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Page: 47 of 214
Posted in: In game pictures of all Heros...
10-18-2005, 11:04 PM
Interesting.. I'll check that out! Early on they talked of a "Celebrity Deathmatch" option or mode or something. Hopefully that's still planned for......  [Read More]
Posted in: Site updated
10-18-2005, 11:07 PM
They don't have every unit listed. Also I see again they're claiming these battles will be "any way you want.(tm)" Hopefully they'll make good on that promise this time!...  [Read More]
Posted in: What teh hell!
10-18-2005, 6:10 AM
In your setup, turn off auto downloading and try again. See, if you have auto downloading on, it will ALWAYS try to download any mods that the server has, even if they are server side, even if they are superfulous, like a bot route for a map that's n...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA+ Mod 2.4Beta1 And JA+ Plugin1.4Beta1
10-18-2005, 6:32 PM
Okay, so you can't, for example, in the middle of a fight, turn on "chat god" in order to avoid being killed, or disrupt a battle that's going on (standing in the middle of a hallway invincible)? And you can't sleep somebody as they are ju...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA+ Mod 2.4Beta1 And JA+ Plugin1.4Beta1
10-18-2005, 3:15 AM
Hi, Highlander is very old in JA+ mod. I am surprised you don't know it. Let's make a quick summmary. Highlander is made to recreate the movie ambiance of Highlander. It is a modification of the FFA gametype. At the beginning of a match, all players...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA+ Mod 2.4Beta1 And JA+ Plugin1.4Beta1
10-18-2005, 3:12 AM
thanks kurgan, but instead of saying this is less abusable, you could simply say that JA+ IS NOT ABUSABLE any more. I am really wondering how you could now abuse with JA+... But nevermind , if someone find a way, just let me know so that i can better...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA+ Mod 2.4Beta1 And JA+ Plugin1.4Beta1
10-18-2005, 3:07 AM
oh f**k yeah for the HTTP redirects.. :D been lookin for a m0d that can do this for a long time.. Don't get me wrong, it's a good feature for slider to have in his mod, but IIRC, Xmod2 and RedSlushie have both had this feature for a long time......  [Read More]
Posted in: JA+ Mod 2.4Beta1 And JA+ Plugin1.4Beta1
10-16-2005, 9:20 PM
Whats highlander FFA? Reminds me of the old sword fighting show and movie, where the dudes were invincible and the only way to kill them was to slice of their heads. I have wondered that myself! I often desired to make a Highlander mod for one of...  [Read More]
As to the issue of removing /win, you do that so you don't play in a window. You can have 1280x1024 resolution (or whatever) and still play in a window. Most people don't like to play in a window, but a few do. For hosting a dedicated server you want...  [Read More]
It's just: /autonet listen Instead of "dedicated." Get rid of /win, set the resolution to whatever you normally like to use, and get rid of /norender. That's about it! ;)...  [Read More]
Oh ok. Well TG seems pretty reliable so I'll trust you. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Release Date concerns
10-18-2005, 1:41 AM
By that time they will have beaten the game (remember most kids beat games in one sitting nowadays!) and will brag about it. Then you will :crybaby: ! Also, that 24 hour headstart will mean you will be pwn3d online! :mob:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Release Date concerns
10-17-2005, 7:14 PM
Happy Halloween.... eh heh heh....  [Read More]
Posted in: Does it work?
10-18-2005, 6:08 AM
You can't use mods with the Demos of JK2 or JA, sorry. The console versions don't accept mods either, unfortunately. One more reason to buy the full version for PC! Besides, you can download and play (or extract from the demo you already installed)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question?
10-18-2005, 1:46 AM
Poor fella, he just lacked the articulation in his question. Yes, apparently there's "Space Troopers" that have jet packs, magnetic boots and fusion cutters, etc, for boarding actions and can hop onto capital ships. It's a purely EU creatio...  [Read More]
Posted in: Post All Beta Command Line Arguments Here
10-18-2005, 9:06 PM
Maybe we should create servers titled "SpaceGuy is a Doofus!" running that or some other map not in the beta. ;) Ha! Done. ;) Gamename "Spaceguy_Is_Nuts!" map: spa3c_ass (Space Kashyyyk) or spa9g_ (Space Tatooine) or spa8g_ (S...  [Read More]
Posted in: Post All Beta Command Line Arguments Here
10-18-2005, 8:15 PM
You know, I thought of another possibility. Perhaps this Spaceguy simply edited his LVL files to display the NAME "Space Kashyyk", knowing full well that people would see it and be jealous, but nobody could join it and prove that it was re...  [Read More]
Posted in: Post All Beta Command Line Arguments Here
10-16-2005, 5:29 PM
Point taken. ;) I thought you were implying they were playable! PS: Updated my list post above!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Post All Beta Command Line Arguments Here
10-16-2005, 5:24 PM
They don't work. No fatal error, but unplayable... (because there's no map present). As others have pointed out, you can view the loading screen for that map, but that's it, in the beta. And yes, it does list them as "2 flag ctf" in the br...  [Read More]
Posted in: Post All Beta Command Line Arguments Here
10-16-2005, 5:19 PM
Ok. I'll give it a shot then....  [Read More]
Posted in: New Modes Playable?
10-18-2005, 7:54 PM
How could you play them if the maps don't exist? Give us the commands already! You can't have "accidentally" played them, you'd have had to use a command string, which would be saved in the file! Spit it out! ;) If you're secretly using a...  [Read More]
Posted in: A few questions...
10-18-2005, 6:00 PM
I've heard that the human lifespan in the Star Wars galaxy is something like 120 years. I don't know if that's average or what, or even the source, but I've heard some fans cite it as authoritative....  [Read More]
Sounds like an idiot... Two possibilities 1) He's a big fat stinking liar (I'm going to put my money on this one). Why lie? To make people jealous that's why. We all want to play these "new" maps. The same thing happened quite a bit in th...  [Read More]
Posted in: How will you tactically fight?
10-18-2005, 5:00 AM
Thanks for the info! 2 Years before ANH? So they could theoretically throw in Kyle Katarn (still working for the Empire at this time?)...  [Read More]
I think my portable dvd-player must have something like auto-adjust because everything was also normal at ANH. Perhaps it did. Who knows. I know of some TV sets that have auto-adjusting sound (lots of movies have super quiet and then super loud, I'v...  [Read More]
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