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Posted in: What's your Wallpaper? (56k ouchies)
04-18-2009, 7:46 AM
Malak Fighting a Mando during the War Cover art for upcoming Malak and Revan one-shot comic (Part of the Dark Horse KotOR line)...  [Read More]
Posted in: How did you get into anime?
05-10-2009, 8:49 AM
So how did you first get sucked into the world of Japanese animation? I didn't, But I did however get here somehow?! /looks for door...  [Read More]
Posted in: Threat of Peace, Issue #6
05-09-2009, 5:48 AM
Please, just let it die. My opinion? or the Comic? The Comic I cant do anything about pal, and my opinion shall live on I'm afraid :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Threat of Peace, Issue #6
05-08-2009, 4:18 PM
I really cant get past the art direction, Which has become more than just Comic style license now the Trooper class reveals the carbon copy armor this week :scream:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Non-Anime (or the lack of it)
05-12-2009, 7:01 AM
Family guy can be good, but it's inconsistent, some stuff is funny as hell, and then some stuff is beyond rubbish. The Star Wars special was amazing though....  [Read More]
Posted in: NFL Draft 2009!
04-26-2009, 2:26 PM
Whats all this picking up the ball Malarkey? :p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will TOR have the BioWare punchline?
04-23-2009, 11:35 AM
My Guess is your past will be left out and you'll just be a promising recruit in either faction. I cant see them being able to write a gary stu storyline into your experience successfully, and still have co-op story... unless the MMO elements are end...  [Read More]
Posted in: Low expectations high hopes.
04-14-2009, 8:06 AM
I'm with you... My initial thought when they announced this as an MMO was NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I love Bioware, I love Star Wars, I LOVE KotOR... But I fear those three things are lost just by the genre this game will be :( No Immersi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rumoured Planets?
04-13-2009, 8:35 AM
Wouldn't Coruscant be the one closest to the core? I would be very surprised if that is not a planet in the game. Guess I'm hoping for a few more original planets than what we see in that pic. You are Correct DM, I saw the map the dude used and it a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Retired SWG vet looking for feedback
04-14-2009, 1:56 PM
I thought I best chime in so you dont think you've been ignored hehe. I actually stopped playing a while back, but the game was getting much better around the beginning of 08 if that helps? :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Threat of Peace #4
04-11-2009, 3:10 PM
That's the Thing though, everything is going through Lucas... Have you seen Star recently? It's like How to make an Ahsoka doll from household materials... Not good. Star Wars is basically trying to pull all it's fingers...  [Read More]
Posted in: Threat of Peace #4
04-11-2009, 8:43 AM
It's like the new Concepts, It's basically Ord Mantel(Mustafar mining facility), Clone Armor, Clone Wars era looking ships, The Jedi temple as it looks in PT, The Senate as it looks in PT, Separatists, the Empire, The Sacking of Coruscant... it's jus...  [Read More]
Posted in: Threat of Peace #4
04-10-2009, 6:03 PM
List of idiotic KotOR-related assumptions, No. 725: Believing that Revan must have married and/or had children with Bastila, rules of the Jedi Order, commitments to the Jedi Order, and possibilities of their bond and/or relationship being one-way or...  [Read More]
Posted in: Threat of Peace #4
04-10-2009, 5:35 PM
I'm guessing the girl is a descendant of a Male Shan or Bastila had a son as a single mother (as Far as I know humans take the male second name in a marriage in the continuity)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ord Mantell Revealed for The Old Republic!
04-10-2009, 5:27 PM
hmmmm, still aint found the wow factor yet, dont get me wrong I appreciate the updates but the only thing that has even vaguely interested to me so far was the time line... Comic? thumbs down. Time line? Thumbs up. Bounty hunter? thumbs down. Planet...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Vidya Music
04-10-2009, 5:11 AM
#5 Always. and all the KotOR 1 music....  [Read More]
Posted in: Boxed Copy or Digital Download?
04-14-2009, 8:09 AM
I want a hard copy as it will be 100 times faster to install, but my Location in middle England dictates I will maybe have to wait for my copy, so I'll probably download anyway....  [Read More]
Posted in: SWTOR Timeline #1 Released
03-28-2009, 1:00 PM
LOVED it, very cool, wasn't expecting it :) I couldn't care less about TSL inclusion in it, as I disregard it myself anyway... but that's a discussion seen too many times on these boards hehe anyway back to tOR website......  [Read More]
Posted in: Geekiest Star Wars Related Things
04-25-2009, 6:44 AM
I'm a massive Closet Geek I'm afraid... most of my friends are completely straight up Sports bar types or Rock fans, they have little to no knowledge of my massive Star Wars related book, game and collectible hoard hehe. It's not that I'm embarrassed...  [Read More]
Posted in: Meet the Bounty Hunter
03-22-2009, 8:38 AM
I may roll a B/H in a year or two, when Jedi gets nerfed from the consistent whining that will undoubtedly ensue...  [Read More]
Posted in: (k1) Taris middle city
04-20-2009, 4:08 PM
you realise that mission couldnt have known zayne dont you based purely on her age shes only 14 in kotor all in all i must say its a masterful creation of modeling i look forwards to seeing the final product They meet when she was 7, in 'Knights of...  [Read More]
Posted in: (k1) Taris middle city
04-16-2009, 7:03 AM
If you DO put the Jedi tower in (they did blow it up good, but a basement or lower level of the abandoned building is not out of the question), I could whip up some dialogue for Carth and Mission to have some interesting things to say if you put a Za...  [Read More]
Posted in: (k1) Taris middle city
04-14-2009, 4:00 PM
Amazing! Cant wait for more screens :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: pc creation????
03-25-2009, 10:33 AM
as long as I dont have to look like Shrek, or only be able to wear a robe... I'm good. I want to blend in with the galaxy, be able to sheath my saber so people dont immediately know my class, you know, They think I'm gonna pull a pistol then they got...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your Favourite Planets!
03-31-2009, 5:35 AM
mandalore, definatley. and the mandalorians should wear beskar'gam for once in a game time Beskar'gam Just means "Iron Skin" in Mando'a, any armor worn by Mandalorians throughout history is Beskar'gam. Beskar is a very strong Mandalorian I...  [Read More]
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