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James Isaac

Latest Posts

Page: 17 of 21
Posted in: The GF events that made you laugh
 James Isaac
08-08-2003, 1:41 PM
There are loads of funny moments. I couldn't list all of mine. But one of my favourites was at the Blue Casket when Manny was trying to be funny on teh stage....  [Read More]
Posted in: New forums skin
 James Isaac
08-29-2003, 8:12 AM
But this is too dark for me, if makes these forums seem sad and empty, but if they were lighter, it would make them a nicer place....  [Read More]
Posted in: New forums skin
 James Isaac
08-29-2003, 4:49 AM
When will it be done? You said it would be done really soon, but that was aages ago....  [Read More]
Posted in: wallpapers archive
 James Isaac
08-29-2003, 4:45 AM
Yes, I put one of them on my GF site... Because those wallpapers took ages to download 1 by 1....  [Read More]
Posted in: Manny is a Sim!
 James Isaac
08-17-2003, 7:47 AM
Lol. That's a good idea. I also like the ones from Monkey Island!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Looking for helpers for a GF site
 James Isaac
08-17-2003, 7:49 AM
Anyone else?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Looking for helpers for a GF site
 James Isaac
08-08-2003, 12:59 PM
Oooh. OK then. That would e good content for the site. Contact me at and then we can talk more (I can't e-mail you first because I don't know and can't find out your e-mail address.)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Looking for helpers for a GF site
 James Isaac
08-08-2003, 11:48 AM
Well, I am making a GF site which should be really good. I have some really good features in the making. But I don't want to give away too much yet ;) . So, if you think you can help by being one of the following: Helping me code it up. Graphics art...  [Read More]
Posted in: Free design
 James Isaac
08-08-2003, 11:04 AM
Yeah, I will have a credits page, and I will definetly thank you for the design there....  [Read More]
Posted in: Free design
 James Isaac
08-08-2003, 10:52 AM
I am using it! :D Thanks Thirk. [EDIT]I got it now, you can remove the link. Thanks a lot...  [Read More]
Posted in: Viewing the GF Lua scripts?
 James Isaac
08-08-2003, 10:40 AM
ok. Thanks....  [Read More]
Posted in: Viewing the GF Lua scripts?
 James Isaac
08-08-2003, 5:08 AM
I remember doing it before, but I can't remember the program. Could someone please tell me what to use to read the GF Lua scripts? Thanks, James...  [Read More]
Posted in: Making Grim Fandango 2
 James Isaac
08-09-2003, 11:14 AM
Yeah, you would use C++. Visual Basic is too basic like you said. And is really useful for tools and 2D games. And Dark Basic is also too basic....  [Read More]
Posted in: Making Grim Fandango 2
 James Isaac
08-09-2003, 5:33 AM
It will be fun for the people who didn't make it so therefore don't know the story etc. You could say the same thing about any company - What is teh point in making any game if you know the story: 1)It is fun for other people 2) It is sort of fun to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Making Grim Fandango 2
 James Isaac
08-09-2003, 4:56 AM
Wow. Those are great! I wish I could do that - I had a go with 3D studio max, but I wasn't at all good with it. And I can probably be a programmer for you. Because I have a good knowledge of Visual Basic and SLUDGE, but I am learning C++....  [Read More]
Posted in: Making Grim Fandango 2
 James Isaac
08-08-2003, 5:02 PM
What? Even if you get it from my ftp ( (I know that the first link I posted didn't work, but then I edited it with my FTP. ODes that work?)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Making Grim Fandango 2
 James Isaac
08-08-2003, 4:42 PM
Oops. The new site is still under construction, adn I guess I accidently forgot to upload the old page. i'll just give you a link here: [EDIT]Oops. Guess that page doesn't exist...  [Read More]
Posted in: Making Grim Fandango 2
 James Isaac
08-08-2003, 4:42 AM
I am going to learn C++ and maybe LUA. When I do, I might try to do a quick Grim Fandango attempt. And btw, I saw this person who was trying to make a GF2. And he released a demo. You could walk round with this 3D guy and it actually was quite good....  [Read More]
Posted in: Making Grim Fandango 2
 James Isaac
08-07-2003, 12:27 PM
I would like to (I could programme) but we would get a "Cease and Decist" thing from LucasArts because it is illegal....  [Read More]
Posted in: Older version of the GFN
 James Isaac
08-06-2003, 4:14 PM
OK. I'll wait then....  [Read More]
Posted in: Older version of the GFN
 James Isaac
08-06-2003, 4:59 AM
Is ther any way I can see the design of the versions of teh GFN before v.4. becuase that was when I found it. I just want to see what it looked like. Thanks, James...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is ripping music legal?
 James Isaac
08-05-2003, 3:54 PM
Ah damn. There goes my "Music" section...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is ripping music legal?
 James Isaac
08-05-2003, 6:15 AM
So, is it illegal to rip music from the game, and then put it up on the internet for download? (Like a lot of GF fan sites do)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The GF 3DO viewer?
 James Isaac
08-05-2003, 6:21 AM
Well, I think if you can't do the 3D part, then you should team up with someone else, and they can help you with the 3D. Because it would be really great with support for 3D, and I would really appreciate it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Saddest moment in GF.
 James Isaac
08-03-2003, 12:25 PM
The saddest moment for me was when Manny left Glottis. None of teh other moments were really that sad to me....  [Read More]
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