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Kado Sunrider

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Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-07-2009, 1:33 PM
"I feel it may be good for our journey if we made a stop on Manda'yaim. Aside from the old Mandalorian supply caches there, we may also find other Mando'ade." "hmm..." "We're heading back to the planet. I have other busines...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-05-2009, 7:51 PM
((Im pretty sure at this point a true Mando'yaim didn't exist. Correct me if Im wrong, but it wasnt until Jaster that we had a unified home planet, Dxun not included.)) "Mand'alor, how long are we going to be on Tatooine?" "We're not...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-04-2009, 4:20 PM
Vren nodded. "You look menacing, Mird'ika. For now, the people fear us, but maybe, someday soon, they will come to look upon us with respect. A darkness is sturring beyond the Outer Rim. I do not know what it is, but I mean to investigate it.&q...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-04-2009, 4:12 PM
He watched as the man stripped off his armor. Vren was amused, he could see the look on the younger mans face, his expression clearly showing that the last thing in the universe he wanted to do was give up his armor. He can take orders without ques...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-04-2009, 3:52 PM
"Jodr, did you pick up on his ship scanning our navicomputer?" Vren asked the big mandalorian. He nodded, then said, "Good thing you wiped the drive and committed the coordinates to memory. I have a feeling he's following us to Tatooi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-04-2009, 3:07 PM
((Editted, saw your post and fixed mine. :D))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-04-2009, 2:59 PM
Vren watched as the ship flew away. "You've chosen your fate then." Vren wrestled the Bounty Hunter over to the edge of the dock and tossed him into open space. He turned to Mird. "Something tells me this isnt the last time we're g...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-04-2009, 2:52 PM
"You are perfectly inclined to think whatever you want about me, as long as you stay out of my way. But let me tell you something, Dikut. If you want to keep yourself alive, Id suggest staying away from me." He tossed the Mandalorian bount...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-04-2009, 2:26 PM
Vren chuckled. The mandalorian honor system. He let go with one hand a punched the man with a vicious uppercut to the stomach. "Im waiting for your name." He paused. "And as for your honor system, I know a great deal of honor. But t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-04-2009, 2:08 PM
Vren walked into the cargo hold and saw Mird slap the cuffs on the mando'ade's wrists. He walked over and grabbed the man by the neck, lifted him bodily into the air and slammed him into the wall and held him dangling there a foot off the ground. &...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-04-2009, 1:52 PM
"yeah he's loose, but he's a Mandalorian from Dxun. He served under Canderous." Vren swore loudly. "Mird, I dont care who he is, lock him up with some stun cuffs. If he tries to resist shoot him. Im on my way back. I'm going to inter...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-04-2009, 1:39 PM
Vren stood patiently waiting outside the ship. He could see Gir'rak standing in the middle of the walkway a few hundred yards away, staring him down, inspecting him from top to bottom. If I were in his position, I would too. He could hear noises fr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-03-2009, 9:49 PM
((Whoa there RC, lets not go all invincible on people. lol force cages dont have a back thats accessible to the prisoner, btw. xD)) Vren heard a sparking noise behind him as the security systems activated in the small fighter. Oops. Sorry pal, but...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-03-2009, 3:06 PM
The small fighter landed nimbly on the edge of the platform and Vrel leaped out of the craft. He stood looking into the sky waiting for Mird to land the freighter and get those repairs fixed. He was eager to get moving....  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-03-2009, 2:51 PM
The man sat there silently with a gun pointed at his head for a little too long for Vren's liking. "Jodr, toss him in the rear storage compartment and lock the door until I get a chance to interrogate him further." The mandalorian led the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-03-2009, 12:33 AM
((Whoa interesting stuff! Cool place for me to jump back in.)) "I'll ask again, Who are you?" Vren put a hand on the Neo-Crusaders shoulder and turned him around while simultaneously slipping the blaster from his hand and pointing it at h...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-02-2009, 1:55 PM
Vren and Jodr headed back too the freighter parked on the docks. They turned the corner and saw Mird'ika waiting for him just down the ramp. Vren whistled and Mird ran back into the freighter to get the engines warmed up. Jodr and Vren boarded the s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-02-2009, 2:29 AM
Vren strode into the Refugee Sector like he owned the place, and being who he was, he could have if he wanted too, but the guards weren't so impressed. "Hey, tough guy. You aren't welcome here. Leave." the trandoshan guard told Vren while...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-02-2009, 2:00 AM
Vren rushed into the cockpit even before the former slaves had settled down in the cargo compartment. He flipped a few switches and the freighter took off before he looked over at Mird'ika and said with a wink, "sorry, Mird, couldn't help mysel...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-02-2009, 1:37 AM
"We are ready Vren'ika." Vren turned around to see Mird'ika and a stunningly beautiful woman standing near the doorway to the throne room. He quickly strode over to the pair and tossed Mird'ika the ignition codes to the small freighter. &...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-02-2009, 1:00 AM
"Thank you so much Vren'ika! But I can't leave. Not without Toola. And Vorreesh favors her over all of his slaves. I don't know how I could get her out with us." Vren grunted. "Toola? I'll see if I can get her thrown in with the deal...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vor al Mando'a
 Kado Sunrider
08-01-2009, 11:33 PM
((LS, thats great, though some things that you might want to change, Vren is flying around in an unmarked freighter, and he hasnt exactly been broadcasting his recruitment, though I like the idea of a secret Mandalorian faction, I've got a good idea...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Critic's 2 cents
 Kado Sunrider
08-07-2009, 2:26 PM
Not so far, DY. I think the 'full teacher' warning did what I expected.Not for me. :D I don't want to be pushy about it, but your full teacher review is much anticipated. Ever since you offered, Ive been going through my chapters and looking for spot...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Critic's 2 cents
 Kado Sunrider
08-03-2009, 1:36 AM
yes sir! Always looking for a good critique. :) I have no problem with you scrutinizing my work. Have at it!...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Critic's 2 cents
 Kado Sunrider
08-02-2009, 3:29 PM
hey mach, do i have to specially request a re-review? Either way, would you mind reading through Renewal for me?...  [Read More]
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