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Break out

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 Wraith 8
12-17-2001, 3:13 PM
*Garik come to the first watch center. he looks sure of himself.*

Nothing going on there. some idiotic stormtrooper let his blaster go off.

*the watch looks at him and nods.*

Now you guys i want you to check out the alarms.. it is making me sick. The other watch comes here in a minute ... ill look after it for now.

Imp soldier
But sir. That is not the right protocol. it is not like in the book sir.

I know it isnt... but is there a chapter in there wich says what you do in a time where the alarm keeps ringing and nothing happens?? hah?? you 2 , GO! come on! ill watch here! if you have a problem... file it with your CO's!

*The 2 guards walk off. Garik pulls out his comlink and puts it on.*

OK, you guys. It is clear. WE MUST MOVE OUT NOW.

(totaly off topic: i hope i get the story right. if not. IM SORRY. i can delete it :D )
12-17-2001, 3:42 PM
*Deac grabs on to Rwos as he is about to teleport away...*
 Wraith 8
12-31-2001, 7:02 AM
As Garik moves on to the hangar, he thinks of his squad mates. the others are gone... at least he didnt find them anymore... so they must have got away. he runs threw the halls. he stops at a corner and looks around it. 4 stormies are standing guard at the hangar door, but he knows that there are more behind it. With a quick role over the floor to the onter cornet he takes out 2 stormies. the others open fire within the second. he just got behind the other corner and the rock bits flew threw the air and hit Garik. he got some stone bits in his face and they hurt like hell.
He concentrates himself. the stormies keep firing at him. the doors behind the stormies open and a whole squad of strormtroopers is coming threw it. Garik looks and runs away from the doors. well. that is that. no way he is getting in there.
He runs away again.
 Wraith 8
01-08-2002, 3:13 PM
As Garik moves on he sees a stormtrooper dressing room. he enters and looks around.

Well no one has to change right now... so i will.

he changes into a stromie outfit and grabs a stormie rifle. he runs out the room and after a couple of hallways he bumbs into a squadrom of other troopers.

Where did you come from? Have you seen a guy running threw here?

I came from the prisson level... a whole bunch of them got away. But the worst part is, that a couple of Jedi got away. they killed everyone else. I was running to get help. And no i didnt see anyone. But i got orders to go to the hanger and standby for new orders.

The stormie nods at him and they carry on. Garik runs threw the corridor where he was a couple of minutes ago. the 2 stormtroopers that were here then were gone. he walks up to the door and enters the hangar.
 Wraith 8
01-10-2002, 5:17 PM
*As he enters the hangar. he looks around carefully. There is nobody around. he sees a pair of Tie fighters and a pare of interceptors standing by. also he sees a Lambda class shuttle.
he walks like a stormtrooper and goes to a pair of the interceptors.*

Hey! they have Hyperdrive capabillity. they must not be as fast as normal Interceptors. Must be from some high Chief or something.

*He walks threw the hangar. the hangar doors are jammed shut. and they look like they dont plan on opening very soon. he hears some stumbeling from a far corner of the hangar. he walks up to the noise and comes to a door. he slowely opens the door without making a sound. he sees a couple of pilots making ready some republic fighters.They must have been captured or something. there are a couple of A-wings and Two X-wings, one Y-wing and six Z95 Headhunters. The 4 pilots are making the Headhunters ready for departure. He gets into the room and sneeks up to the pilots and watches what they are doing.*
01-11-2002, 4:31 PM
*Rwos vanishes and Deac still stands there. A group of troopers heads towards him. Deac runs to the hangar and sees a fellow escapee...*

Hey! You! Need any help?
 Wraith 8
01-11-2002, 7:49 PM
Garik hears the voice and almost gets a heart attack. He looks, and sees Deac..... he eases up a bit....

You gave me a Heart attack. SHHHHH!! be quiet. a couple of imps are here busy on some rebel fighters.... i was thinking of stealing one and getting some help and break evryone else out....
What do you think??

Garik looks at Deac. Deac raises an eyebrow and thinks.
01-13-2002, 2:11 PM
I'm in. If these bombers are loaded, I can blitz the garrison HQ before they know they're dead.
 Wraith 8
01-14-2002, 10:22 AM
Well you get in the Y-wing and i will get in the X-wing. I will fly cover for ya.
But first we got to take out these 5 imp techs.

