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Lunatic Jedi

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Posted in: Woah... TRIGUN IS AWESOME!!!
 Lunatic Jedi
04-20-2003, 3:35 AM
I just saw the first few episodes of Trigun, and I must say... THIS IS A KICKASS CARTOON!!! :eek: I'm probably the only human being on this forum who hasn't seen Trigun, but... eh! I haven't even got to the part where the plot gets really deep. I ju...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Alien Invasion: The Swampies Retaliate
 Lunatic Jedi
01-15-2003, 2:35 AM
The Swamp hangars are a scene of chaotic hustle and bustle as pilots, crewmen, and warriors prepare themselves for the coming battle. This will be the battle to end all battles, for this time they are fighting not for the Swamp, but for the good of a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Alien Invasion: The Second Wave
 Lunatic Jedi
01-01-2003, 2:50 AM
Gazing into the warzone that once was the Swamp, you see what can be described only as chaos. Alien dropships are landing, spilling more legions of alien warriors into the fray. These ships, however, are not like the ones you saw last time. These one...  [Read More]
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