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Page: 50 of 214
Posted in: List of maps possibly in the Final Version...
10-09-2005, 9:49 PM
For a clue as to GC works, check out SWBF1... The only question that remains is can we play the mode in multiplayer (as you could on the console, but not on the PC, in SWBF1)... Thanks for getting back on track btw!...  [Read More]
Posted in: List of maps possibly in the Final Version...
10-09-2005, 2:42 AM
Uncomfortable?? Small??? My HOME THAT WAS! :yodaball: Judge that map by its size did you?...  [Read More]
Posted in: List of maps possibly in the Final Version...
10-09-2005, 2:19 AM
So they nixed the two old Kashyyk maps (which would be odd sine those were directly from ROTS) and Geonosis (awww, I liked that map)? Doh!...  [Read More]
Posted in: List of maps possibly in the Final Version...
10-08-2005, 11:47 PM
Of course I took the lazy way out and just copied this list from the directories in the SWBF2 beta. So it may not look anything like this, but perhaps you can help me with a few of them: bes1 (Bespin from SWBF1) bes2 (Bespin #2 from SWBF1) cor1 (C...  [Read More]
Posted in: Post All Beta Command Line Arguments Here
10-08-2005, 11:24 PM
As our friend TAW_Banzai posted (some editing here of his list): /autonet dedicated -sets the server into dedicated mode, use "listen" instead of dedicated and remove /norender, /nosound, /win and change the resolution to play it non-dedi...  [Read More]
10-08-2005, 11:46 PM
They never released a Linux server build for SWBF1? For shame Pandemic/Lucasarts! That explains why there are so few dedicated servers up... ;P If SWBF2 doesn't have one, it likely will meet the same fate. This is just essential nowadays......  [Read More]
Posted in: maul vs obi!
10-09-2005, 3:17 AM
THE BADGER: wrote a thread with all the Jedi Heroes a LONG time ago; and I still don't see the point in this thread :indif: Can't blame new people for not reading every single thread and/or using the search function though can you? (sides, if they u...  [Read More]
Posted in: Darth Vader's Force skills, gosh!
10-09-2005, 5:18 AM
I don't see why he can't just build some special "lightning gauntlets" into his suit's arms, since they're artificial anyway, but I guess LucasLiscensing has spoken, and it's "official." Blah... ;P It's all because they wanted to...  [Read More]
Posted in: They Missed Out (on their opportunities...)
10-09-2005, 9:56 PM
If the mini-ATST is that two legged vehicle the clones have, you can kill the pliot. I've snipped many off their vehicles. :atat: :snipe1: If that's true, then perhaps it only works for the sniper rifle. I was in a hover tank, targetted the pilot wi...  [Read More]
Posted in: They Missed Out (on their opportunities...)
10-09-2005, 6:49 PM
So just have them eject and disappear. Or imagine they have escape pods. Doesn't matter. ;) Yes, I had Obi-Wan tramping around in his mini-ATST the other day. It's odd you know, with that vehicle the pilot is completely exposed, and yet you can blas...  [Read More]
Posted in: They Missed Out (on their opportunities...)
10-09-2005, 3:30 AM
Lando is a businessman he couldn't possibly be a hero. Lando was a card player, gambler and scoundrel. I don't know if he's as fast a draw as Han, but I'm sure he has to have some combat skills or he wouldn't have survived like he did! (I mean non-p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hunt mode!
10-08-2005, 7:00 PM
Well perhaps they don't have enough "time" to adapt it for Multiplayer. After all, in the PC version Galactic Conquest mode was single player only, yet I hear in the console version you could play it with two people... So the same thing mi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Heroes.. kinda fun
10-09-2005, 3:27 AM
Yeah, the Jedi can't use Force Jump while holding the flag, but otherwise they are unhindered... Btw, this is probably old news to people, but if FriendlyFire is on, and you're a Hero, killing your teammates is the same as taking damage (reduces you...  [Read More]
ok I edited the batch files slightly, here are the new ones: Normal Server: BattlefrontIIEngBeta.exe /win /norender /nosound /autonet dedicated /resolution 640 480 /gamename PublicServer /tps 20 /playerlimit 10 /playercount 1 /bots 10 /noaim /dif...  [Read More]
I blanked out your admin password for you (but not your server password because I guess you want us to be able to join from this forum, right?). Don't post your admin password in public (better change it, quick!) or anyone can just log on and change...  [Read More]
If you want a LAN game, just add this command: /lan ;)...  [Read More]
Excellent.. so which settings did you end up using? A dev came on my server called Lucas_arts242 and i asked him about the what the /hrplayer values mean and he said that 1=kills 2=points. for those people who dont know what the /hrplayer cmd repres...  [Read More]
Okay, found some interesting info on the beta forum, that might help: /heroes 1 /hrunlock 5 /hrunlockvalue 5 /hrplayer 7 /hrteam 2 /hrrespawn 2 /hrrespawnvalue 5 Here’s what I’ve tested and confirmed. /hrunlock unlocks the hero based on...  [Read More]
Well, I've tried everything I can think of off-hand. Apparently you can't change the defaults... all you can do is either have heroes as they are, or turn them off completely. Unless there's some new command I haven't tried. I tried making up a few...  [Read More]
Yep, I see this has been a learning experience for me as well. Check my post again (edited it like 4 times now!). The above loads up and in fact I have your server running right now. I am just going to join it and see if I can be a hero right off the...  [Read More]
There you go, there it is! Except for the heroes part, which I'm working on now. But I do suggest you learn how the values work, otherwise how will you ever admin your server? ;) I added in the hero stuff but haven't even tested it yet, so try this...  [Read More]
Could someone please answer my post? Oh I see you want us to DO IT FOR YOU. Heh. I told you HOW to do it, but you just want us to give you something to copy and paste I take it. Well since I'm feeling like a nice guy, I'll do it for you just this o...  [Read More]
Posted in: battle ON coruscant?
10-09-2005, 10:01 PM
The Empire is the Republic, so they could have never fought. Thats why I picked CIS vs Rebels. But a Empire vs. the Republic battle I would love to see. Who cares if it never happened? 99% of the stuff in SWBF never happened and never could happen i...  [Read More]
Posted in: battle ON coruscant?
10-09-2005, 9:54 PM
Except that all the droids were probably melted down or something after Sidious deactivates them. I mean, you don't have billions of Battle Droids running around in the OT... You have a few. ;) There's even stories of old battle droids attacking N...  [Read More]
Posted in: battle ON coruscant?
10-09-2005, 6:42 PM
I want the Empire vs. the Republic.. All those white plastic uniforms, it'd be chaos! ;) I figure the locations will be just that... locations, for a battle between the standard factions. Will they do like what they did with SWBF1 and have some maps...  [Read More]
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