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Lunatic Jedi

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Page: 8 of 8
Posted in: Alien Invasion: The Second Wave
 Lunatic Jedi
01-01-2003, 2:50 AM
Gazing into the warzone that once was the Swamp, you see what can be described only as chaos. Alien dropships are landing, spilling more legions of alien warriors into the fray. These ships, however, are not like the ones you saw last time. These one...  [Read More]
Posted in: Term "PADAWAN"
 Lunatic Jedi
10-14-2002, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by JandoFett1842 i will look up Padawan or close in a JApanize dicionaty. Erm... I think you're in desparate need of an ENGLISH dictionary. J/k...  [Read More]
Posted in: Twisted sayings thread
 Lunatic Jedi
09-22-2002, 7:24 PM
When fate comes knocking... open the door and slap him with a halibut!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Twisted sayings thread
 Lunatic Jedi
09-22-2002, 3:33 AM
Snorkeling: A long, boring swim punctuated by looking at underwater slugs and making funny Darth Vader noises....  [Read More]
Posted in: Twisted sayings thread
 Lunatic Jedi
09-16-2002, 3:08 AM
Man who stand on toilet is high on pot. Man who walk sideways through door is going to Bangkok. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Twisted sayings thread
 Lunatic Jedi
09-15-2002, 2:25 AM
Pleasure to be of service, gorganfloss. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Twisted sayings thread
 Lunatic Jedi
09-15-2002, 1:47 AM
Don't run from a sniper. You'll only die tired. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a pinky monkey named Spunky ran into the forest and chucked all the wood before the woodchuck could? But this ass is more powerful than any ass I have ever enc...  [Read More]
I always think potatoes when I think Idaho, even though I don't like potatoes that much....  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Volrath's Lair
 Lunatic Jedi
08-25-2002, 3:50 AM
Originally posted by volrathxp eww.. XBOX SUCKS! :p Fine, you're only hurting yourself... :rolleyes:...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Volrath's Lair
 Lunatic Jedi
08-23-2002, 3:07 AM
I think a mouse hole would be a fun addition to the easter eggs. You can position it in some hard to reach place behind the computer or something, and inside is a big, nasty weapons cache. Ooh! There should be a way to get inside the computer! Like...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Galaxies
 Lunatic Jedi
12-08-2002, 6:52 AM
My friend is on the Galaxies BETA!!! I'm going to start making a few impromptu visits to his house for a little while... he he......  [Read More]
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