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Page: 19 of 25
Posted in: For anyone with free time on their hands...
11-11-2002, 4:06 PM
Originally posted by wedge2211 Not exactly what I meant. for what I want, think of Niel Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon. CONTEMPORARY space suits. :D oh i see well sorry my specialties are avs, skins and weapon models i cant do human models!...  [Read More]
Posted in: For anyone with free time on their hands...
11-11-2002, 3:45 PM
look here!  [Read More]
Posted in: Here's a Suggestion and Challenge
11-11-2002, 3:48 PM
this is kind of a request do any moderators agree?...  [Read More]
Posted in: LotR MOD
11-05-2002, 8:11 PM
there is already one in progress!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Most Wanted Models
11-07-2002, 12:59 PM
i hope i spell his name right, LEGOLAS- u know the elf from LOTR sorry if i didnt spell the name right, its been a couple years since i read the books!...  [Read More]
k i finished the skin, it looks ok but since the model is a bit too small and its backwards its hard to tell, thewhiteraider would u like to send me the updated .glm and if possible the .md3, it would help alot and i think i can get it to work if i z...  [Read More]
k, ill get to the skin then, ive got what i think is a good one, im just about to test it!...  [Read More]
almost give like 2 days k? its not very good right now cause i cant really see it in the game so its hard but from what i see i need to cut down and the gray. itll be done soon!:D...  [Read More]
also i think the blaster is a bit too small maybe u could make it bigger? ive made a base skin as ive said and im working on improving it! -Raptor2001 thanks for the compliment:D...  [Read More]
uh, thewhiteraider the blaster faces backwards!...  [Read More]
ive made a base skin now, ill get some screens up soon!...  [Read More]
i dont know how to do the tagging either, thats why my good buddy thewhiteraider is helping me! hey heres and idea why dont u make a tutorial for me thewhiteraider it could help both me and scotchy...  [Read More]
k its cleared send away!...  [Read More]
thanks ill start skinning it! good luck!...  [Read More]
hows it coming?...  [Read More]
Scothcy- ya thats his bigger rifle, for my fist model i thought id make his short range hand blaster! its a nice model by the way! r u usind 3dsm? thewhiteraider- keep up the good work thanks again!...  [Read More]
:eek: lets hope u can fix it! keep me up to date!...  [Read More]
hows it coming?...  [Read More]
heres a better one!  [Read More]
this is a pic i used for reference to model it! i dont know if u can use it!  [Read More]
k just email the file back when you're done, it wont take more than a day will it?...  [Read More]
ya please scale it down so that doesnt happen!:D when do u think this can all be done so i can skin it and put it in the game?...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
11-07-2002, 8:02 AM
very nice keep up the good work!...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Gandalf
11-08-2002, 9:45 PM
i dont suppose ud be interested in making a legolas model for me would ya seeing hows u like LOTR?!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Metroid: Samus Aran WIP
11-03-2002, 3:32 PM
any updates? check out my new metroid prime avatar!...  [Read More]
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