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Posted in: Danger no longer present?
08-08-2009, 11:43 AM
Any Problems I have with the game are the "Other People" part, I have have no worries about Quality, story and gameplay... I just dont trust people to not ruin My experience. OT: I believe the Terrible mistakes SWG made have pushed a lot o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Zam interview with Hall Hood and Jake Neri
08-01-2009, 6:36 AM
Come again? Who are they trying to hype?12 year old fanboys? yup, well 12 yr old MMO players and casual fans...  [Read More]
Posted in: Threat of Peace: Act II, Issue III
08-08-2009, 11:38 AM
Really they should just hire Darkhorse. Unfortunately they already did lol, check the front page... admittedly the writing is Bioware :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Threat of Peace: Act II, Issue III
08-01-2009, 11:39 AM
dont really know who was in this issue as everyone seemed to be half in the frame... very weirdly drawn...  [Read More]
Posted in: 4 page interview at IGN
07-30-2009, 4:38 PM
Dont Worry, Sarcasm runs rampant hither...  [Read More]
Posted in: If you were on the Council would you...(longish)
07-22-2009, 8:53 AM
Fight Fire with Fire, Taskforce approved. The Sith Only fall when they are confronted, the fact they they may again return is out of the Council's control, and the lesser of two Evils. The Sith's very existence is to go against what the Jedi stand fo...  [Read More]
Posted in: How Will This Game Work?
07-20-2009, 6:41 AM
A lot of your concerns are mine too, but I have MMO experience, so I can guess how certain aspects will play out, But they are mainly just the parts involving other people. From the look of the UI the NPC interaction and Biowares claims of a soloable...  [Read More]
Posted in: The New Mandalore
07-20-2009, 6:20 AM
(perhaps I'm being too anal). Not at all, I think the Gladiator/Conan the destroyer look is Rubbish, Mandalore needs a closed Visor. Or at least a much better looking open one lol....  [Read More]
Posted in: 3rd Official Video Documentary - New gameplay!
07-18-2009, 11:15 AM
Looks pretty good, as expected. As I've said if the people who play when I'm playing arent too Obnoxious, and Bioware add just a bit more polish the the Characters looks etc.. Could well be awesome....  [Read More]
Posted in: KotOR Comics
08-06-2009, 7:02 PM
Hmmm, I'm not sure I'm following you on that adamqd. Are you saying that they were called Knights of the Old Republic in retrospect or do you mean that the title is actually printed on the TPB's? I've taken a Picture (  [Read More]
Posted in: KotOR Comics
08-06-2009, 2:15 PM
Well, I can tell you that the stories definitely take place in the Old Republic era, but they're more about the ancient wars between the Jedi and the Sith such as: The Hyperspace Wars The Great Hyperspace war was actually in the Prequel Comic releas...  [Read More]
Posted in: KotOR Comics
08-06-2009, 4:37 AM
agreed, TOTJ are the comic's that got me into the Old Republic era, way back in the mid 90's... they still stand out as great stories and art, and are the foundation for everything pre- 32 BBY...  [Read More]
Posted in: KotOR Comics
08-05-2009, 12:47 PM
Love em, collected them since day one. Issue 22: Knights of Suffering, Part 1... Is a KotOR 1 fanboys wet dream lol, check it out if you haven't already :) For the record I agree on the random Artist each week ruins the continuity of the line. I say...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why do you think TSL has so far been omitted?
07-22-2009, 9:14 AM
^^ Agreed, I think people forget that this aint gonna be 50 hour game lol, I'm sure the Devs are hoping for it to continue for years... we cant run the same starter content for 5 years haha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why do you think TSL has so far been omitted?
07-06-2009, 4:39 AM
TSL was crap... I joke, well I dont, I think it was rubbish compared to KotOR 1, but I realize that it was pretty deep and stepped out of the box... well, into a black hole (Anyone would think Tim Burton wrote it, with a little help from Tolkien) But...  [Read More]
Posted in: Collection of in-game footage
07-06-2009, 4:53 AM
Nice Video! although I almost vomited when I heard the Horrendous "Music" from the Crap wars cartoon (On Cartoon Network at 8! :roll)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Friday Update - The Return of the Mandalorians
07-09-2009, 7:43 AM
I have enough trouble understanding leet speak at the best of times - let alone 'Mando'a', as it's called by those fluent in it. Fortunately there's some good language resources out there to make sense of it, but I don't relish the idea of having to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Friday Update - The Return of the Mandalorians
07-08-2009, 4:16 PM
agreed. you see any negativity I have towards this game or its development is the MMO part (I Know kinda hard to miss lol) But I dont mean the mechanics of an MMO, the content, or even the subscription, it's the fact that I'll have absolutely no cont...  [Read More]
Posted in: Friday Update - The Return of the Mandalorians
07-04-2009, 4:10 PM
I mean "Too Cool" as in untouchable, like having them as a playable class would spoil them IMO....  [Read More]
Posted in: Friday Update - The Return of the Mandalorians
07-04-2009, 3:47 PM
I dont know If I want some degenerate running around talking leet at me, and acting a nub kid jerk, and knowing that he is legitimately a Mandalorion... not cool. I could live with it in SWG because it was just some Roleplay kid playing a Bounty Hunt...  [Read More]
Posted in: Friday Update - The Return of the Mandalorians
07-03-2009, 4:45 PM
Another great story and animation from Bioware, they always come up trumps in that respect, I just hope the large numbers of the community that will inevitably be groin organs, dont make all this hard work and preparation irrelevant when the game get...  [Read More]
Posted in: GIVE US AN UPDATE!!!!
07-03-2009, 4:47 PM
I hope they take their time tbh, I'd rather wait another 2 years than have an unfinished sub-par game....  [Read More]
Posted in: Concerned about a voiced MMO
07-02-2009, 7:02 AM
I wouldn't say I'm concerned, but with MMO's it takes the customization to a level that the Character (Unless you RP) is essentially you... and it's not like the Voice actors they employ will have a Middle England accent haha. I didn't like it in Mas...  [Read More]
Posted in: Some photoshop work
07-03-2009, 8:01 AM
That's also quite a Mincer pose for the fett dont ya think? Lol...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Knights of Holowan
06-22-2009, 10:45 AM
Although I've only leeched mods, (My only mods being personal tweaks) I would love to play this game with LF peeps for sure :)...  [Read More]
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