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Darth Eggplant

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Page: 30 of 44
Posted in: Saves??????
 Darth Eggplant
09-09-2002, 3:48 PM
patches ye gods! Gendo anyone, I am no where near year 3, BUT... if I do require patches where URL do I get them, and or any member who has them please feel free to email me at so I can have them. also some games make...  [Read More]
Posted in: HAIKU The Art of Word
 Darth Eggplant
09-09-2002, 2:27 AM
has one line of five syl-la-bles one of se-ven then one five a-gain I am Darth Eggplant from calaverablanca fansite the round purple one play this game you will you post in Haiku format five, seven then five not words mind you now but by syllab...  [Read More]
Posted in: Poem... "Concieted, I Think Not"
 Darth Eggplant
09-08-2002, 1:41 AM
*needs to carry a cel phone, pager thingie or better still get a skateboard caddie to help you score while you skate.:D * wow 8th grade, man I remeber that, actually i don't being old and subject to Altzheimers now:D back then the earth was st...  [Read More]
Posted in: Poem: Lateralis
 Darth Eggplant
09-07-2002, 2:35 AM
*snaps his boney fingers and buys you a round of drinks. be sure to visit Pocky world and go up to the mike, anytime you please.*...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-09-2002, 1:53 AM
^ I thought church was a stool of satin? < never mind ST the Ralians, they always get hot chicks in white flight suits to recruit and give lectures. V your post must go on...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-08-2002, 1:34 AM
^ Udderly cool advice, a tad bit too late, but it Moo-ved me < saw a movie tonight, which one? hey Gendo you guess this and I will freak! V will post next before going to church...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-07-2002, 7:23 PM
^ he would save the world and fight aliens too, and he would deffinetly call you "Uncle ****ER" < 9 times out of 10 wherever you are, that's where you'll find yourself V is going to hang the blessed DJ...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-07-2002, 2:25 AM
^ Noo Noo a cool suckem up vaccum cleaner < wow good Nyborg man! V knows how to fly stoned...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-06-2002, 10:08 AM
^ what was that *whack!!!!!* < just use the alias P. Walter Gheist Gendo V they are still talking about decriminalizing 'M' here in Canada if they do the party will be at your house for sure....  [Read More]
Posted in: Poem
 Darth Eggplant
09-09-2002, 3:52 PM
so far my librarian says he can not find it however ther are many poems in the world so it may or may not surface. I also asked Yoda at Lucasarts, doubt they will answer it may be just something lived and loved but never fully understood....  [Read More]
Posted in: Forum Pets - Boingies!
 Darth Eggplant
09-09-2002, 4:05 PM
*Boojum rushes the street performer most likely a feckin gob****e mime anyways and kickd him in the Yarbles. (if the feckin bastard even has got any Yarbbles and then, Boojum starts cruising the town looking for Drink! Feck! and Girls!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forum Pets - Boingies!
 Darth Eggplant
09-09-2002, 1:48 AM
springstep village, *too bad the guy ran off my boingie was going to cap his ass.*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forum Pets - Boingies!
 Darth Eggplant
09-07-2002, 7:18 PM
left...  [Read More]
Posted in: Guess who I saw!
 Darth Eggplant
09-06-2002, 10:36 AM
I thought you Brits only ever got programs about cheese on the BBC:jawa...  [Read More]
Posted in: Quote the Raven
 Darth Eggplant
09-08-2002, 1:28 AM
Gendo scores 6 points plus 2 more for movie synopsis bringing him to a total of 42 points. *and curse you trivia boy! is there nothing I can stump you with? :D Huz 9 points Sanspoof 8 points scabb 6 points...  [Read More]
Posted in: Quote the Raven
 Darth Eggplant
09-07-2002, 2:30 AM
"well at least I didn't use a spoon."...  [Read More]
Posted in: Quote the Raven
 Darth Eggplant
09-06-2002, 10:19 AM
in agreement very much like Occam's Razor the new rule will be "Sanspoof Goof's" that is when someone quotes a Raven when it is obviously a pigeon's egg from El Marrow. and further protestation of the the gaff, will result in spinning Ik...  [Read More]
Posted in: Calaverablanca
 Darth Eggplant
09-09-2002, 1:30 AM
:jawa FTP via geocities a nightmare, but the beat goes on. I am downloading or rather uploading the music portion of calaverablanca. so far in the BeBop Bones portion of my fan site, the misc portion is complete and year one parts 4,5 and half of 3...  [Read More]
Posted in: Word Association Part 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-09-2002, 4:10 PM
marsupial (just like the word that's all) MARSUPIAL!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Word Association Part 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-09-2002, 1:50 AM
chunky monkey...  [Read More]
Posted in: Word Association Part 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-08-2002, 1:36 AM
pitchfork and an angry mod...  [Read More]
Posted in: Word Association Part 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-07-2002, 7:19 PM
bleck dental appliances...  [Read More]
Posted in: Word Association Part 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-07-2002, 2:27 AM
clean father!!!!ers...  [Read More]
Posted in: Word Association Part 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-06-2002, 10:33 AM
double Big Mac, super sizeed fries and large Coke *what don't tell me these things are not good for you?:eek: *...  [Read More]
Posted in: songs
 Darth Eggplant
09-09-2002, 3:56 PM
procol version soooo out there man! it was funny when the mushrooms in the tenth kingdom were all singing it....  [Read More]
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