squid keeps on stopping me with all the posts that I love to respond to.

I just made a character outline of Boyd. Those seem to help me.

I ussually have to force myself to sit down and write. (With a cup of coffee of course...which reminds me...I have to finish coloring Sasha...don't ask.) KH fiction sux too...and I'm slow with it...which gives the people reading it the right to kick me in the teeth because I make them wait for so long. (Not to mention I'm now three chapters into my Psychonauts fic and only two into my KH fic...and I've had that one since some time last year.)

Ugh...rambling. Ne ways...U could still write some fics...looks like you have some great ideas...just make them short fics...turn out one in a day...and show us...and we shall all be in awe of you!
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 9:25 AM
Heh, I love KH, but not enough for fanfiction. Anyway, I could just go to Disney fiction and read it. Well, I need to write these stories. NOW. I just can't get my hand to do anything but draw, even though I have a lot of cool ideas.
09-17-2005, 9:30 AM
I ussually have to force myself to sit down and write. (With a cup of coffee of course...which reminds me...I have to finish coloring Sasha...don't ask.) KH fiction sux too...and I'm slow with it...which gives the people reading it the right to kick me in the teeth because I make them wait for so long. (Not to mention I'm now three chapters into my Psychonauts fic and only two into my KH fic...and I've had that one since some time last year.)

Ugh...rambling. Ne ways...U could still write some fics...looks like you have some great ideas...just make them short fics...turn out one in a day...and show us...and we shall all be in awe of you!

I like it when people are in awe of me. Kingdom Hearts fanfiction is hard to write because they didn't give us much to start with at the end. Mostly people just do romance. I would like to read yours. May I have a link?

Here are my fic's. Read and Review filthy earth humans.

Sharks are sexy beasts. Rowr.

He probably lied because he doesn't like you.

Well, I'm SORRY for doing what I signed up for. Now I'm going to stop talking to you. Go read the friggin' fics.

(I love you!)

Sharks are very sexy. Boyd just wouldn't let me see them and his lies made me sad. It's probably because I smacked him around for a few hours because I had no clue what to do in his mind.

You so should be sorry for doing what you are supposed to do. Become a conformist and everything will be all right.

Now see, your love has gotten cooties all over me. I'm going to have to go take a bath and write more. However I did read a fanfiction of yours with Sasha and Milla as your cooties were holding me prisoner and that was the first Sasha and Milla fic I have read. I read it before I came here and I was impressed then.

Now I'm even more impressed because I met the author.
09-17-2005, 9:35 AM
Heh, I love KH, but not enough for fanfiction. Anyway, I could just go to Disney fiction and read it. Well, I need to write these stories. NOW. I just can't get my hand to do anything but draw, even though I have a lot of cool ideas.

Wait you draw?

What is going on here?!
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:35 AM
Heh, I love KH, but not enough for fanfiction. Anyway, I could just go to Disney fiction and read it. Well, I need to write these stories. NOW. I just can't get my hand to do anything but draw, even though I have a lot of cool ideas.

I think that's my problem. I don't love the game enough for fiction. I have other fics, like for TNBC that are over 20 chapters long...and I should be able to finish my Psychonauts fics easily for Kingdom hearts...I'm hoping the sequel will give me a little boost so I don't dissapoint anyone.
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 9:35 AM
Yes. You should be. I could totally kick J.K. Rowling's butt.

This Sunday, in a ferocious cage battle, get ready for the GRUDGE MATCH OF THE CENTURY.
Purple Squid- 120 pounds of PURE FURY.
Rowling- A master mind of the pen and paper, using witchcraft to her advantage.


Now that I read that, I think I would lose pretty badly. She could just stab me a lot with a fountain pen and hurl crumpets at me. That would suck. And I don't care if I give you cooties, I love you more than alcohol.
09-17-2005, 9:37 AM
I think that's my problem. I don't love the game enough for fiction. I have other fics, like for TNBC that are over 20 chapters long...and I should be able to finish my Psychonauts fics easily for Kingdom hearts...I'm hoping the sequel will give me a little boost so I don't dissapoint anyone.

I'm wary of the sequel. They said it was going to be darker but that's what I loved about the first game. It was light, dark, comedic, and deep. Once you tip the scale it's done for.

Aww..just one little link Darke? I'm on a TNBC rush right now.

Anyone see the alternate ending to it?
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 9:37 AM
Wait you draw?

What is going on here?!
Uh... yes.

 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 9:39 AM
I'm wary of the sequel. They said it was going to be darker but that's what I loved about the first game. It was light, dark, comedic, and deep. Once you tip the scale it's done for.

Aww..just one little link Darke? I'm on a TNBC rush right now.

Anyone see the alternate ending to it?
I'm hoping it goes right. How could it not? It has Mulan in it.

