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Page: 118 of 164
Posted in: can anyone help
01-28-2002, 3:00 AM
...but it seems to happen alot more often to this one, ne?...  [Read More]
Posted in: TPM Site
01-28-2002, 3:06 AM
Originally posted by CaptainRAVE I never realised there were any TPM web pages :rolleyes:.....but then I never really looked :rolleyes: Well, Master Qui-Gon's is indisputably the best :D...  [Read More]
02-03-2002, 1:46 AM
We didn't know that when the topic was posted :D...  [Read More]
02-01-2002, 7:24 PM
Well...I wish someone from Raven would say whether it will be editable or not...hint hint :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Request to RSRPers: Please freeze the RPGs
01-28-2002, 10:45 PM
Metallus Broken Record Registered: Aug 2001 Posts: 1233 New Server Preparation (01-27-2002 until 02-27-2002) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome back! No, this isn't the new server yet, but we'r...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where does Zanzibar dissapear to??
02-02-2002, 9:18 PM
Zanzibar, are you sure your name got taken? When the forums merged, I had multiple accounts...and all the ones with the lesser post counts got deleted. Now the posts by the deleted account "Redwing" have all user information as unavailable,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where does Zanzibar dissapear to??
01-28-2002, 3:03 AM
One of the TPM developers. I wonder where he is?...  [Read More]
Posted in: colors for the forums
01-27-2002, 3:00 AM
Hey BeastMaster, you're the same person as Flying Beastie from XWA, correct?...  [Read More]
Posted in: MSN or AIM
02-03-2002, 12:37 AM
I am rarely on MSN. I'm always on AIM. (Well alot :D)...  [Read More]
Posted in: MSN or AIM
02-02-2002, 4:32 AM
I'm gonna wish I was playing Galaxies....does that count? :D I use both AIM and MSN. But you knew that. :D...  [Read More]
Someone's prejudiced. ;P...  [Read More]
Posted in: Break out
02-06-2002, 4:36 AM
((wow, an RPG that ended?! how strange!))...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 4
02-06-2002, 3:09 AM
[Rwos:] Well, this is a weapons depot isn't it? Or is it?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 4
02-05-2002, 3:07 AM
[Rwos:] Why, I'd be happy to. *lunges at Cyborg-Syrnyl with his saber*...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 4
02-03-2002, 12:23 AM
[Rwos:] *wryly* Well I don't know where our friends are, so I vote we blast our way out. Or rather, slash....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 4
01-22-2002, 11:56 PM
*grabs sabers and follows Deac*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Duel of the Duals
02-06-2002, 4:22 AM
Dan Re approaches the man. "Hello, Father." The old man can barely move, but at Dan Re's word's he attempts to lift his head up and struggles to speak. "" Dan Re stares at him. "Light t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Duel of the Duals
02-02-2002, 7:07 PM
Dan Re stares malevolently off into space as if looking at something far off. Dark emotions surge through him, and light and dark fight each other for supremacy inside of him. Then he simply shrugs and dissapears....  [Read More]
Posted in: Duel of the Duals
02-01-2002, 8:04 PM
Like I want to tear you limb from limb and watch your blood rain down and drench the ground. But something's stopping me....  [Read More]
Posted in: Duel of the Duals
02-01-2002, 3:38 AM
What?!?! I was waiting for YOU to post!!! :p anyway back in story: Dan-Re's saber flashes toward Krea's lightcross, deftly blocking the blades. He moves now with completely inhuman speed, and despite only weilding a single blade, Krea has trouble b...  [Read More]
Posted in: Duel of the Duals
01-24-2002, 12:52 AM
OOS: Duh, I know that :p I'm leading up to...well you know. BTW you're not supposed to be controlling my chara, and you're getting really close to that...:p...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG for all
02-06-2002, 4:31 AM
*Rwos enters in time to see the storekeep get smashed down; and in front of his horrified gaze, the victim's head bounces into veiw behind the counter* Rwos: Holy [irrepeatable profanity]!!! *he grabs the nearest weapon, which happens to be the fusi...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG for all
02-02-2002, 6:57 PM
Rwos follows Deac, and looking considerably unhappy. He decides he might as well put his bounty hunting plans on hold for the time being, since Deac seems to trust theis Death character......  [Read More]
Posted in: Messeges: Episode 3 Part 2
02-02-2002, 6:52 PM
0.o THIS!!! ..whatever happened to Niner......  [Read More]
Posted in: Messeges
02-02-2002, 6:51 PM
...the story's over :p Oh well, it'd be funny to reread all this ancient stuff :D...  [Read More]
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