Garik sneaks up to 1 of them, he grabs the tech by his head and turns it with great speed. there was no sound from the tech. hegets the body clear.
01-14-2002, 3:39 PM
*Deac grabs a sniper rifle and disintegrates another two of the techs. By the time he has loaded anothe clip, one of the other techs has Deac in their sights...*
 Wraith 8
01-14-2002, 4:12 PM
the imp points his gun at Deac and there are 2 blasts. the imp falls dead to the floor and the last one too.
Garik smiles at Deac. they run of to the fighters. Garik first inspects the hangar door.

I think we can shoot threw that. i see that i have some seeker missles on this X-wing. Ill go in this one and blas the door out.

he gets up the ladder of his chosen X-wing and looks behind him. A R2-unit is strapped in but he doesnt make any comment about the attack around him. Garik begins the startup of the X-wing.
01-15-2002, 3:27 PM
*As Deac climbs into the Y-Wing, he sees a raven, a symbol of impending death from his homeworld. He hears it call, but an eagle suddenly appears and kills it. Paying these no mind, Deac prepares to take off...*
 Wraith 8
01-15-2002, 3:46 PM
Garik straps himself up in the X-wing. he looks around in the ****pit. This X-wing looks good. it must have been a toy off somebody.
the fighter is almost started up. he looks at the display and speaks in his mike.

So... what is your name?? im talking to you yeah.

the little droid squeeks and bleeps a reply
Garik looks on the display and reads:'my name is 'Rabobank'. and im fully functional and ready to go sir.
Garik is impressed. he never met a R2 unit wich was so friendly in its first reply. he clicks another com frequentie.

Deac? are you ready? good! im gonna blast the door out now, so shield your eyes.

Garik hits the fire button for the seeker missles without even aiming for a target. the missles hit the hanger door and explode with a great burst. after a few seconds the smoke goes away, and Garik hits the Repulsor lifts and he glides out of the hangar.
01-16-2002, 3:32 PM
*Deac exits the hangar and blows turret control to ashes. He then selects his next target*

Generator! Here I come!

*A squadron of TIEs launches after them....*
 Wraith 8
01-16-2002, 7:24 PM
Garik sees the Y-wing of Deac take out the turret controls. Garik stays low and sees the Tie's coming up. he sets his throttle open to full. he goes beneath the first wave of Tie's and goes straight up at them. he sets his firing to Dual settings and fires at will.
He takes out 3 Tie's in his first path. the other all break off. aal but 2 Tie's that is. They are headed straight at Deac. Garik follows a Tie wich is not following the Y-wing and gets behind it. He fires and hits the port Solar wing. it tears itself off the Tie and it goes into a fatalistic loop down. he directly turns his snubfighter toward the 2 Tie's on Deac's back. He gets behind one of them and shouts:

Deac! Break right! NOW!

Deac breaks right. and Garik Fires at the same time with all four lasers at once. he hits the first Tie right in the engines and it explodes spectacular. The other Tie breaks off his attack and evades Garik.
01-18-2002, 4:03 PM
All right command centre! See if you can take this!
*Deac fires, but the shielding prevents all damage*

Very well then, see how you handle a bullet THIS size!

*Deac ejects, then watches as the Y-wing crashes into the command centre. With all the fuel and bombs, it explodes so violently it knocks Deac on his feet.*
 Wraith 8
01-21-2002, 1:10 PM
Garik sees Deac go. he sees his intention.

Are you alright Deac?? try to get back to the hanger and get another aircraft.

while he said that one TIE shot at him and got a good hit on his right wing... it did damage him but he could fly on... he emediatly evaded.
 Wraith 8
01-27-2002, 8:58 AM
*As Garik goes on dodging every blow. he tries to turn toward the rest of the Tie squad. 3 of them were on his tail the other 5 were right in front of him. there were even some shots from the grouns, but they didnt hit him. another blast at his aft shield. He tried to even the shield out. they wouldnt hold for that long.*

Rabobank! try to boost the power to the shield... take it out of the engine. I know they are gaining on me. but it doesnt help if my shields are out to outrun them. one shot and i will be dead then.

