As my interest in JA wains, I still like to keep an eye out on the 'Health of the Community". It has become evident that there are gamers with distinct attitudes as to how JA should be played.... The health of this particular community is important to me as it may have a direct bearing of whether any further games in the JK series eventuate.....
I like JA because i get to use meh, saberstaffz and force powerzz. :cool:
I'm missing a "mainly a mapper" option. :)
*Votes for the non-existent Yoda option*
I'm an average person age 18-60. I play JA for recreation. :p
Umm.. really Astrotoy, you need more than extrems in your polls;)
Me, I play JA as much as possible, and my bro says that I play it too much, so I've taken Splinter Cell up again, and JA! Whoo hoo!
Originally posted by Sam Fisher
Umm.. really Astrotoy, you need more than extrems in your polls;)
Sam - you've said this before ! Theres an agenda to those options you see. Most *sane* ppl are likley to pick the FUN option because the others arent appropriate. It is encouraging posters to make a POSITIVE COMMENT, which is something not often seen in the JA forum unfortunately.......
But still, you need some more 'in betweens' if possible :o
You missed the 'MOV13 M4K3RZ' and chatroom options.
I like JA cuz it meks me hard.
not that it's a huge sample, but I like those numbers :)
basically 2/3 of ppl playing JA are sane.....
I don't play JA much at all anymore - I've taken up playing the JO ladder again. The saber combat is much better than JA's. I think they tried too hard getting more saber types and not actually making the combat fun to watch. Sabers in JA hardly ever block like in JO. And in JO the dismemberment works perfectly, all the time. Yay! ;)
I play JA for fun.
But I'm not playing much at all right now, as I am going through KOTOR these days. Once I'm done I'm sure I'll take another run through JA SP. I still hop on the Chop Shop servers pretty regularly...
I'm starting to itch for another run at JA. I was 2/3 through my 4th time through when I started with KotOR, and have only played bits since then.
I voted for the RPG-er ... that isn't how I play MP (my assumption of your intent) but it *IS* how I play SP. And since my SP dominates MP I chose that.
Of course, it is mainly because it is fun, but with a role-playing slant.
I still like JA, but not as much as NWN!! BEST GAME EVA!!!! IMA HARDCORE RPGer BABY!!!
Originally posted by Slayer_JJ
I still like JA, but not as much as NWN!! BEST GAME EVA!!!! IMA HARDCORE RPGer BABY!!!
But then you can't fairly compair the two, eh? Different geners(sp?).
Originally posted by Slayer_JJ
I still like JA, but not as much as NWN!! BEST GAME EVA!!!! IMA HARDCORE RPGer BABY!!!
It's not really a valid comparison, they are just different, REALLY different ! BTW, I'm a HUGE NWN fan, in fact Im wearing my NWN T shirt today !(from the collectors ed'n)..... It'd be more appropriate to compare NWN to KOTOR of course, which many always do, at the KOTOR forums !
Neverwinter NIghts is a really fun game. But if you like those extremely (very extremely) detailed RPG's you should play baldur's gate and baldur's gate II (same company as NWN). The detail in those games surpass even that of neverwinter nights. And you get 6 member parties instead of a hero and a partner.
I am not into single player much anymore, but I regularly play CTF and Siege. I am eagerly waiting for more SP maps.
Originally posted by JDKnite188
I am eagerly waiting for more SP maps. Definitely. A new one just came out, but I haven't tried it. Screenshots look good though.
I really wish there were more SP maps. God knows we don't need more clan maps and skins...
On the bright side, all of the custom JO SP maps I have tried in JA seem to work alright...
Wow. 11 hardcore lads vouching they are from en elite clan....
It's OK, one of you will grow up to be guvnor of California one day....
....I just noticed someone has edited my poll.... adding a dazzling 5th option that demystifies the ambiguities suggested by the original choices presented..... only in the face of extreme choices, do peoples *true* colors show, that was the aim, whoever you are..... *sigh*
If you want an SP map then download Zeus Academy Ladder, its very fun and challanging!