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Posted in: Kyle - are you gonna miss him?
04-05-2003, 9:44 AM
I won't miss him at all. It's time for new blood....  [Read More]
Posted in: Are you going to uninstall JKII when you get JA?
04-05-2003, 12:11 PM
And a very nice wallpaper I might add. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Are you going to uninstall JKII when you get JA?
04-05-2003, 9:42 AM
I uninstalled it last month. Actually, I miss it a lot. I think I'll play it again before JA comes out, along with JK1 and MOTS....  [Read More]
Originally posted by Leemu Taos Take a look here. ( :) They aren't calling it a sequal because of the fact that Kyle isn't in it - which makes sense IMO. It's a whole new journey. Kyle is in it, he j...  [Read More]
Posted in: Customized Races...
04-05-2003, 7:49 AM
If it does have zabrak's, I hope they have female zabrak's too. Lady Brena by Spacemonkey was one of my favourite models....  [Read More]
Posted in: Is Q3A the right engine?
04-05-2003, 7:42 AM
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Q3 engine imo. Worked fine for JK2 and with all the improvements they are making to it, I'm sure it will work fine for JA too....  [Read More]
Posted in: MP vs SP
04-04-2003, 4:35 PM
Both are equally important to me, but I know I'll only have the game a day and I'll be online checking out the MP side of things. I played JK2 MP for 11 months non stop and if I find a cool server to hang out in again, I'll be equally as addicted to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Location! Location!
04-04-2003, 4:08 PM
Originally posted by StormHammer And I still say we need a spray can... :D JSRF meets JKJA lol, works for me. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Location! Location!
04-04-2003, 3:26 PM
Yeah, that screenshot is wicked. The lighting looks perfect imo. It seems the locations are going to be huge in this game from what I've read, and by the looks of the screenshots so far, the detail is going to be beautiful....  [Read More]
Posted in: Location! Location!
04-04-2003, 2:40 PM
I'd definately like to see Coruscant, it's my favourite planet in the Star Wars universe. I'm a big city girl. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Character, Hilt, Saber Colour?
04-04-2003, 2:34 PM
From what I've read Greedo, you can't choose to use the double bladed at the start of the game, only single and two sabers. You will be rewarded with the double bladed as you progress through the game....  [Read More]
Posted in: Character, Hilt, Saber Colour?
04-04-2003, 1:21 PM
I know we havn't got that many details about the characters you will be able to play as apart from Human, Twi'lek and Rodian, but how will you customize the look of your character and what hilt and saber colour are you planning on using for your firs...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gameplay Suggestions
04-05-2003, 11:10 AM
I have no time for this childish quibbling. DSbrLogan and [pG]reTrY - Take the argument to PM's....  [Read More]
Posted in: Martial application in JA
04-04-2003, 1:25 PM
I think the kick is a good idea because it will be a side kick when using the double bladed saber. I think it will be a good addition to the game along will all the new moves that will come with the double bladed combat. I agree kick was annoying i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mr. T vs Jango
04-04-2003, 2:20 PM
I'm so tempted to just close this, but I'll move it to the cantina. No more of these ridiculous polls please....  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
04-04-2003, 4:18 AM
I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about this game. It's like a dream come true for me. Being able to play through the game as a Twi'lek with custom blade and hilt is gonna be so sweet. I'm sooooooo drooling....  [Read More]
So you're advising people to kick players for such a reason. I disagree with that advice. I think it's thoroughly reprehensible frankly. I've played on too many servers (public game networks servers mind you) where the admins kicked people who kille...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Spider AL Pfft, and let the fanboys take over the servers and turn them into little slices of errant RPG hell? Not on your life. You do what you like on your server, I'll combat the fanboys on the servers I will frequent. You l...  [Read More]
I've had this argument far too many times in the old multiplayer stragegy forums, and I'm certainly not about to get into it yet again, so I'll just say this and leave it at that: If someone visits your server and you don't like they way they play,...  [Read More]
It's all very well calling RPGers 'saber noobies', but in my experience (and I did play MP non stop for 11 months), the people who bow are the ones who are the most experienced and have respect for their fellow players. I don't think it's fun to go i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Blue Pill
04-02-2003, 6:00 AM
Come on Eggy, you know it's against the rules to make threads like these. No more please....  [Read More]
Posted in: JK: Jedi Academy Info, Pics and Discussion! (ancient)
04-05-2003, 9:39 AM
Just don't be starting another ASC. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: JK: Jedi Academy Info, Pics and Discussion! (ancient)
04-03-2003, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by toms choosing dark/light side miht be a good step in the right direction...:) You can choose your light side powers and dark side powers as you progress and the game branches depending on those choices to two different endings...  [Read More]
Posted in: JK: Jedi Academy Info, Pics and Discussion! (ancient)
04-03-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by $am Sorry if this has been answered before but can you use your created character in mp. Here's a quote from the Gamesdomain interview... The first thing people did when JK2 came out was create their own sabers and their own...  [Read More]
Posted in: Aayla Secura!!!
04-04-2003, 4:26 AM
Those are some great screencaps. I certainly didn't notice her in that top scene either. Well spotted by The2ndQuest. He has a good eye. lol, I was gonna say I bet your looking forward to JKJA because of the playable blue Twi'lek factor. I know I'll...  [Read More]
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