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KotOR and KotOR2 Savegame Editor (KSE) - Current Version: 3.3.3

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03-31-2004, 8:12 AM
using win xp pro , havent had the program crash on me once , all the way from 1.something , i think it was the first 1.something one in fact , using 1.3.3 (the exe one) and still no problems , fully updated from windows update website

only time the save game editor gave me problems was when i made me a jedi before leaving the ender spire before you put up those modified scripts ~shrugs~
03-31-2004, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by tk102
Ossian - :confused: I don't know what you mean exactly.

The game takes informations on the character like the number of HP e FP, saving throws and other things.
It can be seen levelling a charatcter to the 20th (or any other) level and then editing it to the 1st.
Those values don't change.
Is there a way to alter them?
03-31-2004, 1:38 PM
I believe what you're looking for is in the 2da files -- namely classes.2da, classpowergain.2da, and the .2da files that begin with cls_. Take a look there with Kotor Tool. And in that case, yes you can edit them and put them in your Override.
03-31-2004, 2:15 PM
TNX A LOT!!! :D :D :D
 darth makaan
03-31-2004, 5:43 PM
well so far nothing yet. working good so far.

i tried putting force powers on characters on taris. no reboots yet
03-31-2004, 5:47 PM
Yeah I use windows XP pro also but it crashed on me the first few times I used it. It stopped crashing after I stopped changing so much at one time.
 darth makaan
03-31-2004, 7:18 PM
ok i was giving mission the dual weapons feat and it restarted.
04-02-2004, 9:32 AM
I'm searching for an easy-to-use 2da files editor.
Anyone can help?
 Fred Tetra
04-02-2004, 2:12 PM
There's one built into Kotor Tool ( that you might like.
04-02-2004, 8:36 PM
Thank u very much Fred :D
 Mr. Underhill
04-04-2004, 7:41 AM
Heh...just found out that with the editor you can't gain light or dark mastery by adjusting good/evil to 0 or 100 you have to do that in game, I tested by giving myself 99 then added a light side point in the game and acheived mastery. If you give your self 100 in the editor you don't get the icon or your bonus'. Just thought I'd let you know. :)
 darth makaan
04-14-2004, 6:22 AM
what do ya mean by mastery and icon and bonus?

btw tk102 are there any new updates to the save editor? will ya reconsider adding the items feature to it?
 Mr. Underhill
04-14-2004, 6:58 AM
When you reach full Light or Dark represented on the force meter; left of your character in the Character Info screen (were your background is shown as an increasing instensity of blue or red), you gain mastery and a bonus depending on your jedi class.
Guardian: Light = +3 strength, Dark = +1d8 damage
Consular: Light = +3 charisma, Dark = +50 force points
Sentinel: Light = +3 constitution, Dark = immunity to poison
A Light or Dark icon appears on your Effects List located on the meter to the right of you character on the Character Info screen.
Hope that makes sense. :)
04-14-2004, 4:52 PM
I'm currently involved (read: interested) in trying to figure out Camera Angles, Trigger Points, and other general mod-related trivia.

If a new update comes out I'll let you know in this thread. You're still having reboot problems anyway though hmm? The easy workaround is to just cheat 'giveitem' which is essentially what your asking for via KSE.

T7Nowhere offered a means to copy out the inventory (item instances, not just templates) from one savegame and import it into another and he has a link on his sticky thread.
 darth makaan
04-14-2004, 5:30 PM
where? linky?
04-14-2004, 5:35 PM
05-22-2004, 3:14 PM
Source code published for this and all the other utilities that I host.
06-19-2004, 4:04 PM
Originally posted by darth makaan:
btw tk102 are there any new updates to the save editor? will ya reconsider adding the items feature to it?

There is an alpha version of KSE with this functionality added that is currently being tested for bugs.

In addition to Inventory Editing, Appearance and Portrait editing will be available for both the PC and NPCs. You will also be able to rename the NPCs.

Target date for release is June 27.

Screenshot 1 (
Screenshot 2 (
Screenshot 3 (
 Colma Adawin
06-19-2004, 4:31 PM
Originally posted by tk102
There is an alpha version of KSE with this functionality added that is currently being tested for bugs.

In addition to Inventory Editing, Appearance and Portrait editing will be available for both the PC and NPCs. You will also be able to rename the NPCs.

Target date for release is June 27.

Screenshot 1 (
Screenshot 2 (
Screenshot 3 (

I will most CERTAINLY be awaiting that one!!!

Will you post it here or on PCGM or even both?

 Darth Khasei
06-20-2004, 1:04 AM
Looks wonderful.
 Lorden Darkblade
06-20-2004, 1:20 AM
Originally posted by Darth Khasei
Looks wonderful.

I second that!!
06-21-2004, 10:50 AM
Looking for additional beta testers at this point. PM me if interested.
06-21-2004, 9:12 PM
Heh first, TK102, your editor is great :) Thx for it

Now I got a little problem, it seems I cannot edit my char power, when I click add, it does nothing, anyone would happen to know why it doesnt want to add force power ?
06-21-2004, 9:23 PM
Try making a file called kse.log and put it in the same dir as KSE. Then try again. The kse.log file should have some info. You can send it to me if you like --- email address in the readme.txt
06-22-2004, 8:02 AM
Ah, it s working now, though dont know why it wasnt working.

Also I noticed an other problem, if I removed my basic class and changed my jedi class, then when I would load the game my hp and fp wouldnt update properly.

