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Mr. Underhill

Latest Activity

Posted in: Exar Kun Pack
 Mr. Underhill
04-14-2004, 2:33 PM
Doom...I can host if for if you would like. You can email me mr_underhill@disinfoDOTnet...  [Read More]
Posted in: Revised Qel-Droma Robes
 Mr. Underhill
04-12-2004, 2:39 PM
If you already have the robes the new texture won't be applied, you need to use the console to give yourself a new version of the robe. If you havn't found them yet and install the files, when you find them in the shyrack caves the new texture will b...  [Read More]
Posted in: Revised Qel-Droma Robes
 Mr. Underhill
04-12-2004, 9:12 AM
numark79....Yes, both female and male textures are included. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Revised Qel-Droma Robes
 Mr. Underhill
04-11-2004, 4:42 PM
#8 you go. Revised Robes ( I figured I'd these now, I'm still fiddlin' around with little aspects that I'm sure only I notice. O' the horrors of ones own work. It's funny...  [Read More]
Posted in: Revised Qel-Droma Robes
 Mr. Underhill
04-11-2004, 8:30 AM
Thanks Ryan. I'm still fiddlin' around with them, I'm post a link to them in a little bit. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Revised Qel-Droma Robes
 Mr. Underhill
04-10-2004, 9:24 AM
I was looking for an alternate texture to the Qel-Droma robes, I liked Ryan's White version but it wasn't quite right, so I created my own, it's a combo of Jules Windus's Robe and the standard robe. It's certainly inspired by Ryan's robe, so I don't...  [Read More]
When you reach full Light or Dark represented on the force meter; left of your character in the Character Info screen (were your background is shown as an increasing instensity of blue or red), you gain mastery and a bonus depending on your jedi clas...  [Read More]
Heh...just found out that with the editor you can't gain light or dark mastery by adjusting good/evil to 0 or 100 you have to do that in game, I tested by giving myself 99 then added a light side point in the game and acheived mastery. If you give yo...  [Read More]