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James Isaac

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Page: 13 of 21
Posted in: Soundtrack Available
 James Isaac
04-16-2004, 8:22 AM
Edit The grim fandango network people do it aswell :) (  [Read More]
Posted in: Just Completed
 James Isaac
04-15-2004, 8:18 AM
Glad you liked it just as much as everyone else here ;) 1st Question: The only thing anyone knows is that Hector took over the city... 2nd Question: Nobody knows......  [Read More]
Posted in: Grim Fandango Posters
 James Isaac
04-14-2004, 2:32 PM
Not official ones (i think)...  [Read More]
:) Glad you like it. I have a registered copy of SLUDGE, so you can help code it, and then send me the code and I'll compile it. :)...  [Read More]
Phew. This one should work. Sorry for all the mistakes. i checked it all the way through. have fun...  [Read More]
Ooops. I'm so stupid. I called stopsound while there was no sound file playing. Final build will be released soon which will have no sound at all and therefore no sound problems...  [Read More]
It doesn't have to be long or persuasive or anything. Just say something like: Hi, I am pretty annoyed that Sam and Max 2 in cancelled, so with a few other people i am making a fan project sequel to sam and max - just for fun. if you have any obje...  [Read More]
Got rid of all sound and recompiled it.... Might not work because I am in the middle of switching servers. If it doesn't work, try this:  [Read More]
That;s what I said. I am going to recompile it with all midi sound files removed. But I can't do it now becuase I am at school....  [Read More]
I was thinking the same thing. That's why I said make it a short game ;) . And, I am going to remove all of the midi music from the game and reupload it soon. Someone told me that should work....  [Read More]
I seeked help on the HungrySoftware forums and got this reply I don't have much experience with sound files, but is this the same bug that was discussed here a few months ago? If I remember right, it's not Sludge's fault, but the next version will f...  [Read More]
OKOK. Maybe I included the wrong version of fmod .dll. But there is not meant to be a folder called music. What happens is it bundles the whole thing together into one file called "Sam and Max Demo.slg", and then the engine runs that. But...  [Read More]
Phew. Finally finished the demo... Uploading now. But i am uploading it to a Lycos page, so it will probably shut down soon. And, I am uploading now, so as I write this message, the file isn't uploaded yet. Give it 15 minutes and it should be. Once...  [Read More]
Screenshot:  [Read More]
Sorry, I made the demo more like Sam and Max 2. I have the blue list of things to do with the object like in Sam and Max 2. You can play it with that, and if you don't like it, I can really easily change it to old SnM1 style. And also, I was trying...  [Read More]
Sorry again for the delays, I have some homework and coursework to do.... but the demo should be done fairly soon....  [Read More]
I am not going to do it completely like SnM 2 though - I'll keep the interface like SnM1 (unless you want me to make it like that, which I could probably implement pretty easily).......  [Read More]
That's basically what we are doing... but do you mean close the team so that no one else can join? And, you probably do have Windows Messenger - it usually comes with Windows. See if you have it. The SLUDGE demo might be a bit delayed due to slowne...  [Read More]
My game will be open source... but it would be a lot easier for us to work together on the programming if you had MSN Messenger. ;) And since no one has given me any backgrounds, I have had to try somethign new, so don't blame me if the don't look g...  [Read More]
Yup. Good explanation :). I agree with you. I am working on the SLUDGE demo, and I am having so much fun with it, and I have a really cool suprise ready for the release of it which should be really cool. So that should be released by tommorow, so ge...  [Read More]
There's nothing wrong with e-mailing LucasArts - all we are doing is checking if they are ok with what they are doing - it's the right thing to do ;) I'll start working on a demo that should be done soon then... And, how about we choose a story th...  [Read More]
But one of the advantages of SLUDGE is all the possibilities that are avaliable to the coder, so that will not be visible to the user of a demo, but for us it will be a great advantage. In AGS, you click a load of buttons, then type in a bit of code,...  [Read More]
Hey, we aren't gonna kill you becuase of that. You had a go at a style, and it didn't suit the game. No problem - we'll just try another method. But here's what I think we should do: Not make a full length adventure, but only do a mini one. We shou...  [Read More]
I still think we should go with cel shaded 3D scenes. It makes them look cartoony, but also realistic. It is also easier to create. And yes. The beginning of the demo was very strange. Why was the camera so low? And then max goes walking through the...  [Read More]
Phew. 1 hour later and I managed to download it :¬: Well, the game certainly is.... intresting. The backgrounds are quite good - except for the 2d drawn objects like the TV and a few low poly models. I recommend you celshade it though - I think it...  [Read More]
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