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Posted in: Sheesh ! How Old are you guys !?
02-08-2004, 6:38 PM
Just having a squiz in the 'post your pics' thread and its become apparent that many of you are little tackers, with the oldest of you looking like you probably finished high school(apart from obiwan13, who I wont even talk about)..... All right...h...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where have all the EU Kids gone !
02-08-2004, 2:04 PM
There seems to be a hiatus in EU, especially after the post NJO:TUF meltdown.....hopefully with Zahns new novel in Feb, things will pick up.... MTFBWYA...  [Read More]
Posted in: I play JA and my age is....?!
01-08-2004, 12:38 PM
In another post, Mr Wolf commented : Too old? Hi I am 29 years old. Over the last few days people have been mentioning their ages on the servers I frequent. So far most of them have been between 14 and 20. That means that many of the guys I p...  [Read More]
Ok kids !!!! I thought TUF was damn fantastic. It was cool to FINALLY have Luke roll up sleeves and get into a fight ! His nifty decapitation of Shimrra was undoubtedly one of the coolest things he has EVER done, be it in the films or EU ! Its inter...  [Read More]
Posted in: What player category do you fit in !?
01-07-2004, 9:06 AM
As my interest in JA wains, I still like to keep an eye out on the 'Health of the Community". It has become evident that there are gamers with distinct attitudes as to how JA should be played.... The health of this particular community is import...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where's Dash !?
11-15-2003, 6:19 AM
Many EU characters have made an apperance or caught a mention in the NJO at some point in time. Kyle Katarn, Keyan Farlander, The Shadow Academy..... I guess Dash Rendar never entered anyones mind. The other one I was thinking of was Kir Kanos., it...  [Read More]
OK - for some particular reason, ive been thinking of the familial relationship between Luke and his uncle Owen. Until AOTC, of course, even in the ROTJ novelisation, it was assumed owen was ben kenobi's brother. But Lucas decided to change this(he *...  [Read More]
Posted in: I have a very EASY skin request ! Plz help me !
11-11-2003, 9:12 PM
All I want to do is have a "jaina solo skin" I can use in SP. It can look like jan(minus the goggles) or one of the female human jedi , as long as she is in the xwing pilot suit, as in the "rebel pilot" model. Ive tried it, mishma...  [Read More]
Posted in: Clone Wars era novels not appealing to you ??
11-02-2003, 6:01 AM
I usually jump at the first chance to read the newest SW novel, and usually get them the first week they are out, especially since the NJO(no apologies.... :p) But I've found that I have been totally disinterested in the prequel/clonewars era novels...  [Read More]
Ok, we've all seen ROTJ, when Luke reveals to Leia they are siblings, "The Force is strong in my family. My father has it, my mother had it, my...sister has it...." am I remembering that correctly ?? So does Luke know anything about Am...  [Read More]
Posted in: Can someone help me out - botroute problem !
10-07-2003, 1:24 PM
I like the 'Ladder' maps you can get, and loved playing them in JO. I have ladder2 in JA now, which I managed to have working with textures ok but the bots just act silly, either rotating on teh spot or jumping up and down incessantly at insane heigh...  [Read More]
Hi All I have been reading posts by people who say theye been playing 'the ladder' map(s). I have one, set in bespin, initially when I loaded it had a few textures missing ; when I carted over the JO assets files, the textures were fixed but the npc...  [Read More]
Posted in: Quick saber command question !!
10-01-2003, 9:06 AM
OK - from the customisation thread, i discovered how to get desann's saber, which is larger and scarier than the other sabers. I have it bound as a double saber, but want to know how I would be able to get it as a saberstaff.... i tried saber dual_d...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Post NJO Breather
09-29-2003, 3:36 PM
I dont want to turn this into a speculation thread, but what the hell is gonna become of our beloved universe when the NJO finishes. Not another new villain !!, not the remnant !!, not sith wannabees, or clones or superweapons !!, I hope they come up...  [Read More]
Many of us have been waiting for this game since before it was even announced ! So after these many months, we finally get our hands on the game, pop it in - then we wait for the installation. Is it standard practise to stare at the screen for the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jerry, I'm cheatin on my loved one !!
09-16-2003, 6:29 AM
Hi All ! Ive just made a realisation, I have so fallen in love with the swirling and twirling of the saber staff that I cannot imagine going through most of the game with a plain old single saber. However the idea that I'll have to cheat to do th...  [Read More]
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