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Page: 69 of 214
Posted in: Strange Writings on the Flags
04-02-2005, 7:42 PM
Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin Not to derail this thread, but: So are identical twins not human? Are those born from in vitro fertilization not human? Are those born by c-section not human? If those are all human, I don't see how clones are...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange Writings on the Flags
04-02-2005, 7:22 PM
In the Star Wars universe the idea of a "soul" seems to be factual reality, not merely a unprovable belief based on faith. Unless we're to assume that Yoda, Luke, etc were all hallucinating. At least Jedi have souls, via the fact that they...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange Writings on the Flags
04-01-2005, 6:43 PM
Originally posted by Doomie They remind me of that skull on Boba's shoulder. Maybe it's written in 'Mandalorian' wich could make sense, since the clones are actually mandalorians... Dunno where you could find a translation though. Good finds on the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange Writings on the Flags
04-01-2005, 3:19 AM
I figured they could make up all sorts of jokes. There's alien writing on some of the wall textures in the various MP maps. Translate it and you'll probably find similar stuff. The alphabets they use are available as fonts on the 'net so you could f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question
04-01-2005, 1:47 AM
Do you mean in-game (Jedi Academy) or in the forums? For the latter you edit your profile (User CP) options, and this option is only available after you have a certain number of posts (I forget which). Colored names in JA has been posted about many...  [Read More]
Posted in: Are Stormtroopers... (clones or enlisted?)
04-03-2005, 4:56 PM
Originally posted by TK-8252 ...Except their officers. :) APRIL FOOL! Just kidding, I agree......  [Read More]
Posted in: Are Stormtroopers... (clones or enlisted?)
04-01-2005, 1:22 AM
Okay thanks. I kind of figured, but it's been a long time and for all I knew it was in the original Star Wars novel (which would make it G-level canon). I haven't read the Han Solo trilogy, so I asked. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Are Stormtroopers... (clones or enlisted?)
03-31-2005, 9:53 PM
It never says in the movies that Han Solo was ever part of the Empire, does it? Where does this info that he was an ex-Imperial actually come from originally? I'm just curious. 'Cause the charge is being made that Lucas is contradicting his own m...  [Read More]
Posted in: Are Stormtroopers... (clones or enlisted?)
03-30-2005, 9:53 PM
Guess I'll take your word for it (not reading the spoilers, but assuming your info is accurate). Of course unless it's explicitly stated in the new movie plenty of people won't accept it. They'll just say that in the 20+ years between trilogies it ch...  [Read More]
Posted in: Are Stormtroopers... (clones or enlisted?)
03-30-2005, 9:43 PM
Apparently Lucas now intends them to be Clones, all. This from the AOTC director's commentary. According to a LucasFilm rep (Pablo Hidalgo if I'm spelling his name right) in the OT era they've mixed in other "templates" for Clones from a v...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is Bacta the same thing as Kolto?
03-28-2005, 8:43 PM
Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin Well, according to the "Behind the Scenes (" tab: So I would assume that constitutes as G-Level canon. Sounds like a retcon to me. But wh...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is Bacta the same thing as Kolto?
03-28-2005, 6:43 PM
It would probably fit better in the Expanded Universe Star Wars forum... The Databank entry is good, but seemingly in error. We never see any "red translucent fluid" in ESB that is identified as Bacta. We just see Luke in a tank seemingly...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is Bacta the same thing as Kolto?
03-28-2005, 4:07 PM
Bacta that we know isn't from the movies either. Sure we have the "bacta tank" but what is it exactly? A little water tube that Luke is suspended in with a mask on and a giant diaper. We see a droid put a blinky light thing on the outside...  [Read More]
Posted in: problem - stuttering (JA)
03-27-2005, 2:39 AM
Can you be more specific? SP or MP? What's your framerate? What level is this on? What settings? Latest drivers for your video card?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Record
03-27-2005, 2:34 AM
Good call acdcfanbill, I always forget that part. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Who Has Read the Thrawn Trilogy?
04-01-2005, 8:00 AM
I remember buying all three books as a set and reading them back to back one summer vacation. For me the best thing about TTT (that's what people are calling it these days!) was the novelty of reading a set of "new" Star Wars adventures. I...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Academy Plot
03-31-2005, 10:00 PM
The prequels establish that you need not have Force Sensitive parents in order to be Force sensitive yourself. Anakin for example. But even if you disregard him as special ("the Chosen One") consider how a celibate order like the Jedi Knig...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally accused of cheating, how about you?
03-29-2005, 4:31 PM
So Tech support's opinion is that: "Speed Hack Detected" = "Connection Interrupted" in this game? Cool... and that's a relief. Too bad it will continue to fuel paranoia about cheaters until such time (if any) that they fix it. T...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally accused of cheating, how about you?
03-28-2005, 5:56 PM
Originally posted by Oidar [B]I've been bitched at cause i shot someone while they were typing. I figure if your gonna type then your taking your chances at being killed by me or someone else. Agreed, and generally accepted by the competative gami...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally accused of cheating, how about you?
03-28-2005, 3:56 PM
Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad Whoa, triple post there Kurgan :D But is it just me, or is this problem more common in the Star Wars MP gaming community. I've only played a bit of JO and JA MP and Battlefront other then RC. Battlefront didn't...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally accused of cheating, how about you?
03-27-2005, 8:23 PM
If a person accuses you, you could ask "how am I cheating?" that can sometimes buy you some time. I find it hard to believe that you were "kicked" though, considering nobody is able to kick people. The only way I've seen that p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally accused of cheating, how about you?
03-27-2005, 4:49 PM
On the upside, people have taken to calling me a "noob" now instead of a "hacker" (with few exceptions, heh). So I guess we're making progress!...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Oidar ugh, sleep? punish? slap? come on, last thing we need are admin tools with stuff like that. Kick and ban is all you need. The rest of those are a complete waste of code. That post has to be a joke. Maybe he's in a dif...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Oidar well I was looking at it from this angle. When LA released patches and additional levels for JO/JA they were just for the game. They also released the mod tools which you didn't need to have anything other than the game i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Draw a picture!
03-29-2005, 7:24 PM
Phirestorm, I disagree. His role would be diminished, but events would probably have occured more or less how they did....  [Read More]
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