To make it work had to remove my both class, create a new one at lvl 1, and then level it up, that way it worked
06-23-2004, 10:06 AM
The next version of KSE will have more feedback -- errors will be known immediately as will 'successful' saves.
06-23-2004, 3:20 PM
Looking for additional beta testers at this point. PM me if interested.

Last call.
06-24-2004, 1:27 AM
KSE v2.06 released. (

Special thanks to T7Nowhere and Darth333 for providing testing.
06-24-2004, 3:51 AM
Well it's working fine for me. One thing I thought would be nice. In the inventory editor you can see the item name but you can't see the name in the master item list. Think you could do something about that?
 Colma Adawin
06-24-2004, 4:46 AM
GR8 STUFF!!!! i've just Changed my self into Ajunta Pall and got trained in the Jedi and Sith Ways!!!!

i take my hat off you My friend :dude1:

MattCole :D
06-24-2004, 8:10 AM
Yes!!! this is great. good work tk.
06-24-2004, 9:00 AM
Well it's working fine for me. One thing I thought would be nice. In the inventory editor you can see the item name but you can't see the name in the master item list. Think you could do something about that?

You're referring to the Description? It is in the list, and if you expand your window (either by dragging or maximizing it) you might be able to see it better, plus there should be a horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the Master Item List.

But I see what you mean, maybe the tree window doesn't need to be quite so wide. :)
06-24-2004, 9:07 AM

If anyone besides Darth333 ends up having to use alternate version of KSE (KSEA), I would be interested in hearing about it. It would be nice to just distribute a single version, as you can understand.

Thanks for the feedback. :)
 Lorden Darkblade
06-24-2004, 12:58 PM
Geat work mate!
I loved it!
Now we can add/remove items from our inventory.
I have a question, when I'm looking at the Item Master List I get names with 3 colors.
What the colors mean?
I think that Blue are the ones we already have and black the ones we dont have, but what about the red ones?
I tryied to add a red one but I got something like this written in the inventory in the Save Game Editor: (space) Bad StrRef [19382060]

EDIT: ok I tryied some of the red ones and they worked...
What is gave that error was T7nowhere's Jolee's Jade Shield.
I think that all of T7nowhere's items are giving me that error.
06-24-2004, 1:39 PM
Reload2K -- yes the blue ones are items you already have, the black one are the ones you don't and the red ones are the ones that have been found in the override folder.

The error you got sounds like the .uti had a 0 in the LocalizedName StrRef instead of a -1, and possibly an error in the 'Tag' field. Is that the case?
06-24-2004, 1:51 PM
06-24-2004, 2:13 PM
Tk thanks for the awesome tool, I’ll give it a try once I get off the Endar spire. Always testing now a days

And great news from Obsidian, looks promising if only they would give us info on model format ;)

 Lorden Darkblade
06-24-2004, 2:20 PM
I'll post a link here to some screen shots of the uti file on the GFFEditor.

Name Error (

Tag Error (

Give a look to it.

Thanks in advance,
06-24-2004, 3:34 PM
Originally posted by ReLoaD2K
I'll post a link here to some screen shots of the uti file on the GFFEditor.

I have found that error in several uti's that were in
Holowan plug-in. They will all be fixed. Im not sure why it happend, but thaks to tk102's kse I identified the problem items last week and fixed them.
06-24-2004, 3:46 PM
T7, I'm not so sure the .uti's are completely at fault -- I think KSE should be robust enough to handle these nuances in .uti fields. I'm investigating it now and will probably submit a v2.0.7 if I find anything.
 Lorden Darkblade
06-24-2004, 3:58 PM
Well I didnt get your sabers at the Holowan Plug-In.
I got them separated in PCGAMEMODs.
So I think they all are with problems.
 Darth Khasei
06-24-2004, 4:33 PM
06-24-2004, 4:45 PM
There is this nagging problem that you can't use the same head for two separate people when you change the appearance... :(
06-24-2004, 5:51 PM
I have found that error in several uti's that were in
Holowan plug-in. They will all be fixed. Im not sure why it happend

I've determined that the problem with the uti files in question have a 0D0A sequence in their TemplateResRef. I have a new version that deals with this correctly and will upload it within the next 8 hours.

you can't use the same head for two separate people when you change the appearance
Really? So what happens then? Only one gets it?
06-24-2004, 6:12 PM
Ya only one person gets it.

For example, if you chose your appearance as, say..

You save it and load up the game. And say you have Juhani in your party. Once it loads, you look exactly like Juhani, like it should, not a problem... until you go to the next area. Once it loads up in a different part of the city/place, Juhani will lose her head while you still keep hers.
06-24-2004, 7:03 PM
Ha ha ha. Ah, that's too bad. Well I'll put that one in the readme. Thanks for posting it. If you figure out a way around that, let me know.
 Lorden Darkblade
06-24-2004, 10:14 PM
Do you think that with the new version those errors wont happen again tk102?
06-24-2004, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by tk102
Ha ha ha. Ah, that's too bad. Well I'll put that one in the readme. Thanks for posting it. If you figure out a way around that, let me know.

Tk a way around it involves editing files ..

rip Juhanis ones out with KT , rename them to what ever you want them to replace , save to the override folder

of course this wont help the save game editor now will it :p

and good news from Obsidian , glad they are keeping everyhing the same , that also means Fred's KT tools proberly wont need much work to make it work with KOTOR2
06-25-2004, 12:51 AM
Always better if the savegame editor adapted to fix these stuff :p
06-25-2004, 12:57 AM
v2.07 released (see first post of this thread). Handles custom .uti files better now.
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