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ive got 2 different and opposite opinions now what? one says its too big the other says its too small!:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:... [Read More]
one more quick question for the day u guys! (i have to stop modeling and do homework!:mad: ) i smoothed the texture of the model and wasn't sure which model to use. here is a page with the 2 models on it which one?:confused: [Read More]
Lord -=[FBF]=- u have been the biggest help! i dedicate this model to u! in fact would u mind if the official name was the "L class FBF short range blaster" ?... [Read More]
:drop2: long explaination but in time ill be able to read it, i think the only question i have left is how to skinmap? thanks to everybody who has helped so far! i never thought i'd learn so much on the first day of modeling! in 7 hours i already alm... [Read More]
took off the rings and other unnecessary shapes, heres a pic: (if pic doesn't show copy and paste the URL)... [Read More]
what do u mean the ring, u mean the circles at the front of the blaster? ill reduce the polys, but other than that is it going to work do u think? also i was wondering how to skinmap.... [Read More]
well i decided not to make it boba's blaster just a bounty hunter's blaster anyway here are some more pics. [Read More]
Well i got all the plugins i needed so i decided to start modeling! im not even sure if im doing it right so if u see anything wrong just tell me! so what do u think, please do keep in mind its my first model! u only see the front and bottom view in... [Read More]
searce for a program called PackScape. it is the best program to use to pack .pk3 files. then zip up all the files in the directory i told u to above using Packscape.... [Read More]
go to, there r many skins that fit that criteria. then just zip it up in the models/players/kyle directory instead of for example models/players/padawan directory!... [Read More]
its ok, i usually dont do it either but im working on a skin of my own right now and have a couple of requests to fill. as long as topshot is happy with it, that is all that matters right now because he wanted it!... [Read More]