There's an alternate ending?
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:39 AM
My link is:

But there's only one KH fic in there. It's sort of a crossover with FF7 (The real ff7...not the one reprosented in the game) I feel bad for not having updated in a while. Everything else there is Nightmare Before Christmas...and I have one Discworld...but I think I'm going to delete that one. (I don't think anyone would notice.)
09-17-2005, 9:40 AM
Alright that's it! I demand you all give me access to your brains right now on the grounds that I want to see these fics and pics.

Screw it, I'll just go change my icon. This is a pretty bad one...but then the other one would be used up...
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:41 AM
I'm wary of the sequel. They said it was going to be darker but that's what I loved about the first game. It was light, dark, comedic, and deep. Once you tip the scale it's done for.

Aww..just one little link Darke? I'm on a TNBC rush right now.

Anyone see the alternate ending to it?

Yup. I kind of like the darkness...but...I guess if its completely different I won't enjoy it so much. That's the problem with most sequels...they don't stay very true to the original.
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 9:41 AM
My link is:

But there's only one KH fic in there. It's sort of a crossover with FF7 (The real ff7...not the one reprosented in the game) I feel bad for not having updated in a while. Everything else there is Nightmare Before Christmas...and I have one Discworld...but I think I'm going to delete that one. (I don't think anyone would notice.)
I was just talknig about Discworld with my dad! Don't delete! I want to read!
09-17-2005, 9:41 AM
Now that I read that, I think I would lose pretty badly. She could just stab me a lot with a fountain pen and hurl crumpets at me. That would suck. And I don't care if I give you cooties, I love you Zets more than alcohol.

Are you cheating on me?

I'm hoping it goes right. How could it not? It has Mulan in it.

There's an alternate ending?

It's not fully animated but it is sketched out and it's actually pretty funny.
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 9:43 AM
Alright that's it! I demand you all give me access to your brains right now on the grounds that I want to see these fics and pics.

Screw it, I'll just go change my icon. This is a pretty bad one...but then the other one would be used up...
D: My scanner hates me and I can't control a mouse to save my life.

But you can still have my brains.
09-17-2005, 9:45 AM
D: My scanner hates me and I can't control a mouse to save my life.

But you can still have my brains.

Why are scanners so cheap? mine broke after 3 uses.
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 9:46 AM
Are you cheating on me?

It's not fully animated but it is sketched out and it's actually pretty funny.

Of course not. I see you noticed the random name thrown in there. I love you!
Only you, and nothing more. Maybe a tie between chocolate.

I'm going to edit that so people don't think I'm an e-slut.

It better be funny. I'm going to watch it!
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:47 AM
I was just talknig about Discworld with my dad! Don't delete! I want to read!
I WANT TO LEEEEEARN!'s a fantastic book series...but I've never been good with writing fics on books. (Unlike those Potter heads who are clogging much of the book section in Meh...I'm alright with READIng book fiction...just not writin it.
 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 9:48 AM
Of course not. I see you noticed the random name thrown in there. I love you!
Only you, and nothing more. Maybe a tie between chocolate.

I'm going to edit that so people don't think I'm an e-slut.

It better be funny. I'm going to watch it!

YOU LIED TO ME!!! T.T WHYYYYyyyy?! least I still have my coffee...
09-17-2005, 9:49 AM
Of course not. I see you noticed the random name thrown in there. I love you!
Only you, and nothing more. Maybe a tie between chocolate.

I'm going to edit that so people don't think I'm an e-slut.

It better be funny. I'm going to watch it!

You should know that whatever I think is funny is not funny to the masses.

e-slut? If you were an e-slut your scanner sure as hell would not be broken. It would be fried.
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 9:50 AM
HE HAS THONGS. I get it! Dang. Since I'm American I had no idea where you had gotten that notion, but I see now you meant sandals! Heheh... you should've warned me.
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 9:51 AM
You should know that whatever I think is funny is not funny to the masses.

e-slut? If you were an e-slut your scanner sure as hell would not be broken. It would be fried.
I've never used my scanner.

1.) Because its totally refusing to turn on.
2.) Because I'm afraid of critique.
09-17-2005, 9:51 AM
YOU LIED TO ME!!! T.T WHYYYYyyyy?! least I still have my coffee...

At least you have your coffee. I ate my apples.

I had something witty to say but my mind got off track. I'll be gone for about 5 minutes and then I may or may not be back.
09-17-2005, 9:53 AM
HE HAS THONGS. I get it! Dang. Since I'm American I had no idea where you had gotten that notion, but I see now you meant sandals! Heheh... you should've warned me.

I'm American too I just have learned a lot in my acting classes.

My teacher was wearing flip-flops which was weird since we are only allowed to wear sneakers.Someone pointed that out and he said "Oh you like my thongs?"

We all stared.
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 9:55 AM
Heheh... wow. He must've been the [butt] of every joke!

 Zetz Darke
09-17-2005, 10:04 AM
K, I'm leaving.

I read ur KH fic, Klia. It's good, I like it.

Off to color Sasha!!!
 Purple Squid
09-17-2005, 10:06 AM
BYE! Don't forget to write!

Letters, I mean!
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