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Page: 68 of 214
Posted in: RC profile names
04-11-2005, 12:56 PM
Mine's easy... Kurgan. Of course I hear my name is pretty common in games and on the internet. So if he's from Russia, it's his real last name or he plays Counter Strike, Quake2, EQ, WoW or Starcraft, that's not me. ;) I've never run into another &...  [Read More]
Posted in: Blooper
04-11-2005, 12:06 PM
As others have stated, the hand bonk IS a blooper. George decided to play off this well known gag by, rather than editing it out, throwing in an "explanation" of why it's there and having Jango bump his head in AOTC as an homage. So it's no...  [Read More]
Posted in: What EU are u reading now?
04-11-2005, 12:25 PM
Occasional bouts of RC MP. I got the Episode I Incredible Cross Sections from the library to skim through (only looked at parts of it a long time ago). That's pretty much it... I was playing JA hardcore for a long time, but I haven't played a seriou...  [Read More]
Posted in: Weapons are balanced, stop whining!
04-11-2005, 12:33 PM
A "class mod" would necessitate custom made maps for the purpose. Notice how in JA Siege it wasn't just a class mod that could be applied over the top of FFA in the normal maps. Instead you had custom maps, with goals and specific objective...  [Read More]
Posted in: Weapons are balanced, stop whining!
04-08-2005, 4:31 AM
Originally posted by Nokill As long NOBODY MESSES WHIT THE DMGes IM GLAD!!! :mad: i don't whant RC to end like JKA Don't you mean JK2? JA didn't mess with the damages of stuff, but JK2 did (a lot!). JA's problem was the popularity of admin mods...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pixel Shader
04-08-2005, 8:27 AM
Originally posted by legowar I wish someone would realize that I don't want to sell the video card because it would still cost quite a bit of money, and most people don't like used Video cards! : p Yeah, well what can you do? At least you'll get...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pixel Shader
04-04-2005, 9:36 PM
Sell your video card and get a new one that supports it? : P...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange Writings on the Flags
04-07-2005, 10:10 PM
Ok my bad, I glossed over "new map" when I should have read "Hangar." ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange Writings on the Flags
04-07-2005, 9:18 PM
For the guys who haven't memorized it, check out page 1 of this thread. I posted links to download the various fonts that are typically used. These star wars fonts can then be used to "translate" stuff assuming the game developers are using...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange Writings on the Flags
04-05-2005, 9:08 PM
Since the EU is so huge and expansive (not to mention expensive if you collected it all) it probably helps to make people nail down the sources they're talking about. You say most of this info comes from the Bounty Hunter game right? Maybe there's a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange Writings on the Flags
04-05-2005, 8:31 PM
Ok. I updated some of the links. Anyway, those were some I hadn't seen before, and maybe they'll help some other people out (edited the post since you posted btw). LukeKatarn, all I can say is "SEE WHAT I MEAN?" it's a confusing mess! Tha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange Writings on the Flags
04-05-2005, 7:31 PM
Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin Okay, I found another wierd one. On some crates on the Core Ship on Geonosis, the writing seems to say 'Hand turns makes' or 'hand turns majes'. It is a little blurry, so it might be a little off, but I can't seem...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange Writings on the Flags
04-05-2005, 7:22 PM
Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak Once again Kurgan, over thinking ;) Mandalorian were around before Jango Fett. Jango is not the only Mandalorian in the galaxy, and yes, he is human. I consider "Mandalorians" as a Galactic Ethnic group...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange Writings on the Flags
04-04-2005, 4:57 AM
Yeah sorry guys for my part in getting us off topic. You know I'm a sucker for religious discussions. ;) I'll leave the alien languages up to the experts! I downloaded some of those fonts, but I haven't gone through the game to try to decipher any o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Are Stormtroopers... (clones or enlisted?)
04-11-2005, 1:11 PM
Originally posted by Jan Gaarni Don't worry, Kurgan, my quote has been out on the market for years already, so it's not really a spoiler. :) I'm fairly sure I was replying to TK's post above your's, sorry if that wasn't clear. ;) Stuff that was w...  [Read More]
Posted in: Are Stormtroopers... (clones or enlisted?)
04-08-2005, 5:00 AM
Thanks guys. Well (that's a spoiler, but a very minor one), if this stuff is confirmed by the RotS official sources, then that's the official retcon. C-Level canon (new stuff overriding the old, I assume in light of any ROTS revelations). We have a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Are Stormtroopers... (clones or enlisted?)
04-04-2005, 9:47 PM
Originally posted by TK-8252 That leaked visual dictionary page... If that's G-level canon then fine, I'll again take your word for it, and assuming whatever that was carries over into the OT period. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Are Stormtroopers... (clones or enlisted?)
04-04-2005, 9:40 PM
Originally posted by TK-8252 Like the Sandtroopers with colored pauldrons ( ) and the black-uniformed officers in ANH ( ). One thing though, the...  [Read More]
Added the codes for the new "Hangar" map. Really easy to figure out, thankfully. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally accused of cheating, how about you?
04-11-2005, 12:43 PM
Yeah, I could care less if somebody whines and leaves (unless they're the host admin), what bugs me is if their crap rhetoric is believed by other people, thus leading to the entire game breaking down as everyone stops playing and starts whining and/...  [Read More]
Agreed, these guys are just trolling. Everybody knows how annoying it is to hear about the "goodness" of admin mods so they're just trying to start a fight. *loads shells into ban gun* Anyway, I guess we've got our "tools" now...  [Read More]
Posted in: What is canon ?
04-11-2005, 1:13 PM
Here's a good one that's easy to remember: Anything I like = Canon. Anything I don't like = Not Canon. ;) J/k, but that's what fans in a lot of fandoms do anyway... you just can't apply it to anyone else!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Console Commands (MP)?
04-07-2005, 9:05 PM
The Hangar map code was easy, I added it to the list linked above. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer Info (PC Version) -updated
04-07-2005, 9:09 PM
The new "Hangar" Map has been released by LucasArts. It's the only thing added by the official 1.0 patch (2.9 mb, available from a few sites now). It's a rather large map (intended for up to 16 players, in all four game modes) on a ship wi...  [Read More]
Posted in: cheats?
04-08-2005, 9:18 AM
You can't enable cheats on a server unless your are the admin of that server (ie: you've logged in admin access with Rcon, using your Rconpassword; though if it's hosted locally or non-dedicated you may not need to enter the password to admin your ow...  [Read More]
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