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Janzeke Khan

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Posted in: Question about Char Name
 Janzeke Khan
08-02-2002, 1:24 AM
I just read some where on the SWG site. That there a Name Generator for more Star Wars-ish names( Not the exact words). But what's more Star Wars-ish then the name Janzeke Khan;) . Anyway My question is, Is the name Generator optional or mandatory?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Next Fan choice figure
 Janzeke Khan
07-14-2002, 8:13 AM
:eek: I don't know how I missed it thanks...  [Read More]
Posted in: Next Fan choice figure
 Janzeke Khan
07-14-2002, 7:42 AM
Oh no I didn't mean versoins of them when Vader started hunting them down. I mean like EPS 2 or 8 years before Versons when they where younger and in Brand's case whole. Oh and I have a question Is Vima the Jedi known as the Dark Women? (I Just desid...  [Read More]
Posted in: Next Fan choice figure
 Janzeke Khan
07-13-2002, 11:33 PM
Ok Jan your right the Solo kids and Kam are alittle to far in the futrue so how about GCW versoins of Brand, Vima Da-Boda, and Kam's father (His name escapes me at the moment)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Next Fan choice figure
 Janzeke Khan
06-29-2002, 11:52 AM
Out of these guys which would u want to see? If you think another Character should be the next Fan Choice fig post it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Naming Bombshell - As Posted on News
 Janzeke Khan
08-02-2002, 2:05 AM
I think the thing with Anakin Solo was that Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin would form a new hope for the Republic. Anakin being the final piece....  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about Comics and books
 Janzeke Khan
06-03-2002, 4:00 PM
Well that's a dumb thing to say if the guy noticed most of the Jedi's Light sabers changed in colors. They mearly changed there crystals. I know I would have loved seeing Plo Koon with his Yellow blade and Saesee Tiin with his Purple Blade. By the wa...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about Comics and books
 Janzeke Khan
06-01-2002, 3:22 AM
So....Then If it Is agianst the Jedi code to fallin love/ make babys then why does KI-Adi-Mundi have like 7 wives?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about Comics and books
 Janzeke Khan
06-01-2002, 2:58 AM
Ok Do they actually link with the Movies? Are they part of the real story?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi info from the devs
 Janzeke Khan
05-29-2002, 3:47 PM
If somone Here did come up with that term then it must have speaded very quickly. Because the first time I ever heard the term was in The First Jango Fett comic when he took the "Child from the Mothers Womb" on Seylott....  [Read More]
Hey Wraith if you ever run into trouble let me know and I'll help protect your cargo....  [Read More]
Posted in: What are your thoughts on SWG for console?
 Janzeke Khan
06-06-2002, 4:25 PM
Well in Phantasy Star Online the Y button brings up a keyboard on the screen for those that don't own one, but you have to seclect the letters. That way takes to long thought. My computer has 56k what do I need to change to boost it?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Im new to Pay-2-Play, and i have a question
 Janzeke Khan
06-01-2002, 3:44 AM
But it's that chance that keeps us noncredit card owning players out of the online games. Why can't they just send a bill too the players in the mail like any other bill....  [Read More]
Posted in: Post your character bios here... (ooc thread)
 Janzeke Khan
05-10-2002, 4:38 AM
Sith Dishwasher? I don't plan on becoming a Lapdog for the Empire....  [Read More]
Posted in: Post your character bios here... (ooc thread)
 Janzeke Khan
05-09-2002, 8:40 PM
Ok guys I'm some what new to Star Wars (Since the Specical editions came out) ,and I haven't read any of the books so If you think i need to know somthing go ahead and let me know. Name: Janzeke Khan Gender: Male Species: Human Age: 19 Profession: B...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pay to Play?
 Janzeke Khan
06-02-2002, 11:07 PM
It's not really the cost or the fact that you have to pay to play, it's the way you have to pay that keeps most people from playing Online games. Others will agree that their Mothers and Fathers will never let them use their credit card(s) to pay for...  [Read More]
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