*Rabobank did what Garik asked him to. the shield got stronger. the 3 Ties were right on his 6. they treid to match speed with him. then the forward 5 gor in firing range. while those 5 started to fire. the aft 3 did to. Garik popped one shot at the 5 and got one. right when the first shots up front would hit him, he banked out. the Ties in front shot the 3 Ties wich were after Garik. and even the Ties who were behind Garik at that time, shot and hit 1 at front. so that made 9 dead Ties. 9 down 3 to go.*

*He looked on his sensors. Rear shield at 23%, front shield 60%.
he had to be carefull or he would be as dead as those Ties.*
 Wraith 8
01-28-2002, 5:45 PM
*Garik was trailing another TIE. he tried to get a lock on it. But he had to keep dodging the other blasts of the Ties. he had set all power to aft shields. He finaly got a lock. and fired with quad lasers. the Tie exploded with great fire. that happens to Ties within atmosphere. the other two were hot on his tail. his shields were down to 39% total aft. and that is all he had left. He wasnt going to make it in this thing unless he got out of there. He tried a turn. and switched his shield to front. and went head on with one of the ties. he fired dual shots. but the Tie also fired. he got the Ties wing and it went down.. but the Tie also got him in the process.. and the Tie still behing hi fired at his engines.
He heard a wild shriek. and then hi droid monitor went dead.. along with all systems. He was going down.*
 Wraith 8
02-01-2002, 5:17 PM
*When he hit. everything went black for a minute. when he saw a bit clearer, he felt a tremendous pain. He felt the pain because of his seatbelts. he undid them. and opened the hatch. he heard the Tie flying near. he looked up and there it was. it was coming for him. Garik got uot of the c.ockpit. and he started to ran to the hanger. he looked back and he saw the Tie firing.*
02-02-2002, 2:10 PM
*Deac leaps from the ceiling and stabs his blade through the guidance system of the TIE, which crashes into the wall. By now most of the prisoners have made their way to the hangar*

All right! Anyone who can fly any of these craft, cover our escape. The rest of you, into that Muurian! Hurry!
 Wraith 8
02-02-2002, 5:29 PM
*Garik looked at Deac. *

Thank you! you saved my live!

*Garik ran to another X-wing standing there and jumped in. he started up the 'start procedure'.*
02-03-2002, 2:35 PM
Ok? Everyone in?

*Deac leaps into the Muurien and takes off, with the prisoners on board*

All right people, we have an ISD in orbit, and several squadrons of TIEs from the planet. We have to try and make it to lightspeed. Cover our backs!
 Wraith 8
02-04-2002, 9:08 AM
OK i hear you Deac!
I want 3 X-wings with me. Make four fighter groups. try to make a one fighter group. x-wing, a-wings, y-wings and all other fighters seperatly. ok ill be 1. you! yeah you. 2!, you 3 and you 4.
Good hunting.
02-04-2002, 2:34 PM
*Suddenly several large blips appear on sensors. Deac swears, but then realises that they are friendly ships*

All right! The 3rd fleet just hypered in!
 Wraith 8
02-04-2002, 4:18 PM
YES YES YES... they found it. great now we can show them who is boss. WOOOHOOOO!
02-05-2002, 1:40 PM
*I'm gonna hyper out. We're free!*

Well done! Everyone has escaped and with the arrival of the 3rd fleet, the planet is now under rebel control. Deac will never know what happened to that other being, but is unsettled by the experience. But, there are always other adventures to have and stories to tell...
 Wraith 8
02-05-2002, 4:53 PM
((ooc: i take it that this story has now been ended?))
02-06-2002, 4:36 AM
((wow, an RPG that ended?! how strange!))
02-06-2002, 2:17 PM
Well, some aren't open ended.


Deac and friends escaped after a big battle involving some Avatars and several fighter battles. Not a bad story. I'll have to think of another one.
 Wraith 8
02-10-2002, 10:02 AM
you know i realy wasnt ready yet with this tale :D :D.. but hey what can you do